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  1. N

    FPS loss

    Only by upgrading your system i'm afraid or play without heavy modpacks.
  2. N

    Setting up remote server

    no idea what you mean, there are several FAQ / Tutorials how to setup a server, so with abit of google that whouldn't be to hard. what do you mean by when your using an mod item or block you get end of stream? End of stream can be several things, most likely that your connection dropped to the...
  3. N

    FPS loss

    if you get 30 - 35 FPS on a vanilla instance, then 10 - 15 FPS in a modpack aint that strange. The mods use of extra CPU power / memory, wich offcourse decreases your FPS.
  4. N

    Problem My MindCrack FTB server is running, but can't reach server?!?! Please help!

    is the server on a windowsmachine? ifso try to run the launcher on the same machine and then connect to the server. If that works it's a port or ipadress issue. Do you have the ip-adres on the server fixed or does it get an IP-adres from a DHCP server (like a router)?
  5. N

    Windows .exe Extra Biome's Crash

    he means: post the logs to and link them here so we can read whats going wrong
  6. N

    How to Disable Rei's Minimap Showing Server I.P?

    I have no idea how to change the rei'sminimap IPadresses, whould need to check if thats possible when i'm home from work later today note: java -Xms2G -Xmx4G -jar mindcrack.jar whould mean that the server uses atleast 2GB and max 4GB in general we advise to keep -XMS the way it was (-XMS512M)
  7. N

    Solved Missing blocks and unable to place new ones

    Do the other users who connect to the server have the same problem? So they don't see those blocks neither and can't replace them? If so then your world might be corrupt. If not there might be a problem with your client. I do know there was a setting in forestry for bees and tree breeding not...
  8. N

    Low FPS(MindCrack Version)

    The FPS drops are prob caused due the way java handles all the mods, with more mods = more javalag. Your spec are not really that insane, only 2ghz / core on the cpu is your bottleneck. Can check what fraps does with my 2600k on sunday, but prob the same. I can test to see how xsplit and...
  9. N

    Feed The Beast Bukkit Server Guide (Video)

    if you change the actual 2 lines into a code line ppl should be able to copy and paste the lines in there .bat file ;)
  10. N

    It ain't working...

    Does the console stay empty thats not normal, there should be alot of texts in it. Does the launcher stay on the screen where you can press launch? if so - is your profile maybe gone (aka your minecraft login)?
  11. N

    Problem DW20 server, Nether avg tick 200+

    Is there anything in the serverlogfiles why he can't keep up? in general before he starts writing can't keep up something is written in the files that the server is doing.
  12. N

    Removing items (mining laser)

    Normally all items that are removeable are removeable in the configfiles, no need for external programs.
  13. N

    Problem DW20 Missing Mods

    Did you have a server running with an older packversion and upgraded it? ifzo you need to manual delete all old versions of the mods. Since they are twice in your mod dir. Had this problem myself when upgrading. Portalgun 1.4.6v2 was in DW20v3 while DW20v4 has 1.4.7v2. EDIT: Did you...
  14. N

    Problem People cannot join my server

    the server makes logsfiles, can you paste those on pastebin and link them? that way we might see whats going wrong.
  15. N

    Solved Missing blocks and unable to place new ones

    sounds like a forestry problem, not sure whats causeing it. Can you post some logs to pastebin and link them?
  16. N

    Windows .exe Not working...

    Posting a logfile will allow other peaple to check and see what going wrong and help you. With the above problem description itself people can only make guesses to where the problemen lays
  17. N

    Server crash when entering a new Mystcraft world

    i have had these problems aswell, told my members to put that book in a chest so i could destroy it and remove the folder from the server. As far as i know it has something to do with a corruptworldgeneration that atm isn't fixable. Tried several things on my testserver to see whats causing...
  18. N

    Problem surver reload

    did you goto the location above and check if there was a item 30872 (dyePowder) causing some problems? 'newmap', x=167,77, y=57,13, z=349,68. did you try to stop and start the server to see if that helps?
  19. N

    Problem surver reload

    do you have a copy of your serverlogfile or crashreport? this is from the console by the looks and prob lacks some information. What i can see from this lil paste is that a dyePowder is located wrong, but that shouldn't crash your server.
  20. N

    Railcraft Crash Can't Load world

    if i remember correctly (from other posts in the several forums) there is an issue with sending carts through portals atm. are you connection to a server or on you localpc? EDIT found on of the posts: