Renewable Forestry Fertilizer

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Using saltpeter, and the GregTech recipe you can create 20 pieces of fertilizer per craft. Now you might remember that crafting saltpeter with the compressed air cells, nitrogen cells and potassium cells actually consumes the cell. But if you use the GregTech electric crafting table, you can craft the 10 saltpeter, and it will give you your cells back, then you could refill them and repeat the process :) All you will need is enderpearls for the nitrogen (shouldn't be too hard with an enderman farm in the end or a soulshard/autospawner) and of course some power for the electric crafting table and some sand/dirt for actually making the fertilizer
Industrialcraft based fertilizer does not work in forestry machines, to my extreme chagrin. I _so_ wish it did; every time this comes up people are all "bruh 1 apatite vein will feed your farm for weeks what's the problem" but they must be playing a different game, cause my farms blow through a stack in just 2 hours(ish).
Industrialcraft based fertilizer does not work in forestry machines, to my extreme chagrin. I _so_ wish it did; every time this comes up people are all "bruh 1 apatite vein will feed your farm for weeks what's the problem" but they must be playing a different game, cause my farms blow through a stack in just 2 hours(ish).

Are you using the concentrated compound + ash recipe? It gives you 24 fertilizer per apatite, which is the most efficient I could find. Ash can be a bit of a pain to get in mass quantities, though - main (only?) ways I know to get it are as a byproduct from certain GregTech things (implosion compressor mainly), fiendish bees, and peat engines (or just smelting peat in a furnace).
dark ashes you get from making steel in a gregtech industrial blast furnace. You can centrafuge that into ash. Kind of a waste of coal (needs 2) but if you need the ash for fert can be done.
For renewable fertilizer, which is just plain unnecessary, I think there's something in Thaumcraft that allows that, or use Gregtech Saltpeter and an Electric Crafting Table (you'll get back the cells.)
I wouldn't say renewable fertilizer is unnecessary. Anyways, the thaumcraft recipe increases your yield with a bit of vis and the industrial fertilizer doesn't work in forestry farms (which has already been pointed out in this thread).
I was using the ash yes, from peat engines (that was their entire purpose for me). I also used the TC doubling for a bit, but no matter what I did, what wand I used, it would never convert more than one at a time (which obviously is unbearably slow and labor / click intensive).[DOUBLEPOST=1369444061][/DOUBLEPOST]
For renewable fertilizer, which is just plain unnecessary,

I humbly disagree. I spent hours flying around looking for veins every day just to stay ahead of the demand.
I also used the TC doubling for a bit, but no matter what I did, what wand I used, it would never convert more than one at a time (which obviously is unbearably slow and labor / click intensive).

Weird. Did you have enough Messis in a nearby crucible? I normally put a stack of apatite on my infusion altar, throw in 48 pumpkins at a time, then shift click and get a stack of concentrated compound. Using a wand of the adept, it goes down to 90 vis, so I have to wait for it to recharge before doing the other half stack of apatite. Dunno why it would only do one at a time for you.
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Weird. Did you have enough Messis in a nearby crucible? I normally put a stack of apatite on my infusion altar, throw in 48 pumpkins at a time, then shift click and get a stack of concentrated compound. Using a wand of the adept, it goes down to 90 vis, so I have to wait for it to recharge before doing the other half stack of apatite. Dunno why it would only do one at a time for you.

Nice, I'll give that a try once my server decides to reset and I play again, thank you for the clickbyclick, I know what I was doing wrong now :)

That only gives a wee bit more breathing room though; Apatite veins are nowhere near as common as people think. A block here or there yea, you see that a lot, but those hugggggge veins that give up like 8 stacks? Yea, those are NOT common, and since you go through it all so quick, you end up very rapidly spiraling out extending your world needlessly.

All that doesn't matter though if Apatine bees are in as an above poster said, that fixes everything assuming they put out a decent amount when bred to perfection.
It's intentional so that auto-farming can never be truly 100% input-less, as far as I know.

I know that that IS the case but I still find it counter-intuitive. It's Forestry, the whole point is eco-reciprocity and sustainability. The balance point (in my mind anyway) is supposed to be the effort it takes to REACH full self-sustainment. If I go the bio route I personally believe it should be able to GET to full automation, because it takes almost infinitely more effort than just lava, or coal. I'll live though, Sengirs work is amazing, and the Apatine bees allow me to do exactly as I stated above, even if they're not part of Forestry proper.
Two words:
Thaumic Bees.
The Magic Compound (from research) is useable as a Fertiliser replacement.

It's kinda not, sadly. Concentrated Compound just lets you increase the amount of fertilizer you get from the Apatite that you mine; you still consume Apatite when making it.

But it's awesome to hear about Apatite bees; that'll solve the problem admirably. :)
Am i the only one who doesnt understand why mulch and compost doesnt work as fertilizer?
Once upon a time, mulch and compost worked as fertilizer.
Then Sengir said "Nerf everything!" and everything was nerfed.
The end.
I'm confused, the OP's idea has nothing to do with industrialcraft fertilizer.

He is proposing to use two potassium cells + two nitrogen cells + three compressed air cells for 20 saltpeter dust recipe to get infinite saltpeter, and then using the saltpeter + 2 dirt + 2 sand recipe for infinite forestry fertilizer.

That seems 100% renewable to me, or am I just missing something?
Apatite is too easy to get in mass quantities to make this worthwhile to me. But to each their own.