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  1. F

    Mariculture Fish Tank Block?

    What is the purpose of this block? At first I thought it was a tank where you could put fish in and see them in the tank and you could add on blocks to make it bigger. But nothing really happens if I put a live fish in the 1/250 pages. This is not the same as making a fish tank with multiple...
  2. F

    Agrarian Skys help, venting, and discussion thread

    So I crafted 8 Mariculture Fish Tanks, the glass blocks, and now what do I do with them? I right click and it just gives me 1/250 pages.
  3. F

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    You know what I think I know what I did wrong. I used Mimicry on it thinking it would give me two guns. I didn't know about smelting it down to one color, so it must have acted like I smelted the default gun instead. I guess I screwed myself. Thanks ProfessorMudkip for your help.
  4. F

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    The server option is set to difficulty: hard. Like when you go into options on ssp and choose the difficulty. Hard is where you die if you are hungry instead of stopping at like 5 or two hearts.
  5. F

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    I have crafted the single colored blue portal gun (being in the hard difficulty) I only have the blue portal, I need the orange single colored gun to merge the two into the default gun. I'm asking how do I get the orange gun.
  6. F

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    The controls are set in the config file and there is no such key to switch colors. Could someone help me that actually knows what they are talking about.
  7. F

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    That's not that helpful...
  8. F

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    I crafted a single color Portal Gun (blue) on Hard difficulty, now how do I get the Orange portal gun so I can combine the two? (Monster 1.10)
  9. F

    [Monster 1.0.8] Iridium Ore

    Is there actually Iridium Ore in the pack? Because the only ore I see in NEI is Nether Iridium Ore. Is that the only way you can get Iridium Ore now? I ask because in the IC2 config it has Iridium Ore, but when I go to NEI it isn't there (when going through the pages and looking for the ID...
  10. F

    monster 1.0.5

    It took a while for them to release info on 1.0.4. I wish they would post the change-log before putting it up live, because then I can see if I want to update. (Yes I'm impatient so what?)
  11. F

    monster 1.0.5

    They get posted here but as of yet no info on 1.0.5
  12. F

    Why no new launcher.

    I'm really disappointed in reading this after waiting months from seeing this... "This launcher is in development and is expected to be released with the 1.6 minecraft update." - I would have liked it not even being posted as news...
  13. F

    Damage Indicator (Unleashed)

    When I enable the "PopOffs" to show the damage done to mobs, the damage indicator is shown below the mob and not above. Is this intended, is there a way for it to show up above the mob? Or is there a config that I'm unable to find?
  14. F

    Sjin's FTW Mod Question?

    Thanks for the quick reply. I thought it looked good to see how much damage is done from different weapons without having to go to a wiki.
  15. F

    Sjin's FTW Mod Question?

    In Sjin's new series of Feed the World he has a mod that shows the HP of mobs and it shows the damage done, I was wondering what mod does that?
  16. F

    Scrap from Scrap Box at 63%?

    I have 8.1.1 so maybe that's the change. Thanks, I just disabled scrap from dropping in the config. It seems like he really hates IC2 ;-).
  17. F

    Scrap from Scrap Box at 63%?

    Does anyone else have their scrap boxes dropping just scrap? For me it says it's 63% chance.
  18. F

    Growing Sugar Canes Dirt vs Sand

    I would like to know if it is actually true/in the code of the game, that sugar cane grows faster on sand than dirt?
  19. F

    Block Replacing Machine?

    Thanks for the info.
  20. F

    Block Replacing Machine?

    Is there a machine that can replace a block with a different one? Say I have wooden planked walls and want to turn them into stone brick, instead of having to destroy the wood and put in the bricks is there something I can use that will do it for me?