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  1. K

    Automating the creation of Liquid Glowstone when engine needs it?

    You could try using LogisticsPipes+BC gates. Connect fluid supplier to the engine set to a specific amount of mB (ideally 50%+ of engine capacity) Add BC gate to detect fluid levels, set to <25% in tank, send pipe signal Add fluid provider to magma crucible output, set to liquid glowstone Add...
  2. K

    a player kills the TPS on a server??

    The likely reason lag continues after he logs out/moves around is because the default configs may be set to not unload chunks, ever. This is a problem with Monster where time to unload orphaned chunks=0, which makes them never unload. I'd check your chickenchunks config, if it's indeed at 0...
  3. K

    1.7 Flagship pack and your guys thoughts, My question for the community.

    Just because you "feel" a mod adds ticks/chunkloading/instability doesn't mean it actually does. Please don't make claims like that, opinion or otherwise, without evidence to back it up. Accusations/claims based on feelings rather than hard data are often what causes misunderstandings, drama...
  4. K

    Mod Feedback [By Request] RotaryCraft Suggestions

    Three suggestions: 1. A machine (or pipe requiring pressure) to accept fluids/gases and dump them into the environment (Basically like BC's flood gate but actually useful/fast and supporting RoC gases. Mmm, pure oxygen+heat source...) 2. Liquefied concrete to seal up our failed reactor...
  5. K

    What does YOUR Power Room look like?

    I played a vanilla server like that with my friends, they had a /sell command that let you sell *anything*. We annihilated that economy with a massive underground automatic cactus farm. Don't need any mods for that, though with mods could probably significantly speed up growth rates and...
  6. K

    Would you build this?

    In my experience, if they have high enough input power they tend to ignore you and focus on whatever machine they're targeting. In my case I specifically allocated 1/2 of a micro turbine to run a VDG for an electrolyzer, once the turbine hit full speed the VDG never bothered me. Still working on...
  7. K

    A few (well, a lot of) questions about RotaryCraft/ReactorCraft

    @Ieldra: Sorry, I should have clarified. That's MFR sludge in the sludge boiler, it has a chance to generate things like dirt, netherrack, soul sand, and more. The sludge is generated by the MFR Harvester as a byproduct. Though, I wouldn't rely on it as a primary source since it's random and...
  8. K

    A few (well, a lot of) questions about RotaryCraft/ReactorCraft

    (This is Monster 1.1.1 btw.) Ethanol Components: Sugar: MFR sugarcane farm, currently I manually convert to sugar, this needs automating. Dirt: Sludge>Dirt, also remnants from quarrying in TF for mazestone Vegetable matter: Tons of leftover leaves (100k+) from another TF quarry. Could probably...
  9. K

    A few (well, a lot of) questions about RotaryCraft/ReactorCraft

    I can verify that RoC machines work with LogsticsPipes, TE ducts, and ExtraUtils. I currently have a workshop automating ore extraction, jet fuel production (incl. all components), and uranium processing. In the next few days I'll see how it works automating a pebble bed reactor. The only...
  10. K

    What would a "modern day" Minecraft be like?

    Brown and bloom. EVERYWHERE.o_O They'd call it Mines of War - Modern Craftfare 9042, and release a sequel every year.
  11. K

    MFR planter

    You're welcome! I've done the same thing before, typically forgetting to light up valid spawn areas in machine rooms. I'm sure you can imagine how well THAT ends up!
  12. K

    MFR planter

    Is there sufficient light? Low light levels will cause seeds to pop off the ground.
  13. K

    Unsupported Monster 1.6.4 Bug Reports

    Two bugs to report. Mod Pack: Monster 1.1.1 SMP Mod & Version: QuarryPlus Pastebin link to crash log screenshot: Whats the bug? Upon completion a QuarryPlus Quarry will somehow grab a garbage value for its maximum energy capacity and drain...
  14. K

    [ForgeModLoader] Saved ModFlags.dat NBT data file successfully. log/console spam

    Might there specific evidence that this issue is related to / caused by calclaviacore/mffs? I don't want to visit their IRC/forums without evidence that their mods are the source. (As much as disabling would be the easiest, I researched dependencies and discovered this unfortunately won't be...
  15. K

    [ForgeModLoader] Saved ModFlags.dat NBT data file successfully. log/console spam

    it's not a "good thing". The constant writes seem to be forcing the OS to allocate a lot of memory for caching purposes, and it puts needless wear+tear on the drive. It also makes the FML log impossible to read, and all the actual important server details are in there, not server.log. I think...
  16. K

    [ForgeModLoader] Saved ModFlags.dat NBT data file successfully. log/console spam

    Monster 1.1.0. This message is appearing in the ForgeModLoader log (not server.log). Warning: it's 9MB from only running a couple days now. Sorry if my first post sounded a bit stressed, this issue is making administration & testing of...
  17. K

    [ForgeModLoader] Saved ModFlags.dat NBT data file successfully. log/console spam

    My server logs are so full of [ForgeModLoader] Saved ModFlags.dat NBT data file successfully. [ForgeModLoader] Saved ModFlags.dat NBT data file successfully. [ForgeModLoader] Saved ModFlags.dat NBT data file successfully. etc. that it makes it impossible to extract any useful information from...
  18. K

    Unsupported Monster 1.6.4 Bug Reports

    Modpack: Monster v1.1.0 (SMP) Mods: Backpacks Pastebin to crashlog: N/A What's the bug? When wearing a backpack, going through the exit portal from the end deletes the backback and all of its contents. Can it be repeated? Yes Known fix: None
  19. K

    Unsupported Monster 1.6.4 Bug Reports

    Mod Pack: Monster 1.1.0 Mod & Version: Forestry/Extra Bees Pastebin link to crash log: Whats the bug? Placing a comb in the Mariculture Automatic Dictionary Convertor (top row) then clicking the comb image (left or right) crashes the game client. Can it be repeated...
  20. K

    Unsupported Monster 1.6.4 Bug Reports

    Mod Pack: Monster 1.1.0 Mod & Version: NEI & Mystcraft Pastebin link to crash log: Whats the bug? Attempting to right-click on (use) a Writing Table results in client crash. Can it be repeated? Yes, both in village writing tables...