What's new in modded minecraft today?

  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I may be a noob when it comes to modding, but those... look like redpower frames and motors... Stupid to ask, but any eta when a beta with these will be out? (Also, is it just me, or are the frames in that video cruddy?)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I may be a noob when it comes to modding, but those... look like redpower frames and motors... Stupid to ask, but any eta when a beta with these will be out? (Also, is it just me, or are the frames in that video cruddy?)
There are already many frame mods out there that you can download and play with right now. Framez, the Truss Mod, Funky Locomotion and Remain in Motion come to mind - Framez supports many power systems, Truss Mod lets you save multiblocks into the configuration and move whole multiblock structures on frames, Funky Locomotion has nifty FMP integration, and Remain in Motion (which of these mods I'm most familiar with, as its current developer) offers more options for selecting blocks and good messages if your contraption can't be moved.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
sprinkles_for_vanilla 1.0.5 by VikeStep
- Added the ability to change the blocks that can be used for the base of beacons. Will work for any block from any mod


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I may be a noob when it comes to modding, but those... look like redpower frames and motors... Stupid to ask, but any eta when a beta with these will be out? (Also, is it just me, or are the frames in that video cruddy?)

Project Red is a recreation of redpower by those who got sick of waiting for redpower to update. For those with copyright concerns all the coding and art assets are unique. And you can't copyright an idea. Only what you make with that idea.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There are already many frame mods out there that you can download and play with right now. Framez, the Truss Mod, Funky Locomotion and Remain in Motion come to mind - Framez supports many power systems, Truss Mod lets you save multiblocks into the configuration and move whole multiblock structures on frames, Funky Locomotion has nifty FMP integration, and Remain in Motion (which of these mods I'm most familiar with, as its current developer) offers more options for selecting blocks and good messages if your contraption can't be moved.

Yeah I know of a few of those (never knew of Truss Mod), and from what I've seen so far of them, there was annoying issue between my server's modpack and RiM a while back, (I think it was due to Cauldron, but it truly has been a while), Framez is a mod that we have been looking at for a while now and am planning on testing when our server returns in a few weeks, and I actually learned about Funky Locomotion half an hour ago. (I was watching Direwolf). The reason I'm interested in ProjectRed adding it is because it would probably mean one less mod to add. (The other modpack dev is kinda getting annoyed with me adding various tech mods.)
Thank you very much for the suggestions though!

Project Red is a recreation of redpower by those who got sick of waiting for redpower to update. For those with copyright concerns all the coding and art assets are unique. And you can't copyright an idea. Only what you make with that idea.

Yeah, I know that PR is a recreation mod of RP, as well as Blue Power being a recreation mod if I'm not mistaken. But thanks for responding!


Forum Addict
Jan 6, 2013
There are already many frame mods out there that you can download and play with right now. Framez, the Truss Mod, Funky Locomotion and Remain in Motion come to mind - Framez supports many power systems, Truss Mod lets you save multiblocks into the configuration and move whole multiblock structures on frames, Funky Locomotion has nifty FMP integration, and Remain in Motion (which of these mods I'm most familiar with, as its current developer) offers more options for selecting blocks and good messages if your contraption can't be moved.
Now thats what i call proper self-promotion. You sad that Truss Mod can move multiblock but RIM can do it with template carriages too right? (heh, i was expecting something like "...but RIM can do all of these and rule them all..." in the end of your post... )


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
new day with a new update featuring a pretty nice new mod called CleanView by @ZLainSama
ZLainSama said:
CleanView will remove particles, came from potion effects, from your character or any other type camera entities. (the potion effects will still affect you)

There is a key can be used to toggle this feature. This key can be found under Miscellaneous category.


Forum Ghost
Third Party Pack Team
Mod Developer
Mar 11, 2014
Cannibalism v1.0.2

  • Fixed a bug where you can speed-click an entity to get extra meat.
  • Adjusted the damage done to an pig and cow when an knife is used on them (It's now 1.25~1.5 hearts of damage per knifing).
  • Added a API that allows custom entities to do something when an knife is used on them.
  • Blood + Config.
  • Korean Translation (Thanks [MMKP]Puyo061!).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@Ipsis Dyetopia


Ipsis said:

* BGZ012 - Dye gun now has the correct name when crafted.
* BGZ013 - Tanks save their NBT again.

1.7.10-1.1.0B1 (Never uploaded - we dont talk about this!)


* Added json configuration of dyeable blocks
** Vanilla and modded files provided by the mod
** Custom config file supported (dyetopia_custommaps.json)
** Blacklist mods and blocks
* Added eraser to uncolor certain blocks (eg. stained glass -> glass, stained hardened clay -> hardended clay)
* Added tabs on the machine guis to show energy, tanks and usage information. (thankyou CoFHLib!)
* Added NEI support

* BGZ005 - Fix right click of gui placing held block.
* BGZ006 - Changed yellow dye fluid color so that it is picked up by XUtilities drums.
* BGZ007 - Fix multiblock placement requiring shift clicking.
* BGZ008 - Added NEI support.
* BGZ010 - Fix hopper being placed on mixer causing stack overflow.
* BGZ011 - Dye trees can no longer exceed the world height limits. ie. their top block must not exceed the last block placed limit.
* XXXXXX - Process FMLModIdMappingEvent so that the world loaded ids are used correctly by the ComparableItemStack hashmaps.


Jul 29, 2019
OpenComputers 1.4.4 is out, fixing all the things.

  • Added: Creative Drone and Microcontroller cases.
  • Added: Preconfigured Robot, Microcontroller and Drone to creative tab (Microcontroller and Drone still need a programmed EEPROM to be put useful).
  • Added: EEPROM cloning recipe (EEPROM + EEPROM -> 2x EEPROM with same data). If one is empty, the one with data is preferred. If both have data, the first one gets copied onto the second.
  • Added: Waila options for toggling energy, address and component name.
  • Added: eeprom.getSize, eeprom.getChecksum and eeprom.makeReadonly(checksum).
  • Added: file:read("*n") implementation (thanks Soni).
  • Changed: Coloring tooltips of devices according to their tier now.
  • Fixed: robot.drain and robot.fill not always returning the amount transferred.
  • Fixed: EEPROM being network visible.
  • Fixed: EEPROM component proxy being fetched too early in flash.lua.
  • Fixed: Inventory slot offset for tank controller upgrade.
  • Fixed: NEI item hiding derp.
  • Fixed: NPE in AE2 controller driver usage screen when AE2 channels are disabled.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Big Factories

this mod adds few multiblock structures - factories - for ore smelting duplication and triplication at cost of a large amount of renewable materials. Second factory chain is for oil processing.
This mod was created as addition to other technical mods (specifically buildcraft+forestry+railcraft), but is not directly depended on them, for ore duplication is no other mod needed and for ore triplication any mod with fluid pipes will work. Oil processing required buildcraft installed.
This mod doesn't use any ore dusts, shards, etc. in production chain, so theoretically all metal ores can be smelted (the conditions are existing furnace recipe and correct ingot item name in Forge Ore Dictionary).
Main goal of this mod is to give the player a reason to build large production base with automated tree farms(e.g. forestry), automated cactus farms (no mods needed), large fluid tanks(e.g. railcraft), lots of pipes and of course with Big Factories.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Witchery has been updated to version 0.22.0!

Emoniph said:
NEW: Silver Vat, place next to a furnace, to extract silver deposits when gold is smelted. Click on the block to recover the deposits, or pipe them out with a hopper or pipes. multiple furnaces can feed a vat, and up to four vats can surround a furnace.
NEW: Silver Sword, same stats as a golden sword (just less enchantable) but does double damage against werewolves, and ignores their damage resistance.
NEW: Silver Bolts, bolt for the Hand Crossbow, that does double damage against werewolves and ignores their damage resistance.
NEW: Silvered Hunter armor, provides significant protection against werewolf attacks.
NEW: Hellhound, flaming wolf mob that spawns in the nether, drops tongue of dog and occasional wolfs head. Can be converted to a normal wolf with a process like converting zombies to villagers.
NEW: Wolf head, decorative block dropped from wolves and hellhounds (uses the appropriate skin).
NEW: Villager/wolfman, villager that turns into a wolfman when there is a full moon, returns to normal the next day.
NEW: Wolfsbane plant, seeds obtained from breaking tall grass. Grows in stages on farmland, consumes a lot of bonemeal to fertilize. Ingredient in other recipes. If used on a werewolf (in player or villager form) will reveal them to be a werewolf.
NEW: Wolfsbane potion effect (for cauldron), prevents werewolves from changing form while it is active.
NEW: Harm werewolf potion effect (for cauldron), causes damage to werewolves that ignores their innate protection. If cast as a ground targeted ritual will cause it to rain, or if powered up, thunder.
NEW: Wolf Altar, statue to the deity responsible for lycanthropy.
NEW: Curse of the Wolf, circle magic ritual to curse a villager or player with lycanthropy.
NEW: Remove Curse of the Wolf, circle magic ritual to remove lycanthropy from a villager or player. Players who have progressed down the werewolf path must be standing in the circle for the cure to have a chance to take effect.
NEW: Lycanthropy, players infected with this will change into a Wolf (fast movement, 1 block high) whenever there is a full moon, they may learn new abilities by interacting with a Wolf Altar and performing the tasks set. When in wolf form the player is immune to disease and poison and will be very resistant to damage unless from silver weapons.
NEW: Moon Charm, allows a werewolf player to change to wolf or wolfman form if they have learned the ability to force conversion and have unlocked the wolfman form. Having the charm in their inventory, will also prevent automatic wolf conversion during the full moon. Moon Charms are given as part of the werewolf quest line, and can be subsequently acquired by giving gold ingots to a Wolf Altar.
NEW: Werewolf quests, a player under the Curse of the Wolf can interact with a Wolf Altar and will receive quests, which when complete will unlock new wolf powers, starting with the ability to use a Moon Charm. As abilities are unlocked, basic stats in the various wolf forms will also increase (damage, health, speed, etc.).
NEW: Werewolf level 3: Fast earth digging and Bone find chance (wolf form).
NEW: Werewolf level 4: Consume kills for hunger regen (wolf and wolfman forms).
NEW: Werewolf level 5: Transform to Wolfman form (powerful combat form, slower than wolf but more damage and life, cannot hold objects).
NEW: Werewolf level 6: Charge attack (wolf and wolfman forms) (sprint and hit).
NEW: Werewolf level 7: Stunning howl (wolfman form). Right-click while looking straight up.
NEW: Werewolf level 8: Call pack howl (wolf form). Right-click while looking straight up.
NEW: Werewolf level 9: Rend armor (wolfman form).
NEW: Werewolf level 10: Cursed bite (to spread the curse).
NEW: Horn of the Hunt, used to call a Horned Huntsman a single time. Part of the werewolf quest chain to reach level 5.
NEW: Raw Lambchop, often dropped when a werewolf transformed player kills a sheep (unlocked when use of a Moon Charm becomes available). Can be cooked (Cooked Lambchop) for better hunger regeneration.
NEW: Re-added Ars magica 2 support (draining bolts, etc.)
NEW: Beartrap. Made from iron. Place them and set them (other players will find it hard to see them). When a creature walks over one they take a bit of damage and get stunned.
NEW: Awaken the wolf: A complex way for non-witches to become werewolves involving a converted beartrap, wolf altars trapped sheep and a full moon.

TWEAK: Tooltips for items in the Witches' Brews book, now show the Altar power costs for the ingredient when used in brewing and rituals (remember the ritual cost comes down when you use ritual circles!)
TWEAK: Config option added to prevent damaging explosions when a creeper heart is eaten.
TWEAK: Witch Hunter mobs will now fire silver bolts when attacking werewolves.
TWEAK: Attached original attacking entity to the damage source of some potion effects.
TWEAK: Added block protection checking to Mystic Branch Aguamenti effect (spawn water), I hope that is the last one that needs it...
TWEAK: Dissipate Gas effect for the cauldron will now also remove any (non block protected) blocks that implement IFluidBlock and have a gaseous fluid if the effect is power II or higher.
TWEAK: Added a config option to disable the block damaging capability of the Volatile custom potion effect. It already respects block protection systems, but this allows it to be turned off completely.

FIX: Null pointer exception when a mob has the Keep Inventory potion effect and it is killed. Stupid missing braces on if statements...
FIX: Index out of range exception occurred in wicker bundles when an invalid value for meta was being passed to the client render methods.
FIX: Invalid cast exception in Witches Oven, Golden Circle Glyph, BrewLiquidEffect and Statue of the Goddess when interacted with and another mod had not cleaned up TileEntites correctly at the location where the oven or statue now stands.
FIX: Setting the hobgoblinspawnweight to a negative value in the config file caused an illegalargumenexception to occur, it now prevents hobgoblin spawning.
FIX: Client-side null reference exception occurred if the Witches Oven GUI is shown under invalid circumstances (with no linked container).
FIX: Index out of range exception when an invalid metadata value was passed to the Circe Glyph block for rendering.
FIX: Null pointer exception when flowing spirit is initialized in an unorthodox manner on the client-side.
FIX: Null pointer exception under some obscure circumstance when using the potion of resizing and trying to draw a block highlight.
FIX: Unreproducable null reference exception occurred in cauldron handler for NEI, seems to be related to something messing with the item to block mapping or unlocalised name of wispy cotton. Apart from trapping the exception and adding logging, there is not much more I can do when a system gets into this state since the block item is being set to null (perhaps as a result of some type of item/block name tweaking).
FIX: Worship effect was not being applied under some circumstances.


Forum Addict
Jan 6, 2013
Pistronics Beta 0.4.0

- Beta Versuib 0.4.0
Removed: Adv Piston and Adv Rotator (they were invisible)
Added: Creative Machine
Added: Camoupaste can now be used on pistons, rotators and rodfolders
Added: The ability to tune redstone extensions on specific redstone strengths
Added: Config Option enabling the creative machine recipe
Fixed: Saw not working in singleplayer
Fixed: Not being able to add material to extension parts in singleplayer
Fixed: Rodfolder gui not showing the inventory name

The Creative Machine is the combination of piston and rotator with configureable speed and direction (no continous mode yet).
Camoupaste can now be added and used on all machines.


Redstone Extension can now be configured to only take and output certain redstone strengths. Simply rightclick them with a comparator.

I also fixed some more bugs thanks to venarium for reporting.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Tinkers defense by Lance5057

Create Mine and Blade 2 shields the Tinkerer way!

Add's 2 shield types -

Round shield - A cheaper shield with lower durability and defense but can be made using the standard tool station. Requires 1 Large plate - 1 Pan head - 1 Toolrod
Heather shield - A strong shield that can only be made using the tool forge. Requires 2 Large Plate - 1 Tough Binding - 1 Tough Rod
Modifiers -

For the time being only the Redstone modifier works, allowing you to lift your shield longer. The others are just for show.

New Metals -

Aeon Steel - Weaker than manyullym while keeping the manyullym mining level. Great for when Ardite ore is scarce. Recipe: 1 Alumite + 1 Cobalt = 1 Aeon Steel.
Queen's Gold - A replacement for the lack of gold parts. Very weak. Recipe: 8 Gold + 1 Emerald = 8 Queen's Gold
Dogbearium - An average metal with a thirst for blood. Adds the Serrated ability, greatly increasing the damage it does as it gets damaged. Recipe: 1 Ardite + 160 Blood units + 1 Ender Pearl
Planned Features:

Crest mounts - Mount a shield and weapons to the wall for display.
Bauble jewelry - Tinker rings, amulets and belt buckles.
Tower Shield - Able to hold it up for a very long time but makes you very slow when holding it.
Additional Heater shield patterns.
More Modifiers - Thorns, Fire resistance, Luck, Knockback
Better graphics
Requires Tinkers' Construct and Mine and Blade 2!

Screenshots -



Spoiler (click to show)
Known Issues -

The buttons for the shields in the tool station/forge are blank. -I've tried everything to get them to take my own icons texture and it still only uses the ones from TiCo so I just left them blank.
The shield works like a pickaxe. -I need to make a shield type tinker tool, for now its acting like a harvesting tool.


Mod Developer
May 13, 2014
New version of RFTools with the following changes:

  • Added some sensible defaults for some IC2, MFR, railcraft, and Metalurgy liquids
  • Fixed a problem with all RFTools blocks being breakable by hand (and being lost then). Now you need a pickaxe.
  • Added a new 'rftdb toggle' command to toggle RFTools in debug mode.
  • The destination analyzer block now also checks (in addition to checking for sufficient power) if the destination dimension has sufficient power. This can be used in combination with the dialing device for the 'Check' button but also in combination with a matter transmitter. If the dimension is out of power then the matter transmitter teleportation beam will be red instead of green.
  • The dimension monitor item now gives a visual indication of the amount of power left in the current dimension.
  • Added protection so that spawned in 'invalid' realized dimension tabs no longer crash the game.
  • Fixed lag causing logging with the timer, sequencer and endergenic block.
  • Added new dimension monitor logic slab block which can send out a redstone signal if the power in the current dimension goes below some percentage.
  • Implemented better checking if a player/server is allowed to use an rftools console command.
  • Added a creative dimension builder which needs no power and makes dimensions immediatelly. Also fixed a bug in the inventory handling of the dimension builder.
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible for the spawn platform to be generated at y=256 (which obviously doesn't work) in some special cases.
  • Implemented a new cavern terrain dimlet (replaces the old 'cave world' dimlet that was never implemented and blacklisted)
  • Added a new rftdim info console command to dump the description string and generated features from the current or specified dimension.
Don't forget! It is always ok to regenerate rftools/main.cfg but do not delete rftools/dimlets.cfg on an existing world!

Mediafile link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/vqeinpeu1c2v3h2/rftools-2.12.jar
Curse link: http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/224641-rftools#t1:other-downloads
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
new day, new update, starting with @iChun and Tabula
ichun said:
Tabula 4.1.1
  • Fixed crashing when trying to trigger an empty number input box.
  • Attempted fix for crash when listening for textures.

and @Nividica with an update for Thaumic Energistics
Nividica said:
Thaumic Energistics
  • Decreased the time period between vis checks in the A.C.T.(wands will start charging sooner)
  • The knowledge inscriber can now be rotated with an AE wrench.
  • Corrected model placement when player is holding them.
  • Certain arcane recipes will no longer cause a crash.

and a new mod by @GuyRunningSouth called Sliced
GuyRunningSouth said:
Sliced! Sliced Bread in Minecraft!

Sliced is a simple mod that does exactly what the name implies: you get to slice food. In its current 1.0 form, it adds a tool (the Slicing Knife), three items required to craft the Slicing Knife (all made from vanilla minecraft items/materials), and the main purpose: the Bread Slice.
  • Bread Slice
While each slice only restores 1 hunger and 1.5 saturation, the eight you receive from one loaf of bread combine for a total eight hunger and 12 saturation, where a loaf of bread only restores five hunger and six saturation.
  • Modpacks
You have my full permission to do whatever you like with this mod. I'd appreciate it if you'd give me credit and link here, but I'm not going to force you.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hardcore Darkness 1.2 (by Lumien)
  • Fixed: Optifine compability

Also, new mod!
It's Raining Food! (by insaneau)
Ever wondered why you couldn't eat the rain in Minecraft? Me neither. But you should be able to. And now you can!

Made as a special request mod, it's time to release it to the public.

The use is simple: If it's raining, and you can see the sky, look up. Free food!

Mine World Mod 0.4 (by Minehendrix)
  • Added sounds for the mobs of the new dimensions
  • Added structures in the new dimensions for boss and mobs
  • Ghost and Necromancer no more spawn in group in the Shadow Dimensione but upon the Tombstones
  • Bosses no more spawn the dimension chest after their death (they only drop the key). The chest is inside their own structure
  • The Titan explosion doesn’t destroy blocks anymore (to prevent that the Sacred chest were destroyed)
Bug fixed in this version:

  • [MW-0062] The Flambeau has a wrong inventory position (is now in “Decoration Blocks”)
  • [MW-0063] Going back to Overworld from a dimension different from Nether or The End teleports the player in a wrong or dangerous position (Is now possible to travel safely to the new dimensions without the danger of air respawn)
  • [MW-0064] The Crazy Portal doesn’t generates the portal to overworld
  • [MW-0074] The Wireless TNT Activator generates some solid invisible block when exploding tnt (Thanks to Blargerist for help)
  • [MW-0075] Some entities models are wrong
  • [MW-0076] Opening a Sacred Chest made the game crash
  • [MW-0077] The “Regeneration” ability of the Corruptor don’t work
  • [MW-0078] THe Coloured Chest don’t have a texture when placed on ground
  • [MW-0079] Mod mineworld is missing the required element ‘name’. Substituting mineworld
  • [MW-0080] Some ores doesn’t spawn properly in the new dimensions
Thanks to all the Minecraft Forge Forum guys for the helps given :)
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Jul 29, 2019
OpenComputers 1.4.4a is out.

So I lied. 1.4.4 didn't fix all the things. As usual, most bugs pop up right after the release... it's almost like they're waiting for it or something.

  • Fixed: IC2 is recognized as energy providing mod again (note: it still worked as long as there was another supported power providing mod present, but OC went to no-power mode if IC2 was the only such mod present).
  • Fixed: Negative values for width/height of gpu.copy/gpu.fill doing bad things.
  • Fixed: Forgot adding backwards compatibility to inventory_controller.getStackInSlot; sides.back now refers to the robot's own inventory again. However, please transition to using inventory_controller.getStackInInternalSlot for this.
  • Fixed: Drones with an active leash causing leash items to be dropped when picked up (shift-rightclicked).
  • Fixed: Leash on drones not rendering centered on drone.
  • Fixed: Potential NPE in Waila handler.