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  1. E

    Skyfactory 3 crash when generating chunks in RFTools Dimension

    Title Skyfactory 3 crash when generating chunks in RFTools Dimension Launcher Type Twitch Desktop App Modpack Skyfactory 3 Modpack version 3.0.13 Have you modified the pack? Yes Link to log file Details of the issue Optifine is also...
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    My Resonant Rise Let's Play (Resonant Rise Modpack)

    Configs are not private, however the public version is slightly behind the one being tested.
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    The Ultimate Tinkers Construct Tools

    am I the only one that thinks moss just ruins the look of the tools? they're normally all nice and clean looking, but when you add moss you get this weird green crap covering your cool-looking tools.
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    My Resonant Rise Let's Play (Resonant Rise Modpack)

    well, upon *you*. I'm not lucky enough to be on the server -_-
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    My Resonant Rise Let's Play (Resonant Rise Modpack)

    Weird, the IC2 link doesn't seem to be working for me. Well, from what I understand the 1.5.2 update for this is nearly upon us so maybe I'll wait until then to get everything working.
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    My Resonant Rise Let's Play (Resonant Rise Modpack)

    Question...I couldn't find the download for IC2 for 1.5.1 or the download for Chickenbones' translocator mod. Could anyone point me towards where I could download them?
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    PS4 vs. Xbox One

    It's a tough call for me between the XBone and just getting an actual gaming PC. I have a feeling that I'm going to end up getting an xbox, if only because my friends are definitely going to get one and I want to play next-gen halo games.
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    which version of optifine should i install for 1.4.7?

    1.4.6 is the one you should use, it didn't need to be updated for 1.4.7.
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    Renewable Forestry Fertilizer

    I wouldn't say renewable fertilizer is unnecessary. Anyways, the thaumcraft recipe increases your yield with a bit of vis and the industrial fertilizer doesn't work in forestry farms (which has already been pointed out in this thread).
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    New idea for TE

    Have to say, while the idea seems pretty well thought-out it also sounds awfully similar to AE's system, minus the power requirement.
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    Low FPS DW20

    I disagree, I have the same CPU but I NEED optifine to play modded MC at above 10 FPS. That said, you have a good graphics card so I imagine you should be set, I don't think it's a hardware problem. does this happen with every world you start, or only in worlds you've been playing for a while...
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    [16x] The Painterly Addon Pack!

    I will have some free time over the next few days, I could get started on it. TBH the worst part is probably going to be keeping filenames straight.
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    Is the quartz knife supposed to be consumed when you use it?

    It's not a problem simply with the collection of mods in mindcrack vs ultimate. The same thing happened to quite a few people when RP2 Pre5 was released with handsaws. I believe it's a forge version issue, though I don't remember for sure.
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    how do i get the repair enchantment on a book?

    elemental tools require thaumium tools to make. As for robes though, you are correct.
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    Why i hate Xycraft

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    Why i hate Xycraft

    The stuff HAS uses, from construction blocks to a variety of basic machines. maybe you don't think that it's enough, but that's why they allow you do disable mods in the launcher -- if you disagree with the decision that the mod belongs in the modpack, then remove it. it's not difficult, in fact...
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    [16x] The Painterly Addon Pack!

    on TC3 retextures: I think most of the default TC3 textures are fine, but there are a few that should probably be changed (elemental tools, possibly golems) EDIT: Also, mystraft textures need to be changed, at the moment the interface is a bit difficult to use. part of the writing desk...
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    Terrafirmacraft Coming to FTB!?

    All I can say is...gooooood luck with that. I think you'll find it more complicated than you currently understand.
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    Looking for Bee Jokes/Puns

    You can't bee serious. what possible purpose could there bee for all these horrible puns?
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    Red Power 2 - Tube like Buildcraft Ironpipe

    From what I can tell, there's nothing in RP2 that does exactly what you're looking for. if what you want is an overflow inventory, well that's what Restriction tubes are for. if you just want something one-way you can use a transposer. Items will only go back to the machine they were ejected...