the nerf hammer is waiting in 1.7 version of modpackIskandar wheres the nerf hammer

how much have you actually played in 1.7/1.8 tho? Seriously. I strongly think that there's a HUGE gap in difference between those that have slight issues with 1.6.4 under certain conditions and those same people that cannot play 1.7.x comfortably because of all the bugs. So many mods have missing features and/or critical bugs that it's so hard to fathom when they'll be fixed to a point where it'd be considered stable.My current list of issues: Some liquids in the world have an unwanted behavior. HQM is very, very buggy, for some odd damn reason. Enviromine has some behaviors that aren't bugs, but I'm not happy with. Chunkoading issues all over the place with TE, AE, and Sync. The City generator is buggy as all hell. Not the 1.7.10 version is much better, but meh. There are countless tiny bugs across nearly every mod that, individually, aren't that big of a deal but collectively I am just tired of getting of seeing. Actually I'm mostly tired of having to repeat "known bug, can't fix" to 90% of the bug reports I'm getting lately. There are a few Minetweaker tricks that aren't available to me in 1.6.4, and there are some odd behaviors that would be eliminated by the death of item and block IDs. It would definitely make server files easier. There are improvements and bug fixes in a few mods I desperately want, HQM, Enviromine and Pneumaticcraft mainly.
I've been resisting because I would need to rebuild the shuttle and all the end game buildings, completely redo my quests redo all my config files and restart my Minetweaker stuff pretty much from scratch. Nothing, more or less, of 1.6.4 Crash landing would be salvageable. which is just painful. But at this point the benefits outweigh all that.
Devil's advocate. Yes, alot of doors open up to you moving forward. Yes, current bugfixes. Yes, you're sick of saying this is a unfixable bug and want to say something else.
Well, what about the 100 or so new bugs that will inevitably come up? When will those be fixed, how soon will this be stable? Halp I deleted my world when I picked up a stick. I can't play it's in slow motion. How come my TE machines turned off? How come my TE machines go invis 2 when I look at them from the north side but not s/e/w? This is just the tip of the iceberg. Pessimist in me has to see all these things coming true. Optimists are smoking the good stuff.
Progress has to start sometime. Do you become the early adopter and suffer all the problems associated with it or jump in at the time before it hits it's stride? I know nothing of the state of affairs that is the mod community at large in comparison to you. Only you can predict those lines.
side note since I know you use it. Even MultiMC has it's fair share of issues running 1.7 packs right now. I'm still working out how to export my ftb instances for those without having to manually reinstall forge, etc... things like this cause me to question the new and embrace the current till that feeling subsides. that's me tho.[DOUBLEPOST=1410419591][/DOUBLEPOST]
here...Iskandar wheres the nerf hammer