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  • Hi, I'm trying to set up the regrowth pack as a server for a few friends but I can not seem to get the world to gen correctly. I keep getting a normal vanilla world. If you could replay with a solution it would be amazing. Thanks in advance.
    pregen a world, stick it in the world folder of the server.
    Ahoj psal jsem ti ohledně bugu s TNT kde se dá přeskočit celá větev úkolů, a až pak si všiml že seš slovák chceš to rozepsat v češtině?
    Hi, I experienced a crash while playing the regrowth modpack in single player version 0.7.1.

    Do you have a dedicated bug tracker for your project?
    Hello! Im having a problem starting up a server!
    The modpack looks really good and when i try and start it up it goes to the crapper.

    It all loads up and stuff but i or anyone cant join the server, it is not showing up on the list.

    Is anyone else having this problem?
    There's a FAQ floating around in the thread for the pack, look at the part about setting up a server. the 0.6.5 launch file is a little broken.

    Is there a way to migrate the Single Player world to a server? Thanks in advance!

    Love your mod pack!


    I found out by myself. Haha! Thanks again.
    Just setup a regrowth server and needed to update the agrcaft to the lastest in the server pack.

    other than that all working great.
    for a great modpack
    Hey, I was wondering if you were taking applications for that test server for Regrowth? Really interested, please let me know.
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