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  1. N

    Redstone Energy Cell

    That is what my experience says too, quarries will eat all the power you can give them, but there is no noticeable difference to the speed of the quarry once you hit a certain level of power.
  2. N

    Does the modpack have EE or RP2

    What about the gems and the volcanos? Also where did you read this about the devs? I haven't seen this said before.
  3. N

    Does the modpack have EE or RP2

    Since RP2 adds lots of worldgen items, you need to clarify Strictly speaking it may be true, but for many and perhaps most purposes it's not true.
  4. N

    Link endings that need to be filtered

    Now that you can pay ICANN $250,000 and get your own ending, any filtering becomes moot, since unless you keep your software filtering bang up to date, there will always be new domain name endings your software claims are invalid but which are valid. Also, what about domain name endings that...
  5. N

    Buildcraft Changes of Note

    Redstone engines can still directly power machines, all except Forestry machines which seem to present themselves as pipes and not machines. The Redstone engine nerf has been to prevent redstone engines from powering conductive pipes.
  6. N

    Tekkit is a joke but my FPS was Higher

    In what way was Tekkit a joke?
  7. N

    What does YOUR Power Room look like?

    Sure, there are a large number of ways to generate EU, but I hate running multiple power grids throughout my base, so having chosen to go the TE route because I'd not done that before, what I wanted was an easy way to convert MJ to EU that could be done right at the point at which EU was needed...
  8. N

    What does YOUR Power Room look like?

    Sure, but I have lots of MJ and no EU so not a great help to me.
  9. N

    What does YOUR Power Room look like?

    Oh I added this mod as the lack of EU/MJ converters in FTB seemed very silly to me.
  10. N

    What does YOUR Power Room look like?

    Yeah, I miss the blue laser light stuff :( but TE is so much more efficient, and actually allows me to run a BC/TE power grid and when I need EU power, I just convert right there at the machine that needs it. Have always previously done it the other way around because of the problems with BC...
  11. N

    What does YOUR Power Room look like?

    My power room Max current output 100MJ/t Lava is pumped in from BC pumps located at lava pools beneath the power room, suplimented by lava generators from Thermal Exchange (TE) which are fed with nether rack. All the engines are lava engines from TE and in the absence of some good...
  12. N

    Redstone Energy Cell

    Not so sure about "normal" there, whilst theres no issue with using them that way, I use them in a totally different manner. Firstly I use them in a powerplant to smooth out and regulate power consumptions vs generation (I have 10 in series holding 5m MJ), I also place them at spur points on...
  13. N


    I agree on all counts, except, you don't take account that FTB is new and all those are old established projects that grew a lot slower than FTB is. Get all upset if you want, its your life, but try to make constructive critism that reflects where FTB is vs any other projects you contrast it...
  14. N


    Hmmm, yeah, it was apparent from posting here pre-release that people didn't and perhaps still don't understand what it means for user numbers when 1.2 to 1.3 million, unique people watch Tekkit lets plays on just one Youtube channel. As news of FTB spreads and more Youtubers pick up on it and...
  15. N


    Perhaps so, but then the level of proffesionalism could be a reflection not of the people themselves, but of the fact that Mojang and its employees were paid to work full time on MC, whereas FTB'ers are not paid and do what they can when they can between what they are paid to do and the needs to...
  16. N

    Is it worth waiting for redpower/thaumcraft?

    I'm basically wasting time, trying experiments and odd things until Redpower is out, I wont be investing serious time or going for big builds until it out, at which point I will create a new world.
  17. N

    steel ingots?

    Look at the railcraft wiki for details on blast furnaces. They are built, not crafted.
  18. N


    But are inevitable, and for the most part those that create them will never read this thread.
  19. N

    Redstone Energy Cell

    I've only ever used the pipes/wires/whatever from the mods itself, they have special connectors that allow you to set the direction of flow from an Energy Cell.
  20. N

    Windows .jar Launcher Not Downloading mods and launching as Vanilla

    I would expect a hosting company to providfe 24x7 support.