Pack dev continues:
We are approaching Alpha releases. I will be releasing Lite and Mage Quest (Magic World 3) first. Neither will have quests to start. This is just to have a couple weeks of more thorough testing to ensure we don't need to remove any mods due to bugs before quests are written.
Eyamaz will release iF and Tech (no idea on name) when he feels they are ready.
MF3 and AS2 will be announced in my stream section of the forum since they are not FTB packs.
Once we are sure we don't have to pull mods for world breaking issues, we will move to Beta with Quests.
Lite will be a set of quests geared at introducing players to the basic ideas of modded minecraft. Just as in 1.6 it will be a base foundation pack for people to learn on and add mods to.
Mage Quest will have optional quests. You can always turn off the books.
NONE of the FTB packs will be hardcore. We will also not be doing nearly as extensive tweaks etc as we do in our personal packs, these will play closer to default mods.
We were planning to use Cauldron for 1.7.10 packs to make things a bit easier on servers... but with the events of the last few days, that does not appear possible at this time
1.7.10 packs are in the works. @Eyamaz has had an unfortunate computer fire which may cause some delay on the tech packs.
4 FTB packs are currently planned:
For Magic and Lite and my personal packs, development will proceed as follows:
The 1.7.10 packs will be some of the most detailed packs FTB has ever done. They will not be just a group of almost compatible mods thrown together with a few basic quests. There will be storylines that cross reference other packs and lore and tweaks and all sorts of gameplay additions. Old familiar mods will be back along with some new friends.
Eyamaz may do his pack development differently. I am sure he'll comment on any differences.
I do not know when DW20 will be ready to do a pack. But we have a team to handle the third party packs maintained by FTB. When he's ready I am sure he'll tweet it out.
Will there be a pack that combines tech and magic? Yes
Will there be a pack that throws every popular mod at a wall and hopes they almost work together? No
You want a pack where people just throw every mod they can load without crashing in a folder... you don't need a modpack team to do it for you.
4 FTB packs are currently planned:
- Magic pack - no tech mods. Lots of mystical lore and quests
- FTB Lite 3 : Lightweight foundation pack. Somewhere between 5-10 content adding mods with tutorial quests.
- Tech pack - tech factory mods. May have quests
- Super Duper Secret pack Eyamaz has been hinting at. The lore continues. More quests more tweaks more fun.
For Magic and Lite and my personal packs, development will proceed as follows:
- Alpha - no quests no major tweaks. - Break the mods find bugs, make sure there's nothing that would mean a mod needs pulled.
- Beta - Hello tweaks and basic quests - More breaking needed, recipe testing, and quest path progression testing
- Stable - Full release with full tweaks, quests and evilness.
The 1.7.10 packs will be some of the most detailed packs FTB has ever done. They will not be just a group of almost compatible mods thrown together with a few basic quests. There will be storylines that cross reference other packs and lore and tweaks and all sorts of gameplay additions. Old familiar mods will be back along with some new friends.
Eyamaz may do his pack development differently. I am sure he'll comment on any differences.
I do not know when DW20 will be ready to do a pack. But we have a team to handle the third party packs maintained by FTB. When he's ready I am sure he'll tweet it out.
Will there be a pack that combines tech and magic? Yes
Will there be a pack that throws every popular mod at a wall and hopes they almost work together? No
You want a pack where people just throw every mod they can load without crashing in a folder... you don't need a modpack team to do it for you.
We are approaching Alpha releases. I will be releasing Lite and Mage Quest (Magic World 3) first. Neither will have quests to start. This is just to have a couple weeks of more thorough testing to ensure we don't need to remove any mods due to bugs before quests are written.
Eyamaz will release iF and Tech (no idea on name) when he feels they are ready.
MF3 and AS2 will be announced in my stream section of the forum since they are not FTB packs.
Once we are sure we don't have to pull mods for world breaking issues, we will move to Beta with Quests.
Lite will be a set of quests geared at introducing players to the basic ideas of modded minecraft. Just as in 1.6 it will be a base foundation pack for people to learn on and add mods to.
Mage Quest will have optional quests. You can always turn off the books.
NONE of the FTB packs will be hardcore. We will also not be doing nearly as extensive tweaks etc as we do in our personal packs, these will play closer to default mods.
We were planning to use Cauldron for 1.7.10 packs to make things a bit easier on servers... but with the events of the last few days, that does not appear possible at this time

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