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    A server with Mystcraft available to non-donators?

    Not quite true. Put the descriptive book into the writing desk and you can copy out the symbols.
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    So, creeperhost has some silly policies.

    I'm still very surprised that you'd go for a full deletion over storing it myself. At the very least I'd never trust a system myself. Is this just an abitary policy? or is there some physical/software based reason for it? Being able to restart with a host quickly has been a major selling point...
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    Aura node disappearance

    A friends overworld node vanished, leaving no vis in a large area. Also i thought it was 100 OVERCHARGE is needed to infuse new ore, thus requiring 1000 BASE?
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    Dumb Modular Powersuit Tricks

    So what is the higest value of weight with NO slow down? I've read lots of 24s, 25s and 26s when you consider people not being explicit if it is inclusive of the value.
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    Nano Saber vs Sharpness V diamond sword

    I think between disjunction, sharpness, the natural damage that the sword actually one shots them.
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    Best way to transport energy into long distance (Ultimate)

    Uh, energy wise, tesseracts are basicaly teleport pipes. The main diffrence being static rather then distance based loss. (And working through multiple dimensions?). Personally I prefur to up energy production by 30% or so and use tessaracts just to ensure everythings as easy to move and...
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    Applied Energistics and Boilers

    Even in my non AE system, I always have a reserve power system that can reboot everything. There are a million and one ways to do it with or without AE. For myself, my Biofuel tank has two valves at different heights, the bottom one is normally closed, and keeps enough reserve fuel to kick...
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    Am I the only one who cringes......

    Aye the draw of a boiler for most people is that large power output from an infinite fuel generation. The complexity of producing all the power you need all the time is oft a lot simpler then the 'efficient' on demand models. Same reason I still use charcoal rather then planks for the boiler...
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    Let's see some traps!

    Bteween mystcarft and warded stone there are a few rather dangerious traps in terms of results... Perhaps a teleporter elevator, which if a secret button is not pushed to have the book removed, dumps you in a mystcraft portal? Trigger mechnisums are so /hard/. That said, I've been wanting to...
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    Am I the only one who cringes......

    Coal has become less important over time. back when playing whatever version Tekkit ended on, diamonds were critical, so coal got used for it. Now it's renewable, exp for fortune is easyer to get, quarrys run faster, and diamonds as a whole are less limiting what you can do. Early diamonds can...
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    Mystcraft gradients

    I'm pritty sure the correct usage is like below, but I've never used it in practice. double length red gradiant half length blue gradiant skycolour to get
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    Server PvP Poll

    Considering the number of ways around no PvP in FTB, you're better off encouraging maturity then stopping PvP. Else it becomes a 'who can nuke the world' contest rather then a 'my sword cuts through your armour' contest.
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    Private chest

    Then don't leave a space behind the door, have the chest and blocks directly aganst the door. edit* SERIOUSLY? You can bypass every security type mod with a simple item like that? >.>Inter- Mod balance is wayyy off here.
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    [DW20] How do i make Dull shards [Thaumcraft newbie :( ]

    As far as I can tell, there are /no/ natural dull shards, so wasteland shouldn't make a difference. (IE, all shards start charged before aura usage happens).
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    Orbital Shoop Corp Mothership. [DEAD]

    They are, I've done as much before myself. Upgrading to 64bit makes a /massive/ diffrence when playing minecraft. No matte rhow much power you throw at it, 32bit runs into memory issues that can't be solved with more anything.
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    Ideas for my Stonehenge! (Thaumcraft)

    If your putting in a bad/good node... Why not also pre-generate a lot of flux so that it spawns aproprate coloured wisps.
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    Copper: Insanely Hard to Get

    All vis usage causes flux (when one node sends vis to anouther if i recall right). You can use the correct ratio of symbols and the contianer thingys to make sure no left over symbols go in. The remaining flux can be mitaged with pure node, pure bees, crystal capacitors (charge it up quickly...
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    One bee to rule them all?

    That's the bit thats a pain. At least compared to being able to generate them from nothing. The time taken to drain an aura + all ore + make the system mobile + automate the mining is definatly on the cool and complex side of things... But it's also very inefficent. For large numbers at a decent...
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    Witches in the nether

    I've had TC3 spawn loads of witches while I was offline e.t.c. That one then makes it to the nether or spawns there doesn't seem implausable.
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    One bee to rule them all?

    If I read NEI right last time, the Stark Bee. Dull Shards are a /pain in the rear end/ to get. Everything else I could scale up some other mining method. I want more capacitors dammit!