Search results for query: fuck

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  1. retep998

    What's new in modded minecraft today?

    For all you builders out there, GregTech has a new update with its own C-Foam! It's much better than IC2 C-Foam!
  2. A

    Besides MC, what have you been playing lately?

    ...gone past my recommended daily intake of salt by just playing that game. Also the incidents of swearing has shot up by 200%. The phrase "omg! Fuck that fucking shit! Missed at 82 fucking percent! If you bloody live you are so fired! Call yourself a marksman!" Is actually uttered quite a lot...
  3. E

    Beneath the Neon Stars - In Character Thread {MATURE CONTENT}

    ...of mind collapsing into unconsciousness as gravity pulled her entire body down. Raptus spun round at the sound of Gardenia's collapse. "For fuck's sake, can she not just walk like every other fucking person does? We've not even been walking that long and miss precious bitch needs a bit of a...
  4. S

    Fullmetal Werewolf: Brotherhood (GAME THREAD)

    I was buuusyyy, I'm still buuusy. fuck. Well, sorry. vote rjs for no reason other than antismite Can everyone please roleclaim to me? Kthx bye.
  5. LivingAngryCheese

    Fullmetal Werewolf: Brotherhood (GAME THREAD)

    Fuck off KC. Just because there are more of you doesn't mean you're in the right. I spend a lot of my time arguing for the minority IRL, so stop being a prick.
  6. S

    Beneath the Neon Stars - In Character Thread {MATURE CONTENT}, after all." Gardenia looks up, now with fire in her eyes. She roars, "So what do YOU WANT ME TO DO!? WHAT DO YOU WANT ME DO TO, JOIN YOUR FUCKING REBELLION GROUP AGAINST MY WHIM? WATCH ME LOSE MY PARENTS AND EVERYONE I LOVE FOR MY ENTIRE FUCKING LIFE?! IS THAT THE CASE!? DO YOU WANT ME...
  7. Pyure

    Murder at Monocon Game Thread!

    Yep definitely. You be the judge and tell me what you think. The_J had recently come under fire with a couple votes. So I sent him this. Edited to be more or less concise. I don't necessarily fully buy all the dylan and shaz stuff. You make your own decision. But J's a wolf.
  8. the_j485

    Beneath the Neon Stars - In Character Thread {MATURE CONTENT}

    Mother...fucker... Having a laser blast a hole in his side wasn't doing Sy any favours. The beam's heat had cauterised the wound for a bit, but burnt blood wasn't too good at withstanding the repeated strain of running for your life, then limping for it. The blood was flowing slowly, thanks to...
  9. R

    Beneath the Neon Stars - In Character Thread {MATURE CONTENT}

    ...of shots missed, one caught Dan in the shoulder, knocking him off balance. Dan fell back into the wall on the other side of the doorway. 'Fuck.' He said to himself. 'That hurt like hell.' Time slowed down around him as he opened up his neural interface. Of course, it did not really slow...
  10. LivingAngryCheese

    Fuckerclúck: Isla de Locura [Werewolf Signups]

    Oh yay a hidden game. I guess I'm in. Fuck it. The secret chbachman game was actually quite good.
  11. R

    Beneath the Neon Stars - In Character Thread {MATURE CONTENT}

    ...SCRAP MARKET, ALLEYWAY] Raptus twitched slightly, a sure sign to those who knew him that he was very, very angry. "Alright dipshit. Clean the fucking imbecility out of your ears. I'll repeat what I told you, slowly enough that a moron like you can comprehend the spoken fucking word. Our...
  12. LivingAngryCheese

    Beneath the Neon Stars - Signup and Out Of Character {MATURE CONTENT}

    Sorry, was looking for the role sheets and what the fuck gg Dylan's maths.
  13. the_j485

    Beneath the Neon Stars - In Character Thread {MATURE CONTENT}

    ...he did so. He could just about make out three troops on the ground in the market, but something felt familiar about one of them... "Oh, sweet fuck." "Commander, this is urgent. One of the troops in the market is the daughter of a very high-up official in Magnus, Gardenia Pirose. Please advise."
  14. R

    Beneath the Neon Stars - In Character Thread {MATURE CONTENT}

    ...appeared on the scene, pulling up to the cheesily named shop. The sound of breaking glass could be heard, before the floatcar set down. "Fuckers are in through the window! Move it faster!" Raptus snarled, as the remaining occupants rushed into the market. [INSTITUTE, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC...
  15. asb3pe

    FTB Infinity Expert mode is everything I could've asked for out of FTB

    Yeah that's what I was thinking too - the various food groups, and the only way you can achieve full health and stay there is if your food variety encompasses all the nutritional categories. If you are heavy on one and weak on another, you suffer a bit. Perhaps eating foods with sugar gives a...
  16. A

    FTB Infinity Expert mode is everything I could've asked for out of FTB

    ...groups to nullify some of the variety some mods provide. You could make pork chops count the same as steak. Of course becasue there's a cubic fuck load of different foods in Pam's Harvest craft, only a masochist would bother to write up the JSON file to establish them. Like you could look at...
  17. P

    NONE of the Modpacks launch - stop at Mojang screen

    My problem is that I can't find the exact files/set of files that's causing the issue, so I figure getting ONE launcher to work will point me in the right direction.
  18. J

    NONE of the Modpacks launch - stop at Mojang screen

    "Same thing with ATLauncher packs as well." with "If you lack the technical knowledge to actually decipher what the fuck is going on, just give me a link to previous launcher versions, that'd be fantastic." Really...? How would launcher downgrade help if other launchers(sic) has the same...