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  1. L

    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

    Now, after all of that being demanding and asking for things, I just want to say. "Infinity Raider? This mod is amazaballs, it's close to the one I want to write myself. Thank you for everything!"
  2. L

    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

    Also... I can't get the image of Withers Mating out of my head... Where's my bleach?
  3. L

    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

    Oh well, can't blame a guy for trying... Three more Questions: I know plants have preferred soil types, but rather than making it a black or white 'Yes/No' growth thing, can they be penalized if on the wrong kind? I also noticed this line in the configuration file: Other possible soils are...
  4. L

    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

    One more thing that just occurred to me... Is it possible to configure what plants will and won't appear in the greenhouses? I am just full of questions: Can we get an expanded explanation of what the traits for each seed mean? Also, can the level of those traits be included as a requirement...
  5. L

    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

    Thanks Infinity. Muchos gracias.
  6. L

    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

    Also, yes... I mean to set it above 300. 300 seconds is only 5 minutes, and I may want to gate it down a bit tighter than that. I could just really lower the % chance, but my intent is to have a high %chance every long interval, rather than lots of small chance checks on short intervals.
  7. L

    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

    Gotcha, perfect... Great... >.< Now I have to learn Minetweaker. XD
  8. L

    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

    Oh.... That's perhaps less useful. " Once I get rid of the mutation config clientside, it will all be handled with Minetweaker scripts, so I will have to send the mutations to the client." - It would still be configurable in a simple text file though, right? Also, this may seem like a dumb...
  9. L

    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

    Well, you *did* present one interesting option... You said it would show wrong information if the config on the client didn't match the one on the server? Serves'em right. ;) Since I'm using this in my modpack, I can just make the modpack download not match the server info, and thus render...
  10. L

    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

    These two questions are being asked in the interest of obfuscating the correct method of generating mutations, making it an exploratory search for the server. Does the config file ClientSide have to match the one Serverside? This mod has support for NEI, meaning NEI can tell you all the...