Whitelist Server Kosmos FTB | PvP - PvE | 1GB RAM | 10 Slots | Strict Rules | v5.0.1

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Name: Mason
Age: 16
IGN: mau5on
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I would like to join the server because it seems professional and organized. It makes me think that it would be a good, mature community. It also seems like it has a good community, with good moderation and users. I'd like to find a good server to start a good base and be able to play on for a long time and this seems like it could be it! Another reason I want to join is no disabled mods! Due to the very strict apps, I believe the server would be very mature and grown-up so I think it would be a great environment to play in.
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences):For the server I will gladly help new users in any way, such as give them resources if they need them. I'd also answer any questions they may have, to the best of my ability. I could also provide assistance with building if it were needed. If I were to see anyone griefing, stealing, breaking any other rules, I would be sure to report them to a staff member so that the server can have an enjoyable experience on this server! Also, if I would gladly donate.
Have you ever been banned before: Nope.
Do you agree to follow the rules: Yes, I have no problem with them.
Will you be active daily: Yes. I also play Hockey and have school so there are times I won't be online.
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): Somewhat, I played Tekkit for a bit. But I would really like to learn more from this server, if given an opportunity.
Name: Luca Passariello
IGN: luca2849
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I want to join the server because it looks as if it has a very nice atmosphere and i wish to be a part of that. This server has very fair rules that i accept to follow. I also wish to join because I have been looking for a decent server to join and this one looks even more so, I am very much willing to follow any commands give to me and I am really looking forward to hopefully being a part of your server. I have been looking for a server where i can really get creative with my building skills and help out your server by maybe building a community machine room and liquids like on DW's server play? Anyway I think I could help the server for the better if i joined we could make this server into a really pioneering server and you may get more publicity through some of my friends from old servers
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): i can help the server in many ways as i mentioned previously I could really help the new comers to your server a boost on the right direction, I mean like making a machine room and making a liquids room for example getting biomass and lava for their engines.I was previously on a server that had restricted their mystcraft world for 1 per person and on their forums they had a bit where you could post what you wanted in you age, The owner got a bit tired of making ages do he asked me to step in and make a few for him this shows that i can be trusted when given a task and do it well. I am a very mature player but also a bit shy for example if you happen to get Teamspeak ill be like Eloraam in the way that she doesn't speak on TS. But I make up for this by being a very creative player. I am really looking forward to hopefully playing on your fantastic server
Have you ever been banned before: Yes from a Mindcrack Server because the owner didnt like me because i was "irritating" but no-one else thought i was he just did it for the sake of it.... http://tinyurl.com/ayzywto
Do you agree to follow the rules: Yes very much so, This server has very fair rules and i will take the consequences if i do break any of them which is almost certainly NEVER going to happen.
Will you be active daily: Sure will! I'm addicted to FTB and probably will me to your server too once i find a Great server i will be hooked and I think this may be the one (finger crossed)!
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): I am very experienced with the mods in the feed the beast pack, I have been playing since the 1.2.5 survival maps came out and I've played a lot of tekkit and technic I've had my own servers as well :D
I will be ecstatic if i get to join this wonder of a server,
I hope you liked my App
Ehh, irratating people aren't that bad.
Accepted, welcome to the server!
Name: Ted

Age: 16


Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I like the DireWolf20 modpack and want to play on a sever using it. After looking around at some i found yours and i have liked the way it looked. You do not have any mods removed or items disabled which I like. This server is small and I like smaller servers better because the landscape isn't ruined and you can find a place to build a house. Also with it being a small server you are less likely to get griefed by someone who joins and wrecks peoples house then never comes back. I have been watching DireWolf20's Letsplay Season 5 like the modpack a lot. I have also be watching his Season 3/4 SMP Letsplay and really like playing on servers with other people. Your rules you have are good and I like them especially rules 10 and 12 about voting on banning a player and not creating new ages without permission so there wont be a lot of lag from people creating tons of ages.

What will you do for the server (5-6 Sentences): I will when i first join mine and collect resources at first for about a hour or so before i find a location to build my house. I can build things that are both functional and nice looking so my house wont look ugly. If you wanted me to i could build or help build a shared machine room at or around spawn for people to use. I could also build a market place next to it for people to sell items using IndustrialCraft2 Trade-O-Mats. I am also experienced with almost all of the mods and can help anyone if they needed help with anything.

Have you ever been banned before: No. I don't grief, hack, steal, or do anything. I prefer to build creative and functional things over wrecking something someone has spent hours or more building.

Do you agree to follow the rules: Yes, and I like your rule about not creating ages unless you ask permission. The rule about voting to ban someone sounds nice as well.

Will you be active daily: Yes, I have ski team after school till about 6:00-6:30 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays and will be on about 1 or 2 hours maybe more i f i can. The rest of the week and weekend i will be active 2-3 hours on Monday and 3-4 or more on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Experience with mods: I am experienced with all most all the mods installed. I have be playing some of the mods since before Minecraft 1.0. I have also played Techinc and Tekkit before FTB came out and have used almost all the mods in the pack before.
Name: Dewey
Age: 20
IGN: mitchem
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I want to join a small and concise community that plays the same pack that I currently enjoy. The fact that you have all of the mods enabled makes it even better because I enjoy all of DireWolf's mods. I also want to join the server because I'm tired of playing alone. I can host my own server for 1 or 2 friends to join me occasionally, but it's so laggy that it's ridiculously bad. The fact that the server would be able to have way more than the few that I can get on my own personal server hosted from my own machine would be brilliant fun. Also, the few friends that I have on my server typically are just bad themselves and mess things up, such as cheating, exploiting, or griefing each other so much that eventually the world becomes unplayable.
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): I like the idea that I would be a sort of trader for the server. My favorite things to do with FTB is to get an automated system going so that farming, deforestation, mining, and production is all done without me having to do much. Because of that I begin to get surpluses as I near the end of my automation and in single-player I'm not able to do much with those surpluses. However, I would not mind at all becoming something of a trader or setting up a bartering system for people to be able to use the massive amounts of goods my automation can bring. I would be able to supply tons of building materials to those who would want to build magnificent structures without them needing to spend hours and hours underground laboring before they can begin beautifying the servers. On the other hand, I could supply tons of equipment to those who want to go exploring, or want to do some sort of PvP. And of course, I myself like to build and generally try to help other people that are thinking up some new crazy invention.. Not only that but I like to explore, and the fact that I haven't been able to seen much of Mystcraft or of the Twilight Forest makes me eager to help those who would want to go there as well as go there myself.
Have you ever been banned before: No
Do you agree to follow the rules: Yes, the rules are the typical ones I try to have on my own servers
Will you be active daily: I can try, but being in college and working does make it hard. I can promise at least 30 minutes a day at the very least. Some days that I have off I can promise even more, such as a couple of hours in some cases.
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): I have a little experience with all the mods in FTB. I am by no means professional nor am I proficient in the use of a select few, but with research and perseverance I can get the hang of them. Outside of the game I also have experience with using Bukkit, but no experience making mods.
(Sorry for my previous post, it was dreadful and without much thought. My apologies.)
Name: Connor
Age: 15
IGN: Conguy97
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I want to join the server so I can grow my own Youtube channel and help grow your server. I want to join the server to do a let's play and have fun. I plan to advertise your server and bring in a good community. I want to also join, because no mods are removed. The screen shots looked fun and this is the best modpack for me.
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): I will do alot for the server. I plan to bring a good community to the server. I will advertise for the server. I will also share many great ideas with whomever listens and help people whenever possible.
Have you ever been banned before: On my own server. lol
Do you agree to follow the rules: yes.
Will you be active daily: Not daily, but deffinately 4+ days of the week.
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): I know alot about most of the mods. Except Thaumcraft. Also, I am not that good with bees either.
More: If I am accepted, can I please have my own mystcraft age so I don't have to deal with greifers or people messing around in my recording when I dont want them too. Thanks.
When you say the server isn't accepting anymore application for now does that mean your done accepting or you will accept more in a few days?
Name: Harry Stupple
Age: 16
IGN: nega_skoll
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I would like to come onto this server because i would like to see other peoples building ideas and because on single player there is not much to really set as a target to do where as on a server you have some thing to work towards like creating something other people take inspiration from. Also i would like to build something where new players can come to and get some basic tools and materials.
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): Build a communal build center where other people can go to quickly cook or compress something, I would (With yours and the other builders permissions) build a central train station so people can go from there home to the center and back quickly. And with the soul shards mod build an xp farm anyone can access.
Have you ever been banned before: No
Do you agree to follow the rules: Yes
Will you be active daily: I will try but I may not be on everyday.
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): I have some experience with the mods but for the most part i'll be learning on the way which is why it's so much fun.
If you have no experience with mods, just say so, we welcome all new comers.
app #2
name: Rick & Kipper

Age: 17 &17

IGN: Rickak95 & Kipper02

Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): We want to join your server because we NEED a server to play feed the beast. we need a server to play because kipper and i have bad computers and for some reason SMP are less laggy then SSP. we have tried for a long time to find a server that is civil and lag free but have not found any. this server looks like it can be that perfect server. we have played on many different mod packs trying to find a good SMP and we think FTB is the best bet. We both live in Alaska and cant get much time out side (too cold) so we hang out on minecraft. We would like to meet new people and make new friends an join a community. We failed the last application by not giving good info which tells me you are vary serious about who you want on your server. hopefully your seriousness for applications is too root out the people that will not be devoted to your server. which means less greifers and trolls and more loyal players we like this allot. in the end we are just looking for a small SMP community worth joining.
what will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): we will fallow the rules, be an example to other players, help with server wide projects, and possibly donate. We agree with 0 tolerance for cursing even if most of the world would not, and we would help keep the chat clean from misuse. We believe that a good server community is built on respect for the other players and is shown by civil behavior. We will help players that are new to servers and/or mods. we all where new once and there is nothing worse in the world then pleading in the chat for an answer to a simple problem. we love group projects we think they build bounds between players and promote friendship. the things a group of people can build in minecraft is extraordinary i have seen cites and castle that no one man can build.We would love to participate in these projects.

Have you ever been banned before:NO. We have never griefed never stolen and never pvp

Do you agree to follow the rules: Absolutely

Will you be active daily: Most likely

Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining):Lots ( we watch Direwolf20 & have played along time)

P.S. I hope you dont mind me ( RIckak95 ) from applying for 2 people but I will not play with out kipper and i want us to both be white listed.
P.P.S. skype: Blackjack.virus ( wouldn't mind meeting you )
Name: Bailey
Age: 16
IGN: Johnson541
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I would like to join this server because it looks very entertaining and my friend Soar_1 is also on the server. I have not found any good feed the beast servers and i think your server might be the "One". I really just need a good server that has a good community and my friend soar says that is does. I have been accepted for many of whitelists and i hope this will be another one to the list. Thanks, Bailey
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): I will try my best to help the server and i will try not to be a neusense to the server. i will do my usual thing and start my basic house and a mine and all that stuff too. If you guys don't already have one i would probably build a mob farm. and probably a nether lava machine.
Have you ever been banned before: No
Do you agree to follow the rules: Yes
Will you be active daily: Yes
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): I would say i have high experience with mods, i have been playing with mods since iv'e started minecraft but i have about a year of experience with technical mods.
Someone crashed the server, it will be down until I find the problem.
I don't know if this is it, but the last thing I did was destroy a linking book stand with a book still on it (linking to mining world) then it crashed. Could that have been it?