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  1. L

    I Need Help Understanding the Mods Better

    The server play series is on the Forgecraft server, which the devs use as a test bed for bug fixing and balancing. If you see it on there but not on the SP one it's a WiP.
  2. L

    What are the Worst crimes you have done in FTB

    There's a puzzle there?
  3. L

    Good Big Reactors setup

    From what I've seen, the drop in power comes from a drop in effeciency. Near 1k the effeciency is roughly 10% loss. Over 1k it the loss shoots up to over 60%. because of the constant fuel resupply the energy takes a jit.
  4. L

    Deep base ideas

    A hidden drawbridge coming from the top down embedded in a wall that covers an elevator have it set up with an or switch and a timer out of sight. then all you need to do is place a button on the wall, press it, the drawbridge moves out of the way. break the button, use the elevator to go down...
  5. L

    Good Big Reactors setup

    Diamond blocks in the gaps with liquid ender around the perimeter is a little better with an average of 1900 RF/t so if you have the diamonds and ender pearls to spare (Liquid ender only needs the top layer placed as it flows down instead of dropping like cyrotheum) it will work a bit better...
  6. L

    Unsupported Direwolf 20: 1.6.4 {PUBLIC BETA}

    The fix is easy. Go to config->machinemuse->recipes and open in the folder with a text editor (Notepad ++ preferable) Scroll down to the wiring recipe (line 120 in N++) and at the end of the recipe (line 123) there is a comma that is not supposed to be there. Delete it...
  7. L

    Has anyone figured out an optimal setup with Big Reactors yet?

    You don't have a kill switch in place? Odd. Mine's set up to start a 5% internal capacity and stop at 95%. And the numbers from that table is odd. I just built the one on line 16 which is the 7x7x7 with the 5 rods in x formation and diamond and ender coolant. The stable temp is accurate but I...
  8. L

    About Thermal expansion 1.6.4

    I still make that mistake. I go type liquid the ducts don't show up, I go "huh? oh right, name change."
  9. L

    Arcane Infusion... Something's not right...

    Odds are one of the items was broken, lost or fell of the pedestal during the process.
  10. L

    What exactly is offensive about being told to play in creative mode?

    Ehh, short answer, because people are insecure that others don't play the exact same way they do and should be punished for it. The game itself won't administer that punishment so they lash out instead.
  11. L

    Why don't people like IC2 anymore?

    I'm seeing these "why like/dislike" threads and I see more "who can I argue against" than looking fro any real reasons.
  12. L

    Impossible to play ftb horizons with 32-bit PC

    If you bought a standalone Win 7 or Win 8 (ie it did not come with a system) then you should have a 32 bit and a 64 bit disk included. Make sure you have the 64-bit disk. Also make sure you install the 64-bit JRE. Otherwise you won't see any change with Minecraft. Another note, simply changing...
  13. L

    What are the Worst crimes you have done in FTB

    Depending on who you ask, it's either saying I don't care for a particular mod, wanting EE2 updated, or playing in peaceful.
  14. L

    Moderators: They make you lose count(Longest thread still alive!)

    11 Round and round we go...
  15. L

    Extra Utilities: New Power Generators

    You are correct. The generators were introduced in the recent episode and Tema said in the episode he's still fleshing it out.
  16. L

    Moderators: They make you lose count(Longest thread still alive!)

    30 days hath September, April, June and November. Which has no bearing for over another month.
  17. L

    Gregtech Power Issue with Direwolf20 1.6.4

    To add, much like the old BC system, any energy not stored through some method is lost. As an example, if you run 80 EU/t into a LV transformer, the 48 EU/t excess is lost completely as only 32 EU/t will go through. It has, for the most part, rendered the block transformers obsolete as...
  18. L

    Extra Utilities: New Power Generators

    Yeah especially on peaceful mode. An ender generator with an End located peaceful table and you have a pretty solid generator setup.
  19. L

    Gregtech Power Issue with Direwolf20 1.6.4

    Pretty much. The new approach to IC2 power is closer to how buildcraft power used to be (aka a certain amount at any one time only and beyond it meant kaboom). You need more resilient cables for your connections.