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  1. N

    Lets See Some Bases! Give Us a Tour!

    I often use ms paint, fully zoomed and with 1 pixel lines and pencils, to plan out the space. For my mod list, I needed 55 aspect jars for all the essentia types. It helps to see exactly how much space I need and want to fit everything in properly. In my current base, I have 2 jars of each...
  2. N

    I Derp, You Derp, We all Derp, What's your's?

    Don't plant darkwood trees from the twilight forest in a tree farm. They send roots down into the ground, which replace blocks, their leaves don't decay, and they don't burn easily. I tried burning down the leaves, and lit several places, however, it took several minutes before the leaf blocks...
  3. N

    Early Botania Mana Garden

    What about fuse wood? It isn't a mob, but does produce explosions when chopped. After creating my first few plants, I an now working on the gourmaryillis and feeding it the extra output of all my farms. It may not be a lot at any one time, but should be pretty steady with everything. I have...
  4. N

    Why do you start Minecraft with almost an entire day of no hunger decay?

    I am not sure, but if you install spice of life, you can change the config to just show your saturation and not affect normal hunger mechanics. This will let you see your starting saturation.
  5. N

    I Derp, You Derp, We all Derp, What's your's?

    I did this exact same thing when I was putting together my private pack.
  6. N

    I Derp, You Derp, We all Derp, What's your's?

    When planting fusewood in a tree farm, do not use anything other than thaumium golems. Wooden golems don't stand up to explosions well. :(
  7. N

    How can I farm flowers automatically ?

    In order to get flowers from bees, you of course need grass, but more importantly, the bee "flower" needs to be flowers. None of the other "flowers" will produce flowers. It is slow, but will automatically spawn flowers around the apiary. I'm not sure if the gendustry apiaries work, or if it...
  8. N

    How can I farm flowers automatically ?

    The complete darkness will work, but requires a block update in order to pop off the flowers. Pulsing some red alloy wire on the bottom of the grass blocks should do the trick. (it has been a while sine I've done this, so it may no longer be valid.)
  9. N

    Lets See Some Bases! Give Us a Tour!

    It's not really that hard with the new functionality of the buffers. It just takes lots and lots of them for this kind of setup. I probably have somewhere around 160 buffers currently. This is definitely much easier to craft once you have an energized node setup to recharge your wand.
  10. N

    Lets See Some Bases! Give Us a Tour!

    I finally finished the farms I was working on earlier (3 posts up) I converted the farms over to a manual cutoff, and now have the overflow being fed directly into my alchemical furnace at the moment. Only excess farm drops get sent to the alchemical furnace. Random stuff gets sent to a chest...
  11. N

    What are some early game builds I can do (DW20 1.7)

    Most of my early stuff is mainly vanilla and almost always manual. I make sure I have a farm for all the basic crops and animals. I find I can do quite well once that is set up. Most of the basic setups for things only require a few of all the different resources. The manual farms can carry...
  12. N

    Lets See Some Bases! Give Us a Tour!

    Automated Essentia Here is my automated essentia system. The items feeding the system are dropped into the advanced alchemical furnace, then piped out into a buffer feeding system that winds its way through everything. After filling up all the jars possible, the primal essentia is pulled out...
  13. N

    Thaumcraft CV Usage

    With the recent changes, both telum and cognito now have ignis. So fabrico now breaks down into all 6 primals. edit:
  14. N

    Thaumcraft CV Usage

    If you are feeding the node, the best item you can easily feed it is probably crafting tables. The fabrico from that will break down into all the primals, so you don't need to worry about any other type.
  15. N

    Thaumcraft CV Usage

    I believe you can only convert unstable and fading nodes into pale ones. I don't believe you can repair pale nodes to normal.
  16. N

    Thaumcraft CV Usage

    Since the amount of CV generated is the square root of the normal vis, it doesn't take long for this to get really inefficient. The node I am growing has gone from 147 ignis to 149 ignis in the past 2 days. It has been almost 2 weeks since I started growing this node. I'm just waiting for aqua...
  17. N

    Thaumcraft CV Usage

    That is correct, you cannot bully a larger node, but if you have several nodes available, it will protect the node from being bullied by the larger nodes until it has grown enough to bully all the other ones. For instance, if you get a smaller, but nice bright node, you can protect it from a...
  18. N

    Lava Generator x64 and Lava Fabricators... would that work?

    If you have tinkerers steel works, water, and a bit of redstone logic, one can produce a good amount of steam. I was producing about 2k rf/tick back in my agrarian skies world. I'm not sure what you would use for pipes in 1.7.10 as there are no TE pipes, as you need a way to cut the water...
  19. N

    Thaumcraft - Mega energized nodes

    I've been growing a bright node using the 7x7x7 box method with the bright node in the exact center over the past 4 days (on a server), and the node is now a bit over 100 vis for most of the aspects. I should get an 11 or so energized node out of this when it finally consumes all the feeding...
  20. N

    Thaumcraft 4.1

    Vanilla Silk Touch enchantment. It will allow you to pick up the ice.