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  1. L

    Request Toast The World: A New Twist On Alcohol Mods

    Glad to hear you liked the idea, I came up with it in one fell swoop sometime after midnight. XD I have a list of suggested intrinsics if you'd like more info.
  2. L

    Request Toast The World: A New Twist On Alcohol Mods

    I was trying to avoid anything that emulated another part of the game, hence staying away from potion effects for booze. Though there's no reason alcohol couldn't have food like benefits... Which leads the way to drunkenness being a factor if overused in place of food. But as I said, it seems...
  3. L

    Mod Feedback [1.12][1.11.2][1.10.2][1.8.9][1.7.10] Dynamic Surroundings Info/Support

    Small world! I lived in Virginia Beach for about 6 years (My first 6 years in fact). Yeah, the Gulls are really active rain or shine, but they're noisier in the rain it seems. Probably has to do with all the little beasties on the beach coming out in the rain.
  4. L

    Request Toast The World: A New Twist On Alcohol Mods

    I've been working on a modpack of late, and as often happens when I'm updating a modpack, I started looking through all the most recent and interesting mods out there. I kept stumbling across brewing mods, and of those that didn't have to do with brewing potions, they essentially had to do with...
  5. L

    Mod Feedback [1.12][1.11.2][1.10.2][1.8.9][1.7.10] Dynamic Surroundings Info/Support

    Thank you for that very complete response! Now, as for #4, I have to say it's incredibly unlikely that rainfall would have anything to do with Seagull sounds. ;) I'm from Washington State (USA), and it's famous for it's rain.... Seagulls almost seem *MORE* active during the rain.
  6. L

    Mod Feedback [1.12][1.11.2][1.10.2][1.8.9][1.7.10] Dynamic Surroundings Info/Support

    Hey OreCruncher, I have to say this provides a fekking amazing experience within the first few seconds of adding it. I have some questions right out the door: 1 - Does this mod have support for non-standard Biomes (Like BoP) 2 - Is there any way to extend the range of Biome related sounds. I...
  7. L

    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

    I had intended on sticking to the Primary three, as that complicates matters enough and gives enough to play with, especially given that the drainage of the soil would come into account. My original intent was to create a single 'soil' block that held properties like N/P/K, saturation, and...
  8. L

    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

    I'm watching Biota closely, not quite ready to invest, but it seems hopeful.
  9. L

    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

    In an ideal world, yes. It depends on how I can manage implementation. I've been fiending for a farming mod that handles NPK combos, drainage, and pH balance. >.> I'm a little nuts that way.
  10. L

    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

    Got it in one. There's a couple of ways I could go about this, but for now I intend on making it change the crop below it from fertile to infertile. However, there's no reason I can't go all out with this and create a special crop block that has NPK values and have it update those as the crop...
  11. L

    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

    Is there an API for this? I've got something I'd love to do as an add-on to this mod, specifically soil type blocks that update when the crop on top of them grows. (Alternately, making the crops update the block below them when they cross through growth states)
  12. L

    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

    Can't win all the time ;)
  13. L

    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

    While we're asking for ponies, a per crop configuration for whether a crop is harested in whole or just the fruit would be awesome. I mean, you're pulling up the roots of a potato, kinda gotta start from scratch.
  14. L

    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

  15. L

    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

    This may be possible if you combine Hunger Overhaul with this mod. The growth duration can be configured through HO. Though I don't know if it affects crops in the plots. I as well would like a much extended growth time.
  16. L

    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

    Yeah, I can definitely see that being a problem. I figured the problem was bigger than a simple fix.
  17. L

    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

    Shneekey - I deliberately wanted it to NOT be disabled, actually. That part is configured and working as intended. I'll have to check out RandomThings, and I can use Loot++ to change the recipes rather than MineTweaker, since I'm using it already. (Your point was hardly that though). In all...
  18. L

    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

    So one thing I'd like to request is (What I believe to be) an alteration in how the irrigation system works. Under my current paradigm, you cannot transport water source blocks, or lava source blocks in a bucket. Meaning you can fill the tank, and extract water from the tank, but you cannot...
  19. L

    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

    o_O - Best Mod Developer Smiley over... "What did you DO human?"
  20. L

    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

    Infinity Raider, it occurred to me that I'd like a 'fix' for the bonemeal issue, given that with enough of it you can just ramrod it straight to fully grown. Can we get a configurable option where bonemeal adds non-stackable boost to growth speed, but doesn't actually advance it any growth...