Recent content by southernfriedbb

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  1. S

    Help with Error

    Lol, it's mostly years (I'm old :) ) of experience and lots of practice, and maybe a little college, but mostly practice. When I was young I would frequently break my computer, and I would have to figure how to fix it myself, because Google didn't exist when I was young.
  2. S

    Help with Error

    You may also want to try one of the newer "experimental" builds found here. I can't guarantee that they'll work any better, but they can't work any worse.
  3. S

    Help with Error

    3. If i read this correctly, you are giving Java between 10GB and 100GB of memory. Try reducing it. to a 1 to 2 gb range the higher memory setting can actually cause performance problems having to do with java's garbage collection routines. 5. Does it just lag really bad then?
  4. S

    Automatic Experience?

    It's probably the easiest to achieve, relatively speaking, but you must have a stable power supply to run it.
  5. S

    Favorite Biome?

    In BOP, Crag biomes, Ominous woods, Canyon, Cherry Blossom Forest (kinda girly, but still cool), Fungi Forest, and Promised Land (although, technically, it's another dimension.)
  6. S

    Help with Error

    1. What version of MPS? 2. What other mods? 3. Change the memory max and min to something like 1024 to 2048, giving Java that much memory can cause problems. 4. Try adding -XX:MaxPermSize=128m to the JVM options in multimc. 5. Does it crash? If so post logs please.
  7. S

    Mac unable to start modpack

    Downgrade Java to 1.6. I believe there is a known issue with the 1.7 version of Java for Mac.
  8. S

    Automatic Experience?

    This is true changed my post to reflect that. To be fair though, getting the bees ain't exactly a walk in the park either.
  9. S

    Sorting Items into Chests / Storage (1.5.x)

    It's config disable-able. Although If I remember from testing it doesn't take much, I think a redstone engine will do it (don't quote me on that though, I'd have to test again to be 100% positive). I was wrong.
  10. S

    Favorite Biome?

    Ahh yes, the "9 months of winter and 3 months of bad sledding" syndrome. The main reason I moved.
  11. S

    Favorite Biome?

    It must be the altitude getting to you:D (please note I lived in southwestern Wyoming for 5 years before leaving for *GREENER* pastures.)
  12. S

    Favorite Biome?

    Me, I like anything with hills, caves and water. Extreme Hill/ Extreme Jungle near an ocean. And the Biomes O' Plenty crag biome, is just amazing.
  13. S

    Mods that deserve Attention.

    I linked it a couple of posts up. :D
  14. S

    Automatic Experience?

    I assume you want the experience for enchanting. You have a few options: 1. Soul Shards Spawner / MFR Grinder (More than one needed for a T5 Spawner)/ MFR Auto-Enchater will give you enchantments without messing with experience. 2. Iron Golems (EDIT: with visors) & passive mobs & brain in jar...
  15. S

    Mods that deserve Attention.

    I'm not calling you lazy Lambert, I agree with you, vanilla enchanting sucks. My use of lazy, refers to the fact that EnchantingPlus is one block, and craft and enchant uses three blocks, so it takes a little extra effort to produce the same results, but it has a few other nice features, like...