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  1. N

    Windows .exe FTl not installed :(

    1) did your friend choose the right pack in the launcher? looks like he choose the wrong pack. 2) how do you mean how can i install worldanchor on the server? as far as i know worldanchor is part of the railcraftmod, so if it aint in the FTB pack then you need to download and install it manually...
  2. N

    Problem Port Bind Exception...

    did you change the ipadress / port in the config? you should leave these the way they are 25565 (or what you have forwarded) and the server IP to nothing / empty, this allows the server to bind to any IP-adres rather then only your internal or external IPadres. most websites can't check for...
  3. N

    Problem DW20 Server lag

    edit your serverstart.bat (when using windows) or edit when your using a NIX based OS. in the file you will see a line with -xmx1G, change this to a the amount of GB ram you want the server to use as maximum at the very end of that line add nogui Example of the way it should...
  4. N

    Problem Keeping Dynmap from rendering mystcraft worlds?

    as far as i know you can only disable the worlds where you know the worldnumber of, can't recall there is an option to disable all rendering and just enable it for certain worlds.
  5. N

    Warning about Dynmap

    According to the official github: worlds: - name: world title: "My Great World" enabled: true template: mycustomtemplate sendposition: true sendhealth: true fullrenderlocations: - x: 100...