So I'm not alone, welcome to the hell club of MPS overheating for no reason...
Its a crap club to be in to be honest.. I lost a LOT of stuff to this, a whole backpack full of tools, almost my entire quickbar full of manyullyn tools with full lapis and redstone upgrades.. (over 1000 lapis in upgrades gone...)
I'm going to miss the faster travel thats for sure, but its just not worth the risk of using when this is the result...
Since this is a bug, did you consider giving you the stuff back, I wouldn't accept that a bug would get rid of my tools and stuff like that...
Hm, that's probably a TiC bug with the old MPS armor there. And yes, I believe that heat is retained after it overheats once so if the glove overheated before, then it will retain its heat until the next time you wear it. Also, MachineMuse is a "she" not "he."Ok I have a small update - this might help MachineMuse if he sees this and hasn't fixed this bug already!
I had put my old MPS armour into my knapsack from TiCo. This I thought had been destroyed along with the knapsack.
I made myself a new knapsack, and equipped it.
I opened the knapsack, and there was my old set of armour, inside the new knapsack! (potentially a TiCo bug here...)
Now the interesting part.....
I grabbed the Power Glove from inside the knapsack, and put it into my main bag. The second I did this, I caught fire and started burning. I'm not sure if it ran out, or if I grabbed it back in time, but I only took 3 hits of fire damage and didn't die.
So, I did a test. Took everything out of my inventory in case I lost it.
Grabbed all the old MPS items from the knapsack.
Each item as I equipped it, made me catch fire, except for the glove that only had to be in my bag in order to fry me.
The glove now only seems to hurt me when its in my quickbar, AND I have it highlighted. Quickly switching to it and back indicates it has over 700 heat left just on its own. After gradually using all my hearts, then healing, then using them all again, 3 times over on just equipping the chest piece, I'm not sure how much heat is left in the armour or how long it will take to get rid of it... certainly I'm not game to keep trying to put it on, as it appears to have quite a lot of heat left to give...
I'm guessing that heat gets distributed throughout all the pieces of armour when you overheat. I only had heat plating in one piece of armour though, so unsure how this affects the heat balance.
Hm, that's probably a TiC bug with the old MPS armor there. And yes, I believe that heat is retained after it overheats once so if the glove overheated before, then it will retain its heat until the next time you wear it. Also, MachineMuse is a "she" not "he."![]()
You all have mpsa installed as well? I don't have mpsa and no overheating issues at all for me so far.
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Yes, solar helms are MPSA. I am in the same boat as @PierceSG in that I have found zero bugs with the mod until I downloaded the addons.So time to craft a new addon for my suit, the water tank, weirdest part of it is I always have a water bucket in my hotbar, since my first steps in Minecraft, I learned to never ever go anywhere without a water bucket ready, can't tell you how many times it saved my life from a long drop, lava drop and other situations, but that water bucket does nothing to the bug, so I'll have to do the water tank for my suit.
PS: I'm pretty sure that all the upgrades that can generate energy aren't from MachineMuse so I would guess the solar Helmet and such are from the MPSA addons. I think MachineMuse didn't like the idea her suit could generate power by itself so she never included something like that.
Is there any way to get the old hud for the power and heat back, instead of the numbers in the top hand left of the screen, it's just harder to read, and the old hud/display looked alot nicer.
Is there any way to get the old hud for the power and heat back, instead of the numbers in the top hand left of the screen, it's just harder to read, and the old hud/display looked alot nicer.
Yes you can enable it in the powersuit.cfg file in the machinemuse folder of your config folder, look in the General config section for this line :
B:"Use Graphical Meters"=true (make sure its set to true like here)