PS4 vs. Xbox One

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PS4 vs. Xbox One

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Creeper Be Creepin

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Both of the new consoles look amazing (at least from all of the pictures I've seen.) But the question here is which one do you prefer, Sony's PS4 or Microsoft's Xbox One? I too have yet to decide but E3 in a couple of weeks will surely help with the answer. With the in formation that we have right now from Microsoft and Sony which choice will you make?
They have a better console than those two already. Its called a PC. Especially since both of them now are on x86 processors. I'm not interested in either of them. My PS3 is nothing but a Blu-Ray & Netflix player anyway
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I have an allergy to gaming consoles. -sneezes-
I don't use them anyway so I'mma stick with my (admittedly shitty) laptop.

Sent from my phone using black magic
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They have a better console than those two already. Its called a PC. Especially since both of them now are on x86 processors. I'm not interested in either of them. My PS3 is nothing but a Blu-Ray & Netflix player anyway
Huge difference between proprietary console and operating systems, especially in terms of profit.

Don't really care about it right now, but from what I'm seeing, it looks like PS4 is coming out ahead due to some...questionable policies that come with the XBox One.
Don't really care about it right now, but from what I'm seeing, it looks like PS4 is coming out ahead due to some...questionable policies that come with the XBox One.
The Xbox is creepy, it "watches" you. I knew it would be creepy once they introduced the kinect.
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It's a tough call for me between the XBone and just getting an actual gaming PC. I have a feeling that I'm going to end up getting an xbox, if only because my friends are definitely going to get one and I want to play next-gen halo games.
If I had to choose between the two, PS4 simply because of all the issues with XBO that MS is trying to sweep beneath the rug. If I had a choice, sticking with PC and maybe get PS4 after it eventually becomes cheaper and there are some good games on it. As it stands with the whole having to pay for used games, having to have an internet connection, and constant Kinect spying on you only someone who is ignorant of these functions or is rather...touched...would prefer the XBO given the information that has been released. Don't be surprised if some games that are multi-platform look mediocre given the differences in specs between the two systems...but then it all looks mediocre compared to high end gaming PCs.
I would choose the ps4 for one gigantic reason that Sony finally did right. The entire system is based on what third party developers wanted. Sony actually went to many 3PDs (both major and small) and got their input during the entire course of the development of the ps4. Everything is made with what they wanted to see instead of just releasing another "power" console that required the first 3 years of its life for developers just to learn the SDK.

Granted, it's nothing near a even what a well built $1000 pc can do.
Once again, it's going to be the games that are going to be a huge factor to consider when picking either of these. That being said, I feel no need to buy a console and will continue to stick to my computer which can outperform both of these consoles, with the added benefit of being able to use it for anything, not just plain gaming.
Where's the Wii U or PC option? (more PC, since gen 8 of consoles isn't really good. Wii U at least makes it so you don't need to be online at all.)