0.6 - Long Time Coming
Mod Changes:
- Added MobProperties version 0.3.4
- Updated Agricraft to 1.2.1
- Updated Applied Energistics 2 to rv2-beta-7
- Updated Buildcraft to 6.3.3 (And added the new Compat module)
- Updated Blood Magic to 1.3.0b-3
- Updated Botania to 1.3-153
- Updated Carpenter's Blocks to
- Updated Chisel 2 to
- Updated Chisel Facades to 2.9
- Updated CustomMainMenu to 1.1
- Updated COFH Core to 3.0.0B9-99
- Updated Ender Zoo to
- Updated Garden Stuff to 1.2.2
- Updated Gravestone to 2.11.3
- Updated HQM to 4.2.2
- Updated Mariculture to 1.2.4b
- Updated Mekanism (+Generators) to
- Updated NEI Integration to 1.0.5
- Updated Thaumcraft to
- Updated Thaumic Exploration to 1.1-36
- Updated TiC Tooltips to 1.2.2
- Updated Traveller's Gear to 1.14.6
- Updated ttCore to 0.1.0-56
- Updated WAILA Plugins to 0.0.1-12
- Updated Witchery to 0.22.0
Config Changes:
- Agricraft
- Fix Typo in melon mutation
- Drop Essence Seeds from tier 4 to tier 2
- Used CustomCrops to add Rutile Seeds - Grow ALL the titanium
- Added mutation for the new wolfsbane crop from witchery
- Add mutations to get potato and carrot, just in case you lose your quest reward ones...
- Blood Magic
- Removed Certus Quartz ore from the Nether Star meteor
- COFH Core
- Made some grass spawn in place of cracked sand in Witchery's Spirit World
- Made Vanilla ores spawn, quite frequently in Witchery's Spirit World
- Mariculture
- Disabled Blood Magic Compat due to incompatability with BM 1.3.0b - No more Bound fishing rods

- Enabled the Hardcore Diving module - diving equipment is actually useful now

- Mob Properties
- Removed Redstone from list of drops from Witches
- Removed Iron ingots from list of drops from Zombies
- Lowered Damage output of Zombie Pigmen
- Nether Ores
- Significantly buff Nether Rutile Spawns along with Nether Emerald and Nether Diamond
- Re-Enabled Zombie Pigmen Aggro *Insert Evil Laugh Here*
- Thaumcraft
- Disabled Champion mobs from spawning randomly
- Buffed Aura node spawn rate to 1 every 24 chunks
- Minetweaker Scripts
- Dropped Exp Seeds from tier 3 to 2
- Halved Energy cost of Redstone Chipset
- Changed recipe of Water Tank Siding to use pipe sealant instead of slime
- Made the world anchor MUCH cheaper so it can be gotten reasonably early
- Changed Recipe for magical fertilizer - It can also now be used to insta-grow any plant considered tier 4+ in Agricraft!
- Change display name of redstone engine to wooden engine since it no longer has redstone anywhere in its recipe
- Added recipes for Rutile seeds, and for making rutile ore from essence
- Changed the recipe for the Attuned stone - it now uses a Mana Diamond instead of a normal diamond
- Changed the recipe for the Blood Altar - witchery, botania and thaumcraft required
- Changed the recipe for the Blank Slate - now uses livingrock instead of smoothstone
- Added recipe for Green Heart Canisters
- Removed recipe for Stirling Engine
- Changed Chainmail to melt into iron rather than steel, script courtesy of SixOnTheBeach
- Removed the new wofsbane seed from witchery from tall grass drops
- Fixed bug in the dungeon loot scripts
- Buffed drop rates of clay, belladonna and pasture seeds
- Added recipe for making limestone from earth and water essence
- Added recipe for manaPearl from wispy cotton
Quest Changes:
- Fixed Quests "'Ello Poppet" and "Recipes for Disaster?" to have NBT independant detection for crafting of the witches brews book and poppets
- Quest "Flower Power" now requires "You Sap" to be completed first
- Added Quests "What a Wanderful World" and "Natural Nuances" to "What the World Came To Be"
- Split "What the World is Made Of" into two sets ("Made Of" and "Built From") to reduce lag caused by large numbers of open quests and repeatables being on the same page
- Removed the Unobtainable Nether Magnesium Ore from Quest "Reclamation"
- Moved Exp Seeds quest to the tier 2 magic crops section
- Added quest for the newly added Rutile Seeds in the tier 3 section
- Added quest for Magical Fertilizer
- Added a few more quests to "What the World Enables" pertaining to technology in RC, BC and Forestry
- Added lots of quests basically <- aka the point where I gave up writing changeelog entries for all of the new quests. There's 60 new ones, can you blame me?