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  1. S

    Pack updates and new packs

    This is an intentional change and the Thermal Expansion mod author made changes to make it easier for Greg to do this on purpose. Nickel.
  2. S

    Detailed information of Changes in v5 of Direwolf20, v8 of MindCrack & v7 of Magic World

    Optifine Bug, will be hopefully fixed in the next version of Optifine.
  3. S

    Weirdness on MJ power network.

    I have not had a chance to check out other machines from the extra bees mod but I do know that the acclimatiser had an issue where it would use only 3MJ per second instead of 3MJ per tick, changes were made and the machine seems to operate appropriately I'm not sure if Binnie changed the way he...
  4. S

    OptiFine 1.4.6 HD Ultra B6 not going well with Direwolf20 Pack 5.0.1

    Optifine is not compatible with version 515 of forge. If you want to safely use it then you have to downgrade to forge 499. Keep in mind that some mods require a newer version of forge.
  5. S

    Detailed information of Changes in v5 of Direwolf20, v8 of MindCrack & v7 of Magic World

    I know that if you try to open the Apiarist Database while Ascending in both jetpack modes it will cause a crash. If you descend in hover mode and open the database it also crashes. I'm sure there are a quite a few other interactions that have a similar result.
  6. S

    Pack updates and new packs

    Optifine is not compatibile with newer versions of Forge. The Optifine mod author is working on fixing the problem. This is mostly an SSP issue though.
  7. S

    Mindcrack v8.0.1 and Optifine Crash

    Optifine is not compatible with versions of Forge above 499 and will hang at world gen in SSP in versions above 505. The Optifine mod author is trying tot track down the exact cause but says the issue is quite exotic and honestly has no idea what is wrong. You can still use it with the client on...
  8. S

    Pack updates and new packs

    I haven't checked the client config for forestry yet but it seems like you guys missed a block ID for the farm block(unless this is intentional). Just wondering if I can safely set this to "I:farm=952". edit: disregard, I just checked the pack and it seems like it was included all along, I...
  9. S

    Detailed information of Changes in v5 of Direwolf20, v8 of MindCrack & v7 of Magic World

    I noticed that there was no addition of the farm block id in the base.cfg for Forestry... so I added "I:farm=952" to my cfg file. edit: disregard, I just checked the pack and it seems like it was included all along, I made have been getting a cached zip file.