Yomawolf (WW Game Thread)

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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
I'm still working on my own analysis here. Working on lenscas atm.

Vampire: why have you not contacted me??? You know I'm human and you know I have no interest in killing you, I just want to end the game as quickly as possible (in my favour), so help me kill wolves instead of you please.

edit: and I'm probably going to follow rjs and vote ljfa too the way this is looking, but its gonna take me a minute to wrap this up. Shaz looks terrible too.
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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
This took me literally 45 minutes to assemble.

Aside: did shazam lose a grace smite on N1?

Peeps listed in order of suspicion (descending)

tl;dr: Shazam and ljfa are almost certainly wolves. sgbros, who knows. RJS has a strong town claim. Sora has done reasonably strong town work. Lenscas I have decent reason to believe is not a wolf. Cheese's existence is probably the only reason wolves haven't won yet, so I hope he can still get a villager win if he doesn't get a jester win. {edited because I'm stupid.}

Shazam actions
preached against the_J (town)
voted Nojr (neutral)
preached against vikestep (town)
preached against erindalc (wolf)
preached against realkc (town)
voted eeffoc (town)
Summary: Very wolfy. Kinda clinched it when he preached against Erindalc but voted Nojr.

voted realKC (town)
voted pyure (town) "I haven't read all of the thread I might go with that too"
voted eeffoc (town) "whatever", bandwagon
voted sorazodia (person-analyzing) "You forgot yourself :p "
Summary: very wolfy for never being a part of a wolf-lynch, for always voting persons who are town, and for currently voting a person who is analyzing.

voted fowltief (town) --> lame childish omgus vote.
voted ljfa (wolfy?) --> "any good votes" "antismite"
voted pyure (town) --> "uh ok"
voted eeffoc (town) --> "choo choo"
Summary: sgbros1 is either a vampire, or a villager with no powers that he would classify as "boring" because he doesn't know how to play the vanilla villager correctly. He's not playing, he's not trying, he's just logging on and voting randomly/wagony. Most of the other players alive are good enough at WW to have contacted me by now as a vampire.

Someoneelse 37
voted 016nojr (neutral)
analyzed pyure negatively or as tanner "I remember a game in which Pyure claimed he was a villager, and backed it up with arguments along the lines of "well I know I'm a villager"... and he was a wolf. His comments here (particularly the monstrous town rating) remind me a lot of wolf-Pyure in some games. "
voteswitched pyure (town) --> actually very town-ish vote.
voted cheese (tanner?)
voted eeffoc (town) --> late vote, zero impact on standings.
Summary: didn't leave a lot to work with. Does he usually play so quiet? there's nothing wolfy above, and I can't even claim he's staying below radar a la shazam.

voted shazam08 (still alive)
voted erindalc (wolf)
analyzed RJS (likely villager?) "RJS looks like a bit more or an town, Cheese was an likely candidate for an lynch until later on in the day. So it would had been an good chance for them to jump on an wagon."
Analyzed realKC (town) "RealKC seemed kind of suspicious when he followed SomeoneElse's vote on Pyure, but his reaction to Cheese wanting to get lynched made him appear more town-like."
defended pyure: "Pyure offered his own defense about being town, and the counter-statements were not too convincing for an vote on him."
Analyzed cheese negatively: "I take Cheese's arguments with an grain of salt and lactose pill. His credibility kind of plummeted after his tanner fiasco, and his currently stance against Pyure sounds like he just trying to find anything that he can use to make Pyure looks like an wolf."
Analyzed pyure sort of positively: "Granted, Pyure's mention about the "good player balancing things out" seemed a bit manipulative. Although, his claims about being bitten by an vampire is likely true if I read my sources correctly, which would mean that he's town."
voted eeffoc (town)
Analyzed remaining players but left out pyure as a suspect (why?)
Summary: Rather town. Critically he was a major instigator to bring attempt to bring down erindalc. Game MVP if he's a wolf, for simultaneously staying involved AND looking so town.

analyzed pyure, goreae, the_j (town) negatively
analyzed cheese (probably tanner?) negatively
deliberately delayed vote (positive?)
analyzed cheese negatively (probably tanner?) "So...we have some clues that cheese may indeed be a villager and thus looking at his previous posts even more like a tanner?"
voted the_J negatively (town) "Reading everything he looks indeed a bit more wolf then I would've liked and lynching cheese DOES NOTHING AT ALL! "
analyzed cheese (tanner?) "you know, I actually kind of want cheese to be a wolf at this point, just because if cheese turns out to be one he does the "I am total a legit tanner" thing pretty well in my opinion."
voted erindalc (wolf) "I think that pyure is a villager, not sure if erin is a wolf or not but I hate random chance and I at this point rather have pyure alive"
voteswitch vikestep (town) "edit and as I got ninjad and my vote now doesn't save pyure anymore if I vote erin" (?? what?)
warned vikestep (town) "you are aware that if you change your vote you are getting yourself lynched 100% of the time?"
analyzed sgbros (wolfy?) positively "I think that has more to do with the fact that sg has 2 small rp's running on a different forum and 1 on this forum."
voted eeffoc (town) "because I have nothing else"
Summary: Comes off a bit more town than some others. He's participating, and warned a townie about putting himself in danger. I can't tell if erindalc's situation was changed as a result of vike's vote. I don't like that he unvoted erindalc when he did.

Summary: Almost certainly legit tanner due to various info at my disposal

voted goreae (town)
voted the_J (town) "A group effort to lynch Cheese also eliminates a lot of information we could get from voting patterns... your death benefits only yourself and the wolves. We gain nothing from it. "
analyzed positively by sorazodia (who looks townish right now)
voted erindalc (wolf) when it rather mattered.
voted eeffoc (town)
claimed a role
Summary: pretty town. Has put in a hard role claim, and has been instrumental in analysis and wolf-killing. If wolf with Sorazodia, will have to cage-match Sora for MVP.

edit: I sorted some peeps wrong; fixed. SO37 was supposed to be higher on the list. RJS was supposed to be lower.
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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
SpwnX, technically I should have analyzed you too. Honestly, you came up hardcore neutral since D2 and since you've confirmed it I'm satisfied.


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
I'm starting to think that pyure's messiah influence stretches even outside games. Pyure says that I (someone he knows is on his team) am the literal reason we haven't won, so saying that I am absolutely the most useless person ever, no one bats an eye. I say fuck you in return which is a PRETTY SMALL insult in comparison, and you're like 'hey cheese stay on your fucking leash.' So yeah, basically, fuck you guys.
He's saying nothing against you as a person. He's talking about your role in the game. There's nothing here to take so personally.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
I'm starting to think that pyure's messiah influence stretches even outside games. Pyure says that I (someone he knows is on his team) am the literal reason we haven't won, so saying that I am absolutely the most useless person ever, no one bats an eye. I say fuck you in return which is a PRETTY SMALL insult in comparison, and you're like 'hey cheese stay on your fucking leash.' So yeah, basically, fuck you guys.
Cheese, pay attention. Breathe deep and go back and read what I said.

I said your existence (you being alive) was {probably} the only reason we haven't LOST yet.

Not WON.

Almost done with your shit bro.

{edited because I'm stupid. Typo corrected.}
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Ultimate Murderous Fiend
Nov 27, 2012
I'm starting to think that pyure's messiah influence stretches even outside games. Pyure says that I (someone he knows is on his team) am the literal reason we haven't won, so saying that I am absolutely the most useless person ever, no one bats an eye. I say fuck you in return which is a PRETTY SMALL insult in comparison, and you're like 'hey cheese stay on your fucking leash.' So yeah, basically, fuck you guys.
Here's my two cents:

Pyure did say and I quite "Cheese's existence is probably the only reason wolves haven't lost yet, so I hope he can still get a villager win if he doesn't get a jester win."

Now in my eyes, it looks like he's talking about you being a tanner. I don't think it was meant as a personal insult towards you. Before you decided to start helping the village, you did throw off a lot of the wolf ferreting with your jestering.

Even so, saying that he's the key reason why the village is losing is just mean. And probably not true. There's plenty of reasons why the village is doing poorly. There's the bodyguard who barely defended his D1 accusations even though he could have probably successfully defended himself. There's the blacksmith that died because he wasn't here to defend himself, and, as far as I know, hasn't used his power much if at all, there's the fact that the seer and the bodyguard died early on, cutting off a particularly useful information flow. There's the summoner who has yet to use his power. There's so many things that are working against the village that saying that cheese is the only reason the wolves haven't lost is just not cool.
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Ultimate Murderous Fiend
Nov 27, 2012
Cheese, pay attention. Breathe deep and go back and read what I said.

I said your existence (you being alive) was {probably} the only reason we haven't LOST yet.

Not WON.

Almost done with your shit bro.
You specifically said "Cheese's existence is probably the only reason wolves haven't lost yet", meaning cheese is the only reason why the village is failing. Which is what spurred the whole "frak you" thing. If it was just a typo, then yeah it's all good. But you can understand why someone would get upset over that, yes?
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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
There's so many things that are working against the village that saying that cheese is the only reason the wolves haven't lost is just not cool.
And also not what happened. {edit: except it plausibly did :\ }

To paraphrase:
"We still have a chance in this game because LivingAngryCheese is still alive. I hope he can still can a win via the villagers win condition because there's a good chance he won't get the tanner victory."

To paraphrase the paraphrase:
"Thanks bro. You may be making a sacrifice for the team. Hope that's not true."
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Ultimate Murderous Fiend
Nov 27, 2012
And also not what happened.

To paraphrase:
"We still have a chance in this game because LivingAngryCheese is still alive. I hope he can still can a win via the villagers win condition because there's a good chance he won't get the tanner victory."

To paraphrase the paraphrase:
"Thanks bro. You may be making a sacrifice for the team. Hope that's not true."
This took me literally 45 minutes to assemble.

Aside: did shazam lose a grace smite on N1?

Peeps listed in order of suspicion (descending)

tl;dr: Shazam and ljfa are almost certainly wolves. sgbros, who knows. RJS has a strong town claim. Sora has done reasonably strong town work. Lenscas I have decent reason to believe is not a wolf. Cheese's existence is probably the only reason wolves haven't lost yet, so I hope he can still get a villager win if he doesn't get a jester win.



Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
You specifically said "Cheese's existence is probably the only reason wolves haven't lost yet", meaning cheese is the only reason why the village is failing. Which is what spurred the whole "frak you" thing. If it was just a typo, then yeah it's all good. But you can understand why someone would get upset over that, yes?
Fuck. Yes I can. Goreae and Cheese are right. That was a typo. I misread it 14x before I noticed what you were saying.

That was supposed to say "won" not "lost". Which in retrospect also makes it look like a partially freudian slip. I hope nobody notices that.

Sorry @LivingAngryCheese.

Sorry @goreae.

Just to be clear, I've said several times, privately and publicly, that I cannot move against Cheese in this game because his whole tanner business, fake or otherwise, has solidly protected him.