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  1. V

    Main base issues and indecisiveness

    Yeah you're totally right man, I know that if I don't at least try the village thing, the thought will eat me alive :P And now I have more reasons to use most of the mods in the Magic World pack, I can set up a railway connecting the two bases, I can make a dungeon for my Soul Shards spawners...
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    Funny Screenshot Thread!

    Uh-ooooh.... Ever heard of going rock-climbing with the appropriate gear you derps?
  3. V

    Main base issues and indecisiveness

    Aaaaaargghhh! I know there's a similar thread somewhere ('cause I've seen it) but I can't freaking find it! OK here's the deal. I wanted to do a ravine-base, carve the sides of the ravine and make rooms for my crops, machines and wizardry stuff, stairs leading to the bottom of the ravine...
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    Mod suggestion for direwolf20 pack

    Well, unless Direwolf himself wants to add these mods, they won't be included in the pack since it's his pack. But you can always add them manually...
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    Thaumcraft 3 more enjoyable without tech mods?

    I was thinking the exact same thing Dante, that I might be better off with just ThaumCraft, EE3 and the couple others magical mods, in fact I was this close to just add TC3 in a MultiMC instance and use that. But coming to think of it, I don't really mind the non-magical mods, I'm just setting...
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    It's GregTech, Jim... but not as we know it

    I, for one, am definitely trying Gregtech out but I'm waiting for the Tech pack which will be in Easy mode I think.
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    What comes after automation?

    With Thaumcraft I'm pretty sure you can turn any metal into any other metal. Regarding the end-game, I really don't know. I haven't played much FTB so far anyway. But one thing I like to do is NOT to automate many things. If I do things manually, I kind of spend my time constructively you...
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    Mature 18+ Servers.

    Besides, most people feel comfortable around people close to their own age, it's only understandable that such age limitations will exist.
  9. V

    Best Birthday cake EVER!!!!

    Awesome! Happy Birthday!
  10. V

    Roll Your Own Modpacks?

    Perfect timing carlfm, I was wondering the same thing, I sure as hell want to add EE3 to my Magic World pack. And thanks Itharian for the clarification...
  11. V

    Waiting for Ultimate...

    In that case, the Tech pack should come out before the Ultimate I think. It'll certainly have less mods than the Ultimate and according to the front page announcement, it's due to 1-2 weeks from when the announcement was written...
  12. V

    Transferring liquids over distance

    Hey guys, I really appreciate the help. Yeah my first guess was to use Buildcraft pipes with tanks in between the distance as buffers but, I cannot know how far I'm going to find oil so... I think Railcraft it is for a couple of hundred blocks distance and then Mystcraft and transposers for...
  13. V

    Transferring liquids over distance

    Evening FTBers, I come bearing a question (and not gifts)! So, I'm playing the Magic World Pack and I'm a huge noob when it comes to automation and such <- this will determine the complexity of your answers :) Let's say I want to transfer large liquid masses over significant distance, either...
  14. V

    Minechem 2 PR1 - The chemistry mod.

    Now this mod might just be the reason a friend of mine who thinks really low of Minecraft, might play Minecraft :P
  15. V

    [16x] Greatwood Texture Pack WIP

    Hey Pixelagent, are there any thoughts for the inclusion of Magic World mods' textures? Haven't had time to play at all and check myself to be honest...
  16. V

    Xycraft in Magic World

    Redpower2 and Xycraft are released in seperate packets, world generation being one of them in both of the mods. So I'm thinking you could just use the world gen packets in Magic World, this way you get all the shiny XyCraft ores (they DO look magical enough nonetheless) and the volcanoes...
  17. V

    Magic World 1.4.6! Fuck yes!

    Magic World 1.4.6! Fuck yes!
  18. V

    Xycraft in Magic World

    Coming from Xycraft's wiki, "it's a tech expansion mod" therefore I don't think it will be included in Magic World. You can always add it manually yourself though, people do this constantly :)
  19. V

    Extra Biomes ... Not compelling content.

    GUI for simple tweaking and "world pack" support? This is pure gold man, I won't even CARE if I'll have to reset my world once v4 is released... Off topic but I sooo need to start using revision control myself...
  20. V

    EE3 is already broken!

    Now hold on a second, I thought the idea behind FTB was easy distribution of the mods that play well together (mainly), not balance. Balance shouldn't even be considered important (for me). Mods can exist outside FTB and people play this way. If they were nerfed for the sake of pack balance...