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    New GUI for the BC Filler

    I like the new GUI, what does the horizon option do?
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    Shoop LP [Season 3 restart] [Ended 2/10/14]

    I usually eyeball it myself, other methods I've seen that work well is make up a grid overlay in paint or some such, take a screenshot of the research, combine them and look at where everything needs to be. Another one is use other runes to guide where you need to put the active ones. Since the...
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    Hello, I'd like to share with you all how storing energy in BuildCraft works.

    You have stated that there is energy storage in BC, in the form of fuel. Some people will equate that with MJ storage. They may be wrong, but some people wont learn or don't want to learn no matter how much you tell them otherwise. And snooder is correct that most people really only care about...
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    Can I add galacticcraft to FTB Unleashed? and why doesn't it have it by default

    Yes, I get that. My post was specifically why the mod wasn't included by default. The way the post read to me was more along the lines of "Why isn't this mod in Unleashed", not "Why isn't this mods configs already in Unleashed". And for the configs part, I don't think they had universal configs...
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    Gendustry (from FTB Monster) Help!

    Seems like some mod is preventing this, doing some testing I can tell you the issue lies in the Random Things mod. Removal of this mod makes everything on this list craftable again. As a side note, this is not the first time I've seen Random Things stuff up a crafting recipe.
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    Can I add galacticcraft to FTB Unleashed? and why doesn't it have it by default

    Looks more to me that the only mention on configs besides your post was asking if there were ID conflicts. It would be nice if a lot more mods configs were added for FTB (there is still a fair few missing besides Galacticraft) but I think that side of thing comes down to time.
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    Can I add galacticcraft to FTB Unleashed? and why doesn't it have it by default

    I'd say it wasn't included mainly due to the fact that the people making the mod pack didn't think it made the cut. When making a mod pack cuts have to be made as you can't have every mod in the pack. I doubt this had anything at all to do with Tekkit and it just came down to the modpack footprint.
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    Does Anybody know when EE3 Updates?

    Fair enough, that's a shame then. Well I still hope it gets fixed.
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    Shoop LP [Season 3 restart] [Ended 2/10/14]

    I love the new research system myself, it's light-years better then the old ones. The only thing I don't really like about it is how much ink it requires to research everything. Edit: Actually if there was an automated way to put ink in the table instead of having to continuously take out the...
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    Why do people like Thermal Expansion so much?

    It does get a little bit that way in later parts of the mod, resonant ender in particular, well at least I think so, but overall I'd agree with your points. It has a difficulty increase as you need/want to make more things but it's not too steep. It doesn't have many recipes that are nested in...
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    Blood Magic Discussion [1.6]

    I second some sort of in-game reference manual, maybe by adding a book and infusing it with blood gives a blood manual? You could even have unlockable knowledge kind of like TC4 and AM2.
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    What Would Make MFR Balanced?

    I'm sorry, I thought this was a debate not a sludge pool of filth. I never once doubted that you loved the mod, and the whole "forcing into discussions" thing, it's a public forum, get over it. I never once said that it was the only mod there. Since your adamant about personal attacks I think...
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    What Would Make MFR Balanced?

    Yes, and MFR is quite fine by itself.
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    What Would Make MFR Balanced?

    The major thoughts of the thread have been how MFR (harvester in particular) is OP when compared to other forms of automated farms, such as forestry. I personally think it's fine the way it is but oh well.
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    Why don't people like IC2 anymore?

    I agree, added tedium is no way to breathe life into a flagging mod. While I do agree IC2 needed to be "re-invented", this was not the way.
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    What Would Make MFR Balanced?

    Why should a Mod Dev think along those lines? All mods are designed originally to be played by themselves. Sure a lot of mods these days are balancing themselves around the fact they are usually included with certain other mods, but why should they? Doing so extends the design stage as they have...
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    What Would Make MFR Balanced?

    Not sure how you get that I'm stuck on things like "easy" and "hard". I just think your trying to call for balance when none is required. MFR is only OP when COMPARED TO OTHER MODS. Otherwise the mod is fine. I don't agree with what your trying to force a change when there are config options to...
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    What Would Make MFR Balanced?

    No, I don't agree, I think it's fine like it is. I am starting to really hate calls of X mod is OP and X mod does this better then Y mod. I'm fine with if something is insanely powerful, like turning dirt into diamonds, then yes it needs some balance. Most of the suggestions I've seen here are...
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    Does Anybody know when EE3 Updates?

    Yeah, that's a known problem, I think Pahimar is talking to Chickenbones about it so I would assume then when EE3 is released it will be fixed.
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    What Would Make MFR Balanced?

    Yep, that's basically saying Vanilla is OP. Personally I hate this statement. All in all though if your that worried about it being OP install Gregtech and enable the MFR Gregtech recipes. This way it doesn't matter how OP it's operation is, once an items value is determined as expensive then...