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  1. Q

    Free solar panels (and other blocks)

    Translation: Hey I've found something that's totally overpowered and makes no sense, but I'm sure it's intended and not a bug, you guys! You can recharge it?
  2. Q

    Aqueous Accumulator to Combustion Engine Ratio

    Liquiduct limit is how much you can pump into them. You can have several AA pumping into the same main piping and you'll have no problems.
  3. Q

    Red Power 2 status?

    I'm amazed by the tenacity and the skill of the current mod scene. A lot of great people doing great things.
  4. Q

    This mod needs to be added when it comes out...

    Hi, it's so great to see your first post in this forum is a topic about a mod that you think should be added to the pack. No matter how good the mod actually is, you make it sound like worthless spam. So cheers for that.
  5. Q

    Just lost a massive chunk of my base...

    It reads like " I didn't know what I was doing and it exploded on my face, now I'm off to the forums to complain about it ". Which isn't very nice is it?
  6. Q

    Reverse Pump?

    Cover it with glass.
  7. Q

    Getting tired of waiting for FTB update..

    I wouldn't go to the mall without Gregtech. It's so much fun.
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    Getting tired of waiting for FTB update..

    I'm more interested in 1.6 honestly. Besides, I'm just now getting into bees so it'll be ages before I crave more content.
  9. Q

    Favorite Biome?

    I like the look of hills and cliffs type of biomes with a lot of trees in them, but I've never successfully played on one. I generally go for smaller bases thousands of blocks apart from each other, and I always end up living at the edges of deserts and wastelands. Or in a snow area a la Echo Base.
  10. Q

    Liquid Tesseracts

    I'd use a Redstone Energy Cell to power my pumps. They will last a very long time ( the one I use pumped about 10.000 buckets of oil and it's not even at half power ) and you don't need to bother with engines or anything.
  11. Q

    Xycraft Multitanks and Lag.

    I like ponies. They are small horses.
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    tinker construct 1.1.25 Beta

    I wish I was as good at insulting people. Best I can come up with is "Your hair looks like a cactus"
  13. Q

    New Mixed Metal Ingot Recipes

    I just love Gregtech. Wanted to put this here too because I find the exploding machines comments hilarious.
  14. Q

    Performance in the next pack?

    Modded Minecraft has performance issues because of mostly the same reasons why very large Dwarf Fortress .. well, fortresses die a FPS death. Too much stuff to constantly track and compute.
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    Question: Changing Ore Occurances

    Like lavarthan said, what you want to do is look inside the TE config for the ore configs. You need to change: B:vanilla.augment=false to B:vanilla.augment=true then you will have to get in game again for the lines for vanilla ore gen to appear. I don't think this changes the vanilla gen, it...
  16. Q

    Thermal Expansion Code

    Doesn't the factorization grinder machine smash cobble to gravel 100% of the time? You don't actually need to mod TE.
  17. Q

    ..this Industrial Centrifuge

    Only problem I have with IC2 and Gregtech machines is they are not like the TE ones. It's very hard to go back after you get used to the custom input/output configs. Oh well. Like most other storage related question, the solution for your tribulations is AE.
  18. Q

    Biggest explosives in FTB-ULTIMATE?

    Yea. They are called Combustion Engines and a Gregtech machines.
  19. Q

    Nether Diamond/Diamond ore Maceration?

    You can put them in a furnace to turn them into regular diamond ore blocks.
  20. Q

    Confessions: I never ... even though I'm told I should.

    I have never used milk, period. I have never used RedPower for sorting. I have never built myself a mining laser.