[ForgeModLoader] Saved ModFlags.dat NBT data file successfully. log/console spam

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My server logs are so full of
[ForgeModLoader] Saved ModFlags.dat NBT data file successfully.
[ForgeModLoader] Saved ModFlags.dat NBT data file successfully.
[ForgeModLoader] Saved ModFlags.dat NBT data file successfully.
etc. that it makes it impossible to extract any useful information from them. It's completely unnecessary for it to be displayed every 2-3 seconds. Somebody, please tell me there is a way to turn this off and what it is, I've searched the 'net but have not found any information on it, and it's been driving me crazy. I'm using Monster recommended, in case it's a mod doing this. Help, please?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have this same issue, i've been contated by creeperhost to inform me of this issue (i hadnt noticed it myself) according to them, the mods causing this issue are:
CalclaviaCore and MFFS

They mention that the modflags.dat file is being saved every 1-5 seconds constantly which is causing un-needed resource usage on the server, however i cannot find any reports of this issue with either of these mods?

Connor Gavitt

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The saving of files that small shouldn't hinder your server at all, now if it was say saving the whole world every 5 seconds then you may have a issue, but as this is such a small save probably saving data that the mod is constantly writing which is a good thing and the fact that it doesn't hug you in the server.log I (speaking for myself only) would just ignore it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
it's not a "good thing". The constant writes seem to be forcing the OS to allocate a lot of memory for caching purposes, and it puts needless wear+tear on the drive. It also makes the FML log impossible to read, and all the actual important server details are in there, not server.log. I think I'll just remove those two mods since nobody's using them right now.

Connor Gavitt

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
it's not a "good thing". The constant writes seem to be forcing the OS to allocate a lot of memory for caching purposes, and it puts needless wear+tear on the drive. It also makes the FML log impossible to read, and all the actual important server details are in there, not server.log. I think I'll just remove those two mods since nobody's using them right now.
Writing that small amount of data every 5 seconds won't affect your drives life at all, I doubt the data file is larger then 50bytes.( I don't know how large it is that was a guess) also it should use any noticeable amount of memory doing that, however it is your server and your choice I'm merely pointing out that it is a very small amount of data the mod is using and there is probably a good reason it is saving it that often, the mod developer can answer that.

Also the server.log contains important information as well that the forge log doesn't have, the server processes are logged to the server.log and the forge/mod processes are logged to the forgelog in layman's terms anyway.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Might there specific evidence that this issue is related to / caused by calclaviacore/mffs? I don't want to visit their IRC/forums without evidence that their mods are the source. (As much as disabling would be the easiest, I researched dependencies and discovered this unfortunately won't be possible.)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
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