Search results for query: fuck

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  1. J

    [1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

    Fuck this.... Spend 6 hours today working on stuff... and guess what... for some reason it did not saved, broke everything. So I need to spend another 6 hours to get that back in... That means, no update this weekend.
  2. R

    Beneath the Neon Stars - In Character Thread {MATURE CONTENT}

    ...meeting. Farewell." Revenant turned and stalked off into the gloom. As Sy turned to the ladder, he received a neural message from Raptus. Leo fucked up. Safehouse compromised. Meet where this shit began. [UNDERCITY] As Leo, Raptus and Wyatt left with INA's body, they bumped into Natalya...
  3. Pyure

    Yomawolf (WW Game Thread)

    Fuck. Yes I can. Goreae and Cheese are right. That was a typo. I misread it 14x before I noticed what you were saying. That was supposed to say "won" not "lost". Which in retrospect also makes it look like a partially freudian slip. I hope nobody notices that. Sorry @LivingAngryCheese...
  4. goreae

    Yomawolf (WW Game Thread)

    Here's my two cents: Pyure did say and I quite "Cheese's existence is probably the only reason wolves haven't lost yet, so I hope he can still get a villager win if he doesn't get a jester win." Now in my eyes, it looks like he's talking about you being a tanner. I don't think it was meant as...
  5. Pyure

    Yomawolf (WW Game Thread)

    Cheese, pay attention. Breathe deep and go back and read what I said. I said your existence (you being alive) was {probably} the only reason we haven't LOST yet. Not WON. Almost done with your shit bro. {edited because I'm stupid. Typo corrected.}
  6. the_j485

    Yomawolf (WW Game Thread)

    He's saying nothing against you as a person. He's talking about your role in the game. There's nothing here to take so personally.
  7. the_j485

    Yomawolf (WW Game Thread)

    Oy. Be civil.
  8. LivingAngryCheese

    Yomawolf (WW Game Thread)

    Fucks sake. I'm the legit tanner. I did fuck up originally with saying I'm not a wolf, but then I tried to be so bad, that people would lynch me anyway... which didn't work. I did suspect erindalc, so I asked him who he 'trusted', hoping he would say the names of some wolves... but... he said he...
  9. Pyure

    Yomawolf (WW Game Thread) so quick to say "screw you" to your team? Why do you want wolf + yoma + town to ALL get a human kill tonight? If I were tanner, I'd say fuck it to my personal bonus win condition until the village was in a strong position to win. And since I tend to think the best of people, I think...
  10. LivingAngryCheese

    Yomawolf (WW Game Thread)

    1. Uhhh... no he can't. 2. Ahh so you want me to die because I'm onto you? Why the fuck would I sacrifice myself?
  11. S

    Chaos in Wolfville Game Thread!

    Anyway: It won't make much difference now, but Cheese's response to Leth's vote was unusually aggressive. Take a harder look at him if he survives until tomorrow. I might not be around. :P Vote Cheesybreadspecial
  12. LivingAngryCheese

    Chaos in Wolfville Game Thread!

    Bitch fuck you. vote leth
  13. S

    Chaos in Wolfville signup thread!

    Statistics, being useful for internet games, since always.
  14. L

    Chaos in Wolfville signup thread!

    Ignore him, he's just a math nerd. Sent from my Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron using Tapatalk 2
  15. LivingAngryCheese

    Chaos in Wolfville signup thread!

    The fuck man.
  16. Someone Else 37

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    If you can get temporary Internet access somewhere, you should be able to download and install MultiMC. It's a third-party launcher that works quite well- and logging in offline mode definitely works. I've heard of this issue with the FTB launcher before; I'm not sure if they ever did anything...
  17. P

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    I'm using FTB Client but it doesn't seem to have the auth token. I have it set to remember it though. EDIT: Fuck it, giant cable to the rescue, trip hazard now though.
  18. Pyure

    [GAME THREAD] MoonWolf

    In our highly illegal trusted convo (we forgot to add the GM for I think 94.2% of the game)
  19. R

    [GAME THREAD] MoonWolf

    ...Pyure, claiming that with Liliana dead I would be no threat to the town. It's a ploy I recommend you do not replicate - he'll be suspicious if too many vampires own up to him. Cheese, you are our source of covert information. What have you found thus far? 1. FUCK SO DID I. 2. Ehh.. Hehe. My...
  20. S

    Beneath the Neon Stars - In Character Thread {MATURE CONTENT}

    ...bullshit story you want to spin about this, I don't give a shit about your mass-produced bullshit newspaper. This is my department. I have a fucking job to do, and part of that is debriefing with individuals after they return, especially if they have been held by the enemy. Now, you can run...