An Adventure Beyond the Overworld
Pack Code:
Useful Links:
Website (contains Changelogs and Downloads)
Space Progression Item/Block Quick List
OreGen Visualization Spreadsheet
About the pack:
Flux Galaxy is made to be like a majority of "kitchen sink" packs with a large selection of mostly tech and magic mods in it. However, one thing that is unique is the space-based progression implemented. In addition to that the majority of mods are configured to revolve around RF power. Also Thermal Expansion, EnderIO, and Mekanism are heavily integrated with many recipes.
The space-based progression is done primarily with the help of MineTweaker and ModTweaker. They change various recipes to use materials from the various Galacticraft dimensions. This changes up your normal play-through of most tech mods since it requires space traveling to get the "new technologies". You will find a link above that tells you which items/blocks are affected by the space progression.
Tech and space travel not your thing? Well you can always choose to practice magic through the forms of Botany, Blood Alchemy, Thaumaturgy, or Witchery in the Overworld and other non-space dimensions.
If anything is unclear feel free to ask in this thread!
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