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  1. H

    Mystcraft Multicore project for FTB etc.

    I think, you are right, the people at forge would help with such an idea. the main problem I see so far: teleporting a person from server to server is one thing, but every other method of interdimensional transfer would need access to this mod too. I think of gregtechs IDSU, tesseracts...
  2. H

    Xycraft Tank Problem

    as far as I know: wrath lamps set up invisible air-like blocks around themselves to make the lit area larger. and tanks (railcraft and xycraft) become angry, if something exists inside the hollow area of the tank. so I guess, you need to move the wrathlamp away from the tank, so this...
  3. H

    suggestion for future ores

    this would be a way too: a script scans a chunk, if there are already ores of a certain mod added, and if not, it calculates according to worldedit, where the ores should be. if there is smoothstone on this certain position, it will be replaced with the new ore. of course that needs to be done...
  4. H

    suggestion for future ores

    but look at ftb-mods and ftb-lite. they don't have matching block-IDs, preventing people from transferring their lite-worlds to the other ftb-packs. so it's the task of the mod pack maintainer to manage the block-IDs. and if a certain array of block ID's is just assigned to some ores that might...
  5. H

    How do YOU power your quarry?

    just a weird question, I'm currently playing on ultimate and I made the mistake of generating my world with large biomes. okay, I fould a 30 block high oil fountain in the middle of the ocean, but I also found a roughly 1000x1000 block large red rock biome. since boilers can run on lithium which...
  6. H

    suggestion for future ores

    I just wrote, that even 500 different block ID's for future ores would not damage the system. the problem is just, if a ore adds special calculations like light or liquids which flow around in caves.
  7. H

    suggestion for future ores

    it's just a new ore added to worldgen. worldgen gets the information from the config file where a block with a certain ID should be created. and worldgen creates it. worldgen doesn't know that these blocks are placeholders, and that processing the unused placeholders just creates cobblestone...
  8. H

    suggestion for future ores

    because mods could also need rare ores. so, level 1-18, and like gregtech-iridium really rare. this way, for several different needs, there should be ores available on different levels, different veine-sizes and differend amounts. even if you just define common-uncommon-rare, large, medium...
  9. H

    suggestion for future ores

    or for players who play minecrack (no mystcraft installed). I know, that it's always possible to open a new mystcraft world (if mystcraft is installed and allowed), or travel 1000 blocks farther away from the base. but still, it's somehow annoying if a new mod is added to one of the ftb-packs...
  10. H

    suggestion for future ores

    in the past few months,at least two mods were added (applied energistics and xycraft), which added new ores. with xycraft, soaryn asked for early implementation because of his new ores, which should spawn, and which would be important soon. and applied energistics solved the problem by using...
  11. H

    What am I doing wrong?[(Xycraft tank)Solved]

    yes, but the inner volume of 11x10x6 makes an outer volume of 13x12x8... and there is this nasty 13, that is above 12.
  12. H

    What am I doing wrong?[(Xycraft tank)Solved]

    oh really? good to know. makes things easier :)
  13. H

    What am I doing wrong?[(Xycraft tank)Solved]

    your tank has an inner volume of 10x11x6. to make it work, you need 10x10x6 or 11x11x6. and remove the torches, although they were helpful this time :)
  14. H

    Steam turbine?

    if you're playing on ultimate, you should take a look on the oil fabricator. at the moment, it's a bit cheaty, but I guess, that will be nerfed soon. basically, the oil fabricator produces 1 bucket of oil for 600.000 MJ or 1500000 EU. at the moment, you can get over 850000 MJ out of a bucket...
  15. H

    Steam turbine?

    you could make the cheaper xycraft tanks. they store nearly the same amount (when built really large), but these tanks will still fill up completely. by the way, what is the largest volume for a xycraft tank?
  16. H

    End fortress portal problem

    suggestion to solve that problem first, you could search for the other two strongholds in overworld. and mystcraft is capable of spawning strongholds too. so if everything fails, generate a mystcraft world with stronghold and explore the end from there. especially stronghold + voidworld is...
  17. H

    Efficient EU Production?

    yes... I did not calculate it, I just did a small estimation. and 39% and 50% isn't that far apart. and I knew, it's lower than 50%. the point is, some people would consider it cheating, I'd consider it exploiting a cross mod balance issue (and I don't exploit that), but others live perfectly...
  18. H


    I would set up the breeding system that is mentioned in this thread with all those copper heat plates. it costs insane amounts of copper just to set it up, but once it's running, it runs really long. for heating it up, I'll use a plutonium cell... it breeds a bit, produces a lot of energy, but...
  19. H

    Efficient EU Production?

    yes and with the same explanation you can say, that netherlava is a cheap resource. just set up the standard nether pump + liquid tesseract + geo-generators, and watch the energy flowing. and at the end, it's just the question what was meant as the most efficient eu production. is it in...
  20. H

    Easier ways of killing wither

    okay... then how about this: spawn the wither inside a modular forcefield, and place a tesla coil outside the forcefield. the wither can't escape, and the teslacoil does it's work :)