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  1. E

    It's GregTech, Jim... but not as we know it

    Getting back to discussion of the mod (instead of the more meta 'discussion of discussion of the mod')... I'm confused by this. Tin is a renewable resource? Or is there another way to make empty cells now that NEI isn't showing me? Because I tested using carbon cells to make carbon fibre...
  2. E

    Gates and Pipe Wire

    Revisiting my earlier statements: The incident I had where I turned on an autarchic gate and it gave like a couple dozen items in a few seconds? I cannot seem to replicate, either on the build that I first witnessed it on, or in another context on the same server, or in creative SSP. I'm...
  3. E

    Gates and Pipe Wire

    Except the purpose of not having redstone engines everywhere. Plus the buildcraft documentation claiming autarchic gates are faster, which from my experiments seems to be VERY highly reliant on what you're using them on.
  4. E

    Gates and Pipe Wire

    That's kind of weird. I'm seeing pretty disparate results from autarchic gates... The speed at which they produce items seems pretty variable based on what their wooden pipe is attached to. When on a squeezer that has an item backlog, the gate will immediate spew out several items per second...
  5. E

    Way to move character when outside game?

    Hmmm. If this is a server, one solution I've used is to be looking at the console, attempt to log in to the game, and once the server acknowledges the login, quickly do: /tpx warmack 0 This will put the character back in the overworld (dimension 0). It might still fail then, but it could bring...
  6. E

    Some curiosities about text rendering

    This is partly a tech support issue, and partly trying to understand some of the infrastructure. Both Mystcraft (with renderlabels=true) and Rei's Minimap will display text superimposed over the world rendering. A behavior I've observed with both is that if part of the text would render...
  7. E

    Way to move character when outside game?

    In all probability this is another manifestation of the marble generation interaction issue between mystcraft and redpower 2. I'm surprised deleting the player.dat file didn't work; are you sure you located the correct file? I've used that solution several times to rescue members of my SMP...
  8. E

    A Player's Guide to Redpower 2 Blutricity

    Should that not read: 1 W = 1 J/s = 1/20 J/t since a tick is 1/20 a second?
  9. E

    Nothing stopping Ultimate release now...

    Correct. I got bit by this on my 1.4.6 install just a few days ago. Of course, fixing it is on Eloraam's side, and she seems pretty busy with life.
  10. E

    Nothing stopping Ultimate release now...

    There's still an unfortunate interaction between MystCraft and RP2, what with the rampant marble generation issue on some mystcraft ages causing server failure.