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  1. S

    Non-renewable Items?

    Lilypads were added a few weeks ago to UUM recipes after someone requested it on the Official Gregtech thread. Wasteful, yes but still reneweable.
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    Non-renewable Items?

    Basically an anticheat feature for dragon eggs. If your device is exploding then chances are you are either doing something wrong or for some reason or the GT mod thinks the egg is duped, changing the config should stop the explosions if it is the later situation. Not saying you duped the egg...
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    Non-renewable Items?

    change B:AllowDuplicatedDragonEggs=false to true in the Gregtech config on the server.
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    Non-renewable Items?

    Oil, Lapis, & Sodalite can be obtained from ExtraBees. Soul Sand can be obtained from Scrap Boxes.
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    Two Problems

    If Reis Minimap is in the server mod directory, delete it.
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    What's the the difference between a normal Portal Gun and a Potato Gun

    The PotatOS is GLaDOS in potato form. It's a portal gun!
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    Mindcrack and Mystcraft

    Reference :
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    Chunk Loading Error?

    I believe this is a Mojang issue...
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    Windows .exe Can someone tell me what is this about ?

    The only thing this causes is extra oil not generating in the Wasteland biome. This problem has been fixed in EBXL 3.9.0 along with "fix: EBXL saplings not working in fermenter & forestry farms".
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    Solved [DW20v5.01] Stuck in creative.

    server_location/config/NEI.cfg cheatmode=0 lockmode=0 Have you done this already? Including it with the server mods allow you to assign special privileges to OPs. You can change the config options I listed above or delete it from the mod folder to make it so only OPs can "cheat" in...
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    MindCrack: Conflicting Recipes Do Not Reflect .cfg

    railcraft.cfg # change to 'disable=true' to prevent Refined Iron from being used in any IC2 recipe. Use in combination with 'useSteel' # change to 'useSteel=true' to enable the use of Steel in any IC2 recipe that requires Refined Iron B:disable=false B:useSteel=false This says refined iron...
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    Bee question

    If you want to change the requirement you can put: flowers, mushrooms, cobble, nether wart, redstone... etc. into an acclimatiser to change what the bees require for activity. But if you want to be less cheaty then you can make a tiny tunnel to block light and put the mushroom inside of, just...
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    What to do with exccess cobblestone

    I personally would use a void pipe, the lava suggestion was for people feeling certain other methods are too cheaty.
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    What to do with exccess cobblestone

    How about piping it out over a small pool of lava, lots of people I know use lava as trash disposal in Vanilla.
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    Fix for the "No Mods"/"Not Downloading" issues.

    Too bad it would be too much of an issue to have people do a traceroute with/without guidance to see if it is an issue with their ISP. Just because you have a fast and reliable ISP doesn't make them immune from having routing issues. Although I know that having people not familiar with this...
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    TC3 - other ways to heat a crucible?

    I tried out various things - Railcraft fire boxes - Furnaces - Gregtech machine casings with lava in the middle... - Thermal Expansion tanks/liquiducts filled with lava. - Warded Jars filled with ignis. - Factorization Heater blocks. - Alembic filled with ignis - and various other things...
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    Bukkit plugins into FTB server?

    If you are really desperate you can install BukkitForge, it's a mod that allows bukkit plugins to run on a forge server.
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    What is the initial maximum hull heat for nuclear reactor?

    I haven't seen anything mentioned in changelogs and Alblaka's "[OFFICIAL] Nuclear Revolution - How to melt/setup your Reactors 2.0" guide still says up to 10k.
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    What is the initial maximum hull heat for nuclear reactor?
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    'Better than Quarry' auto mining set up....?

    I don't really follow Direwolf20 but I would imagine that one of the options might involve turtles, at least for the ability to program them to avoid ores/gems that you may want to use Fortune/Silktouch on later. That and they are very reliable(if proper error handling) and practically...