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  1. V

    FTB Pack Comparison

    I don't understand why EE3 is in the Lite pack and not in Magic World. Sure, I included it myself but it's just curious...
  2. V

    Usage of other mod's ores

    Ah cheers Omicron, that's quite useful info right there! Yeah I might do some testing, seems fun, though i don't think I'll keep the increased ore generation 'cause magic doesn't need that much ores... Zelfana, my guess would be disabling any "processing" mods such as Buildcraft, Thermal...
  3. V

    Usage of other mod's ores

    So with the new pack versions coming shortly, I'm about to edit the Magic World one and leave it with just the magic mods and Forestry (for Thaumic Bees and tree breeding) and Thermal Expansion (I freaking love this mod). BUT, I like a lot more the copper/tin colour of TE than Forestry so I...
  4. V

    What is an end game item/setup?

    That's really cool! I'm playing the Magic World mod pack and I kind of have an idea of what my end-game would be... Basically I want to defeat all the bosses (vanilla + Twilight Forest), never had a chance to do in Vanilla so here's the time to do so, and create some cities, all from each...
  5. V

    Waiting for Ultimate...

    Can't say I care for Ultimate, my pc can't handle it anyway but I understand the longing, it's like watching the final percentages of a download while the speed decreases :P C'mooooon!
  6. V

    Latest versions (and new packs) are out!

    So much for me editing Magic World and including Ars Magica manually :P This is awesome news...
  7. V

    Extra Biomes ... Not compelling content.

    The ones with huge foliage? I found their blocks under EBXL in Creative so, it's EBXL. Hadn't come across them before though...
  8. V

    Extra Biomes ... Not compelling content.

    If you mean the one with darker shade of oak wood, I think Thaumcraft introduces them.
  9. V

    Magic World Question.

    If Biomes O'Plenty is what ZeMedic is referring to, it cannot be "officially" included in FTB and it's mentioned in the FAQ. Some of the biomes from BO'P are indeed kind of "magical" but personally I wouldn't want more biomes, the existing ones are pretty large as it is now... But then again...
  10. V

    Ars Magica

    After watching some more of Mithion's LP, man we definitely don't need ore doubling machines or quarries with this mod... Every single orb of experience should get absorbed by the player, be it mining, smelting, breeding. Heck, even enchanting is a double-edged sword with this mod :P However, it...
  11. V

    Ars Magica

    Hey, so I'm watching Mithion's LP and he mentioned that upon death you lose your magical levels. I'm still in the beginning of the LP and there's a chance he may have changed that, what's happening now you're guys playing with it?
  12. V

    Potion Brewing for Thaumcraft 3

    I quite like this idea! I haven't messed with potions in vanilla much but I wouldn't mind most of the things you suggest here.
  13. V

    Ars Magica

    Awwww this is so tempting man! PURE magic! I'm literally on the verge of doing this myself (but with EE3 also). You added RP and XY just for the worldgen right?
  14. V

    Defeating the ender dragon

    I'm waiting for someone to say they've defeated the Dragon using pure magic from the Magic World. But I'm sure the mods there (EE3 and Ars Magica to be added) have awesome weapons, armor, spells to defeat the bugger. I've never defeated any boss in Vanilla and I'm sucking all the information in...
  15. V

    Building a Thaumcraft Room

    Yeah, definitely go for a tower, magic is usually done in towers :) Another idea I had for my TC room is using the Secret Room mod to create a secret space that takes me to a dungeon-y TC room, like it's forbidden to practice the dark arts or something :P
  16. V

    s**ts gone wrong [TC3]

    How close exactly is "a touch to close"? I'm about to build on a hill which is about 150 blocks away from a Barrow Hill...
  17. V

    Pretty disappointing world generations

    Yeeeeaaah, Mystcraft is one way of getting new maps, I don't want to rely on it too much though, you never know when other bugs might deem it non-stable, if I move there I might get screwed big time... I need to get one of those map thingies, that render the generated terrain, to actually see...
  18. V

    Pretty disappointing world generations

    I don't know man, I keep spawning in crappy worlds in Magic World v6... I have way too many islands (even if they're quite big, they're still islands) that consist of a handful of biomes only with EBXL enabled... Just 20mins ago, I generated 50MB of terrain alone, flying around to check the...
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    Defeating the ender dragon

    Oh boy, if you guys are taking a beating when in tech armor, I wonder how I'll manage to defeat the bosses with magic... Then again I'm playing on Easy but still...
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    Ars Magica

    RC means it's just around the corner, pretty much like pre-release. The monsters, I'm scared of, I'm a big wuss when it comes to MC and I play on Easy but I can't wait for the mod since it's pure magic so...