Direwolf20 1.7.10 released

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John.E, njm1564, redstone furnace should accept it too but it doesn't.

omg copying silk touch book at the typesetting table costs 40 lvls, while making it at ender IO enchanter 30lvls.. the XP prices should be balanced to the lower side..
in vanilla 1.8 repairing is cheaper and you actually see enchants - they aren't random

Type setting table requires you to have the book in the first place and in turn it gives you three copies so I think it balances pretty well.
zBob, I would prefer it to give 1 copy for 10-15 lvls, since I would mostly use it at the start when you don't have much of xp grinders, while later on you just don't need it at all.

- where do I get dark Iron(factorization)? people say that it should spawn tons of its ore at y=1 - 5 but I can't find any there. (3x3 tunnel for 150 blocks, at y=2, = 0 dark iron ore)
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zBob, I would prefer it to give 1 copy for 10-15 lvls, since I would mostly use it at the start when you don't have much of xp grinders, while later on you just don't need it at all.

- where do I get dark Iron(factorization)? people say that it should spawn tons of its ore at y=1 - 5 but I can't find any there. (3x3 tunnel for 150 blocks, at y=2, = 0 dark iron ore)

Well that's how those mods are already written and I don't think those XP levels are configurable, but you could always trade with some villagers for an emerald and add a silky jewel onto a Tinker's Construct tool to get that enchant pretty early game.

As for dark iron I think you have just been unlucky, try another branch or two beside that tunnel and if that still comes up short then build a few branches just over top them and you should be able to locate it.
zBob, is it biome specific? because I have got over a stack of diamonds and full double-chest of other ores over the whole game but 1 vein of dark iron
- is there a way to increase dark iron spawn amount? it's ridiculously small

- is there a way to craft plank+slab sized block with a saw? I think in redpower2 I could do that.

- tool rods (0.5 material cost) and scythe heads - tinker's construct - are not displayed in the NEI
- redwood bark(from the huge 7x7 trees) isn't accepted by forestry backpack
- it's not very obvious that TE machines can be upgraded, since NEI shows all the recipies resulting machines as (basic) and I couldn't find any info on the wikis.
- natura crafting tables can't be used in recipes, requiring crafting tables.

- crafted rune of air, but can't craft rune of earth (can't start the process - right click with a want does nothing), replacing ingredients and moving the altar&mana-spreader around doesn't help, what am i doing wrong?
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When i try starting a world on the Direwolf20 1.7.10 mod pack, the world generation gets to around 90-96% and the either freezes there or just closes itself.
i have tried-
-versions 1.0.0-1.0.3 and different world types(default, large biomes, biomes-o-plenty. etc.)
-Force updating

any help on what might be causing this?

Minecraft developers are causing the problem. The modding community is here to help. Look up a mod called fastcraft and put it in the direwolf20/mods folder.
When i try starting a world on the Direwolf20 1.7.10 mod pack, the world generation gets to around 90-96% and the either freezes there or just closes itself.
i have tried-
-versions 1.0.0-1.0.3 and different world types(default, large biomes, biomes-o-plenty. etc.)
-Force updating

any help on what might be causing this?

Dear Lenny,
the important line is this one:
"Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space"
That means that you have not enough memory allocated. Google how to get more.
I like to ask you some questions. 1 is your ftb launcher on your desktop or download folder. it needs to be on c: drive I tend to put mine in a folder on c: called ftb. 2. Don't Google how to adjust the ram go into settings in ftb and set in to 4gb, if you don't have 4gb to spare, no mod minecraft games will play. If you have any other questions to ask please feel free to contact me.
Your welcome, enjoy direwolf20 pack. Mmc direwolf20 1.7.10 is a good server to join, the guys are friendly and kind.
I like to ask you some questions. 1 is your ftb launcher on your desktop or download folder. it needs to be on c: drive I tend to put mine in a folder on c: called ftb. 2. Don't Google how to adjust the ram go into settings in ftb and set in to 4gb, if you don't have 4gb to spare, no mod minecraft games will play. If you have any other questions to ask please feel free to contact me.
1 Is totaly wrong. Why do you think this? Mine is on D://ProgrammFiles/Minecraft/FTB
1 Is totaly wrong. Why do you think this? Mine is on D://ProgrammFiles/Minecraft/FTB

I think he is referring to installing FtB/MC into the root directory instead of Microsoft's preferred default of installing into the user's APPDATA directory, which is in the users' home directory and hidden.

It's still incorrect... The problem is that most users don't know about the APPDATA directory so they cannot find config, log or save files as easy as you can if you have a [DRIVE]:\Minecraft installation.
Actually I was, referring to the fact that when you download the ftb launcher it store's the file in your download folder. And if you just click on the exe it creates the folder of your pack in the download directory. Been using ftb for 2yrs so I don't know if this has changed. You can save it into any folder you like as long it is in you (root), (main drive). It's more convenient for me to add it here. Been making my own mod packs so it's easier for me. been a minecraft mod pack user,even before mod pack existed. Please don't guess what people know, yes I do known % appdata%. anyways solved his/her problem and he/her is happy. Please read the comments before posting. Thanks
if you don't have 4gb to spare, no mod minecraft games will play
Seems unlikely. Maybe no full FTB 1.7 modpacks will work acceptably, but FTBLite, a lot of <1.7 ftb packs, other packs from other launchers, and individual mods (and DIY packs with small numbers of mods) will be fine

Actually I was, referring to the fact that when you download the ftb launcher it store's the file in your download folder.
Not necessarily. I have my browsers set to ask me where to download.
You can save it into any folder you like as long it is in you (root), (main drive)
Wrong, at least the part after "as". You can save it anywhere.
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As i said before, please read the post carefully before commenting, this is how i have set it up, my setup was done this way as i was having crash issues, it was suggested to me by a FTB Team member. It works for me and the mater is not up for discussions on how i have set it up, meaning you do it your way and i do it my way. this is the last post on this topic as the issues has been solved. please respect my opinion on this matter, failure to do so MAY be reported. thanks, (have a good day and keep on crafting..)
Then stop using the word "you" if you are meaning to say "I". as in "referring to the fact that when I download the ftb launcher it store's the file in MY download folder."

Your posts are read by others, and your INTENT is unlikely to be taken as meaning on their end. All people can do is read your text, and the way you phrased things implies you think that what you are saying is true for all cases which is incorrect, hence at least two of us calling you on it.
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Please look at the full thread. I was helping out r3z3r, after reading his paste bin I noticed ftb launcher located in the download directory. Which was Similar issue I was having. then people start comment after the fact the issue was resolved. thanks for your feedback though. Have fun and keep on crafting.
Direwolf20 Pack version 1.0.4 is available today! There is a changelog showing a lot of mods have been updated, located in the path
"forums\Modpacks\Modpack Changelogs", without the quotes, of course.

Two things of personal interest to me:
1). TConstruct has been updated to the version with enhanced projectile weapons (Longbow, Crossbow, Javelin, etc.)
... This means that later on I can add IguanaTinkersTweaks without having to update TConstruct

2). Fastcraft has not been included, although it has been released for pack inclusion (It's in Infinity, just disabled by default)
... Not really a big deal, it's easy to add manually, but if it can help some players with performance issues, why not?

Many other changes, please check the Changelogs before updating as it isn't "Recommended" yet. I delete all previous worlds when I load a new pack version so it won't hit me so hard if things go belly up.
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