Whitelist Server Kosmos FTB | PvP - PvE | 1GB RAM | 10 Slots | Strict Rules | v5.0.1

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
Name: Evan
Age: 20
IGN: Ret311
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I'm interested in doing a Let's Play! I'm a youtuber (fairly new) and I'd like to do an SMP Let's Play. My guidelines for this call for a small, dedicated community that I can be a part of. I would like to meet new people, help the server as a whole, and hopefully be able to show off other player's skills with mods and building. Having the ability to be on a whitelisted server with respectful players is a beautiful feature, especially because I'll be recording.
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): Anything that it needs. I was a server admin on KickAssAdventures (an old bukkit server run by my buddy Creepinevil) for about a Year before we closed it down. Had about 15-20 daily active members, so I know the importance of a good community on a server.
Have you ever been banned before: Not that I'm aware of
Do you agree to follow the rules: Absolutely
Will you be active daily: Most likely 2-3 hours per night
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): Havn't played vanilla minecraft since the release of beta. A lot of experience with many mods, including tekkit, technic, TerraFirma Craft, tropicraft, and all the FTB packs (minus brony)
Name: Danil
Age: 15
IGN: shamancs
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I want find small, good community with all mods) I believe that this server can live long, happy time ^_^
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): I'm going to share with the people in the modes of experience, help and ideas.
Will also advise people to your server.
Have you ever been banned before: No, I always play correctly)
Do you agree to follow the rules: Yes, i agree with them.
Will you be active daily: I think yes, but now school start( and I'll have less free time/
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining):I know Thaumcraft 3, Industrial Craft 2, BuildCraft,
slightly Thermal Expansion and RailCraft.
P.S. SilentThief you're not from Russia?
  • Direwolf 20 Pack v4!
Everyone who has applied, the title of my thread will not be changed to v4, so I am closing this thread and posting a new one.

#Request Thread Close.
You could just request the name be changed ;)

Also, do you plan on using the configs for the Adventurer's Backpack? I accidentally made one, forgetting that the configs I use in SSP are not the standard ones lol
The applications will not be looked at right now. I found a way I can change the server title without asking or having to delete the thread.

Also, I will be re-doing the thread with more graphics and new screenshots.

- SilentThief
SilentThief said:
One more white-list position open! Make it your best.
Is there really only one spot left open. Just wondering because you have so many applications after this so there would be a lot of disappointed people if there is only one.
Name: Max Bergdahl
Age: 25
IGN: Jaarl
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I've been trying to get into FTB and none of my IRL friends want to play with me :( This seemed like a nice and friendly server using the Modpack that I am most interested in.
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): I will try to be friendly and learn the ways of FTB and Direwolf20. I will help those in need in whichever way I can.
Have you ever been banned before: No
Do you agree to follow the rules: Yes
Will you be active daily: Most likely , I go away for 3days on end sometimes and wont be able to be online those days , but apart from that I will be on
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): Not very much..I've been tinkering a little bit with FTB in single player and looking into what I should get going for starters.

Im a dumbass , noticed that the thread was closed now ... oh well I'll just leave this here and copy paste it into next thread I guess :) sorry about the trouble
Name: Mason
Age: 16
IGN: mau5on
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I would like to join the server because it seems professional and organized. It makes me think that it would be a good, mature community. It also seems like it has a good community, with good moderation and users. I'd like to find a good server to start a good base and be able to play on for a long time and this seems like it could be it! Another reason I want to join is no disabled mods!
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): I will gladly help new users in anyway. Such as give them resources if they need them. I'd also answer any questions they may have, to the best of my ability. I could also provide assistance with building if it were needed. Also, if I like the server I may donate.
Have you ever been banned before: Nope.
Do you agree to follow the rules: Yes.
Will you be active daily: Yes.
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): Somewhat, I played Tekkit for a bit.
Name: I would prefer not to, but I will if it is asked of me.
Age: 16
IGN: Clavian
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I would like to join because I want a dwelling in a small, friendly community, which I assume this server is. I want to be able to befriend people and help or be helped. I would like to learn the mods I don't know from those who do. I want to "abuse" the perks of an incredibly small server, with more things to do, a more intimate community and more ores for previously mentioned projects >:)
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): I would, or at least try to, innovate new ideas to the server. I want to try making Forestry farms or just farms in general that would be completely overkill, because that is my specialty. I would probably make a giant underground facility eventually producing things for the community or my own personal goals of world domin... *cough*
Have you ever been banned before: Not to the best of my knowledge.
Do you agree to follow the rules: I do.
Will you be active daily: I will try my best to be on for at least an hour a day and for 2 weeks or so after this post, I can be on every day.
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): I haven't played with mods for very long, timeline wise. I have mucked around for a long, long time in Tekkit and then I have played FTB Modpack since it came out.
Name: Troy Pudney
Age: 16
IGN: Puds22
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I want to join this server so I can play a quality modpack with people. I know quite a bit about a lot of mods as I made a server with some friends with custom mods that we chose. In general I guess I just want to help out other people. Build some cool stuff and have fun.
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): I will not grief in anyway at all. I also help out people once I have got myself all set up of course. I will gladly contribute to community builds to help anyone who would need the sort of stuff we build. I will have fun and not get angry at anyone and just enjoy the moment of playing.
Have you ever been banned before: Nope
Do you agree to follow the rules: Yes I agree to follow the rules
Will you be active daily: Whenever I can go on I will
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): I know quite a bit about redpower, forestry, industrialcraft, railcraft (cart transporting liquids), buildcraft, and computercraft (I am good with wireless mining turtles)
Name: Dewey
Age: 20
IGN: mitchem
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I'm looking for a FTB server to play on instead of playing in single player as it gets boring playing by yourself all the time. This also happens to meet my criteria, which although short, is what I'm looking for precisely: mature server, using FTB DW20, and doesn't have a possibly over-loaded world.
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): Build, play, explore? I can build stuff that is aesthetically pleasing and not a God-awful eye sore. I can also provide help to newer players if need-be. I'm laid back and not very quick to anger so griefing wouldn't be in my nature.
Have you ever been banned before: Nope
Do you agree to follow the rules: I agree to follow the rules.
Will you be active daily: Not daily, but I will be on at least 4-5 times a week. I am in college and so that takes a priority over gaming... sometimes.
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): Outside of the game I've messed around with Bukkit, but other than that, none. Inside the game I'm proficient in the use of most of the mods in FTB.
Everyone on Pages, 3 and 4 are denied.
Please add more information into your applications.
Note: You can only re-apply three times.
Everyone on Pages, 3 and 4 are denied.
Please add more information into your applications.
Note: You can only re-apply three times.
So wait, my second application is still on page 2, but I commented twice since that and so I have other posts on page 3, so am I denied or still in consideration?
So wait, my second application is still on page 2, but I commented twice since that and so I have other posts on page 3, so am I denied or still in consideration?
In cosideration at the moment, I have a few things to do before I can finnaly pick what I should do.
Name: Danil
Age: 16
IGN: shamancs
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I want join because I want find small good community with good people and I want help other players and I also want some help in mods.
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): I will help
ther people(if I can), build fun events, bring fun on the server and make tutorial(also if I can)
Have you ever been banned before: no
Do you agree to follow the rules: yes
Will you be active daily: I think yes, because I have little lessons^_^
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining):I know ThaumCraft 3, some industrial craft and build craft. And very small Railcraft and forestry.
Name: Danil
Age: 16
IGN: shamancs
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I want join because I want find small good community with good people and I want help other players and I also want some help in mods.
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): I will help
ther people(if I can), build fun events, bring fun on the server and make tutorial(also if I can)
Have you ever been banned before: no
Do you agree to follow the rules: yes
Will you be active daily: I think yes, because I have little lessons^_^
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining):I know ThaumCraft 3, some industrial craft and build craft. And very small Railcraft and forestry.
-.- denied.
Name: Luca Passariello
IGN: luca2849
Why do you want to join the server (5-6 Sentences): I want to join the server because it looks as if it has a very nice atmosphere and i wish to be a part of that. This server has very fair rules that i accept to follow. I also wish to join because I have been looking for a decent server to join and this one looks even more so, I am very much willing to follow any commands give to me and I am really looking forward to hopefully being a part of your server. I have been looking for a server where i can really get creative with my building skills and help out your server by maybe building a community machine room and liquids like on DW's server play? Anyway I think I could help the server for the better if i joined we could make this server into a really pioneering server and you may get more publicity through some of my friends from old servers
What will you do for the server(5-6 Sentences): i can help the server in many ways as i mentioned previously I could really help the new comers to your server a boost on the right direction, I mean like making a machine room and making a liquids room for example getting biomass and lava for their engines.I was previously on a server that had restricted their mystcraft world for 1 per person and on their forums they had a bit where you could post what you wanted in you age, The owner got a bit tired of making ages do he asked me to step in and make a few for him this shows that i can be trusted when given a task and do it well. I am a very mature player but also a bit shy for example if you happen to get Teamspeak ill be like Eloraam in the way that she doesn't speak on TS. But I make up for this by being a very creative player. I am really looking forward to hopefully playing on your fantastic server
Have you ever been banned before: Yes from a Mindcrack Server because the owner didnt like me because i was "irritating" but no-one else thought i was he just did it for the sake of it.... http://tinyurl.com/ayzywto
Do you agree to follow the rules: Yes very much so, This server has very fair rules and i will take the consequences if i do break any of them which is almost certainly NEVER going to happen.
Will you be active daily: Sure will! I'm addicted to FTB and probably will me to your server too once i find a Great server i will be hooked and I think this may be the one (finger crossed)!
Experience with mods (Optional, will raise chance of joining): I am very experienced with the mods in the feed the beast pack, I have been playing since the 1.2.5 survival maps came out and I've played a lot of tekkit and technic I've had my own servers as well :D
I will be ecstatic if i get to join this wonder of a server,
I hope you liked my App