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  1. T

    FTB Mindcrack Pack Ore Heights

    Thank you! I'm more concerned about RP2 Tunnel bores...
  2. T

    Worldgen bug or I've wound up next to the deathstar trench

    Try relogging. Looks like the server didn't send the information for some chunks to the client (note that even SSP is now a client/server setup).
  3. T

    Redpower Worldgen Woes...

    That doesn't answer the question... You could try editing the class files to replace the calls to the offending gens with no-ops. Be advised that doing so is against the wishes of many modders, however.
  4. T

    IC2 Miner. Valuable Ores list ... needs updating

    Hmm... Let me get NEI open, and I'll post a list. TC3 Infused stone, Cinnabar Ore - 200 Ruby - 213* Xycraft Ores - 220 Quartz Crystal - 221 Sulfur / Saltpeter Ore - 244 Uranium Ore - 245 Crude Oil - 246 Oil Sands - 247 Silver Ore - 248* Forestry Ores - 249 Beehives - 250 Monazit Ore - 688 GT...
  5. T

    FTB Mindcrack Pack Ore Heights

    These are the heights that I know of for ore spawn heights on the Mindcrack pack. If someone could help me track down the rest of them, that would be great. Copper: 40-75 Iron: 20-40 (+0-63) Lead: 20-40 Silver: 15-35 Tin: 25-50 Diamonds: 0-16 Gold: 0-32 Ruby: 0-32 Sapphire: 0-32 Apatite: 16-88...
  6. T

    And it's out

    Same here. Honestly, if there was a Mindcrack pack that didn't have Gregtech hardmode, I'd be using it already.
  7. T

    And it's out

    Now I just have to wonder what is going to be in the other packs...
  8. T


    It is simplistic - assuming you are playing SSP and know what you're doing. When one is running a server, however, it is one thing to say "We're running FTB. Here's the download link. Here's the server IP.". It is quite another to say "We're running FTB. Here's the download link. Now open FTB...
  9. T

    Quarry running too slow in my opinion.

    Excuse me? Solars are currently underpowered, if anything. They cost a lot for relatively little energy production already, without further nerfing. I honestly haven't made a single one on 1.4.2 FTB. They have two benefits: they don't require any consideration of placement beyond "sees the sun"...
  10. T

    Forestry - Breeding & Facts about bees [SPOILER]

    Nice! Caught a spelling error though. Bee facts: Rezessive -> Recessive (Also, Nucturnal -> Nocturnal)
  11. T

    [QUESTION] Update to Redpower: Map changes?

    Yes it is. Another option is to move the main world to a Mystcraft age, and regen the main world. This will end up with borders around the edges though.
  12. T

    Problem Help! Machine dumping on the floor!

    Stop the server now. Then do what voidreality said. But the sooner you stop the server the less potential issues you will have.
  13. T

    Sorting system comparisons

    Ahh ok. Considering you're using that addon, you may with to look at the inventory upgrade, specifically the sneakyplace function. That way you can have a barrel above, below, and to one side of the track. I tend to overcomplicate things a "little"... But yeah, that could be accomplished with...
  14. T

    Sorting system comparisons

    Iron pipes either won't go into the inventory in the first place, or will pop out when the inventory is full. Other pipes will choose another path for the items if the inventory is full, but only 50% of items that should go into the inventory actually will - the other 50% will choose the other...
  15. T

    Sorting system comparisons

    Questions about that: How much charcoal does that use overall? Are those MFEs on the left side? How do you ensure that they get enough charcoal? What happens if/when the server goes down? And a suggestion: Put a block to the right of the turtles, after the final chest/enderchest. Each time...
  16. T

    Thoughts on Teleportation

    Just hope that the person doesn't have a jetpack or mining laser... Although you can also make two portals link directly to each other. Another really bad / annoying trap has to do with forestry machines. (If you place forestry machines in a box around the spawn of a world, and set them to...
  17. T

    Quarry running too slow in my opinion.

    Hmm... When the quarry digs a block it uses 60MJ. Every update when the quarry is moving, it uses (2 + stored / 500) MJ, and moves (0.05+energy/200) blocks. Max stored energy is 15000MJ. This will mean that (assuming that it doesn't skip any blocks), it will move 0.21 blocks/tick at max speed...
  18. T

    [Info] Bees and ExtraBiomesXL

    Now someone needs to cross-correlate to find what bees work best in each biome, and by extension what the optimum set of biomes are for beekeeping...