Roll Your Own Modpacks?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've been playing FTB since beta and really love it. Currently, I'm working on the Mindcrack pack and have added a few mods in the Direwolf pack that looked fun to play with in my SP. I heard the FTB team was putting together a Ultimate Modpack and was wondering if that would include all the mods for 1.4.6 to allow us to roll our own modpack? I worry that when a new Mindcrack pack is released if it would affect the mods I manually added that weren't included in the Mindcrack pack? I suspect that is how I nerfed my Mystcraft Ages and lost the books and symbols to 30 ages I had already visited.

Thanks for the great work!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yea, currently when one of the packs is updated it reloads the configs and 'resets' the mod folder. Deleting any manually added mods and resetting any config changes you might have made. Even selecting the backup-config option when updating does not do anything. Hopefully it will be fixed or else you will have to keep a back up of everything you add and configs you change. As for the Ultimate Pack it should have all the mods in it and possibly more, but I wouldn't know myself.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Perfect timing carlfm, I was wondering the same thing, I sure as hell want to add EE3 to my Magic World pack. And thanks Itharian for the clarification...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The ultimate pack isn't "all the mods", it is what the ftb team thinks are the "best mods".

Anyway, just import your config into MultiMC to avoid the FTB launcher quirks and ... let's say... idiocentricies.