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  1. N

    Error: You don't have FML installed, you cannot connect to this server

    did you use the same modpack as downloaded for the server? What modpack (and version) are you trying to start?
  2. N

    Removing portal gun grabbing feature
  3. N

    how do i add the twilight forest to my server files on the direwolf pack?

    download the mindcrak pack, take the twilightforest files and configs from there and past them in your dw20 server folder
  4. N

    Black screen on load up

    Your running windows 64bit [12:51:07] [INFO] LaunchFrame.main:162: Java version: 1.6.0_38 update your java to v7 64bit version
  5. N

    Mac Direwolf v5 mystcraft crash

    2013-01-25 18:46:08 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Loading dimension 12 (Brink) (bdz@209e235b) 2013-01-25 18:46:08 [INFO] [STDOUT] Unable to find spawn biome 2013-01-25 18:46:22 [INFO] [STDERR] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: l 2013-01-25 18:46:22 [INFO] [STDERR] at a.<init>(
  6. N

    Solved Server.BAT Not Working..?

    \New folder (2)> is prob your problem, we found out several times that non (alpha)numeric characters cause stuff to crash. rename that map to FTB orso
  7. N

    Request for a backup mod.

    You can upgrade it later if you like it, it's just adding a serialkey to your config :)
  8. N

    Problem Adding more mods to my FTB Server

    This one works on my server, you have to read how to install though otherwise it won't work
  9. N

    Problem need to allocate more ram

    your using the .batfile to start the server i hope not the .jar file?
  10. N

    Server Lag

    @goldarv, your uploadspeed is prob to low. i have seen dw20 / mindcrackpack connections spiking between 500kbit - 1mbit per player the warning could be alot of things, from alot happening to redstone machines etc.
  11. N

    Windows .exe Please Help FTB Server has a crash report

    Next time please upload it to pastebin so we don't have to download the logfile :) at thaumcraft.common.SaveManager.loadAuras( at thaumcraft.common.EventHandler.worldLoad(
  12. N

    Strange connection issue

    that is exactly how it should be, in the windows explorer can you there see the other pc?. by the looks does you laptop use DHCP since he had .39 before, wich aint a problem since the netmask and gateway+dns are good. i have the feeling something in your router ( is stopping the...
  13. N

    Mac Changing old world config

    it is possible, if you edit manual the id's of the configfiles of FTB. Keep in mine if FTB uses more or less mods then your old pack it can cause problems with the worldgen
  14. N

    Windows .exe Why does minecraft keep crashing?

    you have an redpower control error, not sure where it's comming from. your running single player or multiplayer(server)?
  15. N

    Windows .exe Connecting to Server crash

    It looks something with a train, and the orientation of the actual block of it at src.train.common.tile.TileHelper.getOrientationFromSide( at src.train.common.blocks.BlockDistil.d(
  16. N

    Windows .exe Minecraft unexpectedly crashed

    seems either NEI is causing a problem or there is a connection issue, wich as i saw in an other post is rather strange since your running single player >.<
  17. N

    Red Power Bug Report

    you got something with wireless redstone thats getting loaded or unloaded?
  18. N

    Help Plz

  19. N

    Mindcrack FTB world can't open

    at forestry.core.genetics.Chromosome.writeToNBT( at forestry.core.genetics.Genome.writeToNBT(
  20. N

    mods do not install bug

    drag the laucher? you shouldn't be needing to drag anything. You should select the desktop when your downloading the laucher.( save as...) sorry i'm at work atm so can't start skype