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  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
  1. N

    Tekkit pro wanting to learn more about FtB

    FTB currently has way more bugs and glitches than Tekkit does, I'm sure that will change with time, but certainly true right now. FTB only works with Vanilla server, so no Bukkit plugins, if your playing with friends that might be OK, if your letting strangers on to your server, could be a...
  2. N

    Petroleum Generator (A Forestry-esque BC/IC crossover mod)

    Why when virtually nothing works like that in Minecraft? And as I already pointed out, some combustion engine designs don't require an ignition source, mearly pressured fuel, at which point it explodes (combustion) and the engine is now running.
  3. N

    Petroleum Generator (A Forestry-esque BC/IC crossover mod)

    No, really, no, it requires an ignition source, like a flame, or a spark plug... or in the case of some internal combustion engines high pressure in the combustion chamber (which is why old cars and planes are kick started, they have no ignition, just pressure and fuel). But even where ignition...
  4. N

    Epic Dungeon fail on my Server

    Well when I converted my 1.2.5 vanilla SSP to 1.2.5 Tekkit SMP, I went off looking for the end. Found a portal, went through it, to find a dragonless world... oh, and the portal dropped me off on a small platform in the void, several thousand blocks from where the end land actually was...
  5. N

    Petroleum Generator (A Forestry-esque BC/IC crossover mod)

    Huh? The engine, like an internal combustion engine takes refined fuel oils (petroleum amongst others) and converts them to energy, why on earth does it require another engine to do... to do... to do what? The engine in a car doesn't require another engine to first convert the petroleum into...
  6. N

    Multiple ingot types very irritating.

    The reason they are all called silver is because they are all meant to be silver, and mean to be shareable across mods. And there must be a way to fix it, I think, I guess, Tekkit/Technic doesn't suffer from the same issue, all its bars are IC2 bars.
  7. N

    Multiple ingot types very irritating.

    You get a third ingot type if you use Thermal Exchange. It's getting annoying as sorting machines are getting overly complicated just to handle all the ingot types you come across.
  8. N

    What does YOUR Power Room look like?

    What powers the boiler? I'm confused, Railcraft wiki says quite explicitly that lava is not an acceptable fuel for boilers and that that was a deliberate design decision. Look at the liquid fuel valies
  9. N

    Epic Dungeon fail on my Server

    There are no valid Enderportals on servers ever, or at least there never used to be, Enderportals that work are SSP only.
  10. N

    Petroleum Generator (A Forestry-esque BC/IC crossover mod)

    That's really cool, and I like the effort youve gone to balance things, next time I update I will certainly give your mod a go. However for me, the thing really missing from FTB in this department is straight MJ to EU conversion, I have a large MJ power grid and generating plant in my base...
  11. N

    Eloraams twitter?

    On one hand fair enough, on the other, being forced for no good reason to run multiple pipes from location to another just to get all the steam/liquid/whatever I want from one location to the other in a timely manner is silly and annoying. In the real world you would either increase the...
  12. N

    IC power to buildcraft machines

    Electrical engines.
  13. N

    Redstone Energy Cell

    even in the relatively short term, it would be cheaper to craft another quarry (which you could place next to the first) and use the energy cell to feed them both 10MJ than it would be feed one quarry 100MJ (10x the required power) to get 2 times the speed.
  14. N

    Windows .exe Why is there no EE3

    It doesn't IMPOSE any type of play style on you. I'm a big fan of EE2 and energy condenser, but I decided never to use the Transmutation table and only to condense items that occur naturally in world gen and I got all my EMC from feeding stuff into the energy condenser (no energy collectors or...
  15. N

    Eloraams twitter?

    Given she appears to need 1 tube per engine, just as BC pipes do, it looks like tubes carry the same amount of liquid as pipes do, which is a bit disappointing.
  16. N

    Redstone Energy Cell

    Can you clarify to what it is you are referring?
  17. N

    Does the modpack have EE or RP2

    Right, new terrian gen is new terrian gen, so they wont be updating maps at all. Anything they can say in a livestream they can write down, either the livestream contained the information you claim, or it didn't. You cant claim to have heard information that doesn't exist.
  18. N

    Does the modpack have EE or RP2

    I ***HATE*** the developers/maintainers making critical communications through livestreams, its the modern day equivalent of overhearing a conversation. If this is a true things (maps will be updated) then it needs to be writ loud and clear in an informational post here on the forums or on the...
  19. N

    Does the modpack have EE or RP2

    Where did yo Where did you get this information? As I say, this is the first time I have heard this said.