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  1. Z

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    AHH! This is it thanks, for some reason I thought Mechworks was the new TE type mod, thats redstone flux or something. Thanks!
  2. Z

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer I think this is what you are looking for. EDIT: so far it seems you cant disable tinkers construct. When I do forge says it is missing a mod. Is there some other mod that relies on TiC to be installed or something in that pack?
  3. Z

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    I deleted the worlds I had in single player, no luck. It wont just stop me from loading a world, I cant even get to the main screen after clicking Launch.
  4. Z

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    So I would have to delete my single player worlds? I thought it would just make those items disappear. Ill try it. . I tried that with no luck. I also cant disable Ichunutil even though ive disabled all of the Ichun mods, but that one isnt too big of a deal.
  5. Z

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Is there a reason i would not be able to disable Computercraft in Dw20 1.6 pack? I can disable other mods and have no issues, but if I try to disable CC it says forge modloader is missing some mods and then lists off Computercraft. Is there a reason for this?
  6. Z

    Why isn't Monster getting attention?

    So as you've added more and more to TE, this never occurred to you at all? ;)
  7. Z

    What exactly is offensive about being told to play in creative mode?

    Ahh you misunderstood, my apologies. I was poking fun at myself for the jack thing, saying that many people do it and I did too. I was trying to use my own flaw to show that others might be doing the same thing, not pretend i was better. really. Im not good at putting my thoughts into words...
  8. Z

    What exactly is offensive about being told to play in creative mode?

    No i disagree. I also dont think its fair to make this thread about me directly. If you have an issue with me specifically, can you PM me about it and not hijack this thread? I tried PMing you months ago but you never even replied, so to me youre just playing the a game here and not trying...
  9. Z

    What exactly is offensive about being told to play in creative mode?

    Telling someone that gregtech is JUST tedium and tedium is not difficult is "telling them their playstyle is worth less or some other assinine BS." Do you not understand that saying that phrase is JUST AS BAD as telling someone to 'go play creative'?
  10. Z

    What exactly is offensive about being told to play in creative mode?

    I posted my ultimate base in the community showcase thread, the sticky one. I posted it on reddit when they had a similar thread. I wouldnt make my own thread in the community forums because to me Id think you have to reaaaaaaally do something amazing to do that, and I don't think mine was...
  11. Z

    What exactly is offensive about being told to play in creative mode?

    So... sheesh where to start here. So you just said anyone who enjoys balance, or even plays SMP are all wrong? You see two statistics that are similar and assume they are related? Correlation does not prove causation? You ahve to show that the data is actually related to each other, two...
  12. Z

    What exactly is offensive about being told to play in creative mode?

    Everyone likes to hear that something they spent time on and enjoyed is enjoyed by others. The definition of what difficult is doesn't matter and it really depends on the person on how difficult something is. To direwolf20 a fancy castle is really difficult to build, for others his tech stuff...
  13. Z

    What exactly is offensive about being told to play in creative mode?

    This is my issue. I wont tell people they are inferior for playing creative mode or whatever but if you come to this forum and try to talk about balance, you are lumped in with people who say things like that. And told that I am only enjoying tedium and tedium is not difficulty. So basically...
  14. Z

    Why isn't Monster getting attention?

    Its not truth its just his opinion. He could be wrong.
  15. Z

    What exactly is offensive about being told to play in creative mode?

    You've never met someone who was passive aggressive? I'd never make a joke that could be interpreted either way and then tell someone their analogy was weird and clunky. I guess it's just me, I'd be more careful about how I wrote things down to ensure people would not misinterpret them. I...
  16. Z

    What exactly is offensive about being told to play in creative mode?

    You are doing exactly what this thread is talking about. Is it a subtle joke, or are you really saying your drink is superior? (in a thread about how people get upset when others imply their ideas are superior to others?)
  17. Z

    Is Ore processing and sorting disappearing?

    But... did any of you read what I wrote? Unhinged is NOT ultimate, if you think so you are foolish. As i said Unhinged has all of the oldest mods and has a very short mod list. There is no way to know without trying it, but to compare an ultimate type pack to the current packs you would need...
  18. Z

    Is Ore processing and sorting disappearing?

    No, I said if someone made a gregtech type mod with big end game items that required lots of resources and power to make and it was added to a current ftb pack I would bet it would be the most popular. I did not say a pack I would make. Dont assume im part of a small group. You have no real...
  19. Z

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    if you had to kind of judge the new TE flux infused tools compared to Tinkers construct tools, would you say they are more or less powerful, or the same? Trying to figure out if I can leave them in a pack im making, i dont want anything stronger than TiC tools.
  20. Z

    What exactly is offensive about being told to play in creative mode?

    Yes but using an MPS suit in twilight forest is really killing all the fun, don't you think? I didnt even realize it the first time I played it, just using my MPS suit like eveyrone else was, doing OTHER fun stuff like quarrying a dark tower, etc. Which IS fun, to do those crazy powerful...