Greg Tech opinion discussions go here

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If he's seriously going to crash the game on purpose just because he disagrees with a mod, I don't want gregtech in FTB EVEN THOUGH I highly prefer almost all the changes it adds. That's just ridiculous.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Again difference is greg does respect the configs other mods has, even forestry bronze one.

You're so full of shit, I'm left wondering how you cleared your airway before choking to death.

GregTech absolutely does not respect the Forestry bronze config. The setting switches between 3+1=1 or 3+1=2 in current versions of GregTech. This was an intentional, and malicious, change after Sengir made the work table.

Pretty much every single mod out there changes how you play vanilla as by installing it there really is no original vanilla any more as the gameplay gets modified.

List all FTB mods other than GregTech that delete or change vanilla crafting recipes. No Hand Waving.

(Note: Adding new recipes that create vanilla objects, while leaving the original recipe does not qualify.)


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Indeed, seriously, doesn't anyone have anything better to do?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I find that maturity is a lie told by parents to comfort their children so they'll go to sleep at night.

I can't be the only one who is surprised that the whole thing has escalated to this point. Somewhere along the line between recipe fights, malicious coding, and an endless stream of debate between "zealots" and "zealots", someone should've stood up and said "Hey... can't we be reasonable about this?"

Anyway, even though I used to like gregtech, I am not planning on playing any 1.5 or 1.6 servers with that mod installed. Mostly because the additions to gregtech as of late has been more and more about tedium instead of content. He isn't adding as many new things as much as he is just taking away old things now. I don't want wooden tools to be nerfed, or planks to be nerfed, or to be forced into using some device just to get wood yield, or to have to mine randomly to try and find hidden ores. I want to make big factories, elaborate building structures and sculptures, and server specialization and trade. I want to make a wonderland in this pseudo-fantasy/adventure game, and Gregtech is doing more and more to harm my ability to accomplish this.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
List all FTB mods other than GregTech that delete or change vanilla crafting recipes. No Hand Waving.

(Note: Adding new recipes that create vanilla objects, while leaving the original recipe does not qualify.)

umm... Railcraft is the only mod i can remember doing this.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You don't pay anything for playing w GregTech so you have no right to complain. If you don't like that mod does - don't play w it(or configure it the way you want).
p.s. mDiyo broke truce agreement and added unnerf back so there is a chance that all you Greg-haters will get that you want. But removing GT from FTB packs will damage FTB way more that Gregtech. because as Wild pointed ppl want to play w GT.
p.p.s. If mDiyo didn't unnerf GT 0.9 would be out by now and most likely with all last changes unnerfed and there would be no drama.
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Hobby boy

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just wondering, but which versions of Gregtech and Tinkers Construct don't work together? I'm currently running Gregtech 3.09g and Tinkers Construct, and there doesn’t seem to be any problem between them.

Also, Gregtech has had the black screen code from when it detects Technic since around Gregtech 1.1.0, even though Technic didn't even include it in any modpack - someone else had trouble with installing it manually on a 1.2.5 Technic instance.


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Oh, that cesspit where they keep moaning about FTB noob whiners, while they sacrifice their souls in the glorious light of Greg.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I find that maturity is a lie told by parents to comfort their children so they'll go to sleep at night.

I can't be the only one who is surprised that the whole thing has escalated to this point. Somewhere along the line between recipe fights, malicious coding, and an endless stream of debate between "zealots" and "zealots", someone should've stood up and said "Hey... can't we be reasonable about this?"

Anyway, even though I used to like gregtech, I am not planning on playing any 1.5 or 1.6 servers with that mod installed. Mostly because the additions to gregtech as of late has been more and more about tedium instead of content. He isn't adding as many new things as much as he is just taking away old things now. I don't want wooden tools to be nerfed, or planks to be nerfed, or to be forced into using some device just to get wood yield, or to have to mine randomly to try and find hidden ores. I want to make big factories, elaborate building structures and sculptures, and server specialization and trade. I want to make a wonderland in this pseudo-fantasy/adventure game, and Gregtech is doing more and more to harm my ability to accomplish this.

maybe many of us have handled this immaturely, but none even close to greg.
it really is a shame, i liked most of the addons that gregtech added to ic2. I believe most people(except those die-hard idiots) also feel similarly[DOUBLEPOST=1374219283][/DOUBLEPOST]
umm... Railcraft is the only mod i can remember doing this.

and with good reason, railcraft alters things so that it is easier to add functionality, not altering things just to make it harder.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You don't pay anything for playing w GregTech so you have no right to complain. If you don't like that mod does - don't play w it(or configure it the way you want).
p.s. mDiyo broke truce agreement and added unnerf back so there is a chance that all you Greg-haters will get that you want. But removing GT from FTB packs will damage FTB way more that Gregtech. because as Wild pointed ppl want to play w GT.
p.p.s. If mDiyo didn't unnerf GT 0.9 would be out by now and most likely with all last changes unnerfed and there would be no drama.

The "You don't pay anything so shut up and appreciate what you get!" argument is one of the dumbest arguments in existence, if you express you're thirsty and someone hands you a Dixie cup of their urine you have no obligation to smile and say "Thank you sir, may I have another?" just because it's free.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Greg added malicious code that caused users to crash. It's terrible behavior, and keeping it in FTB but in a separte pack only legitimizing throwing a tantrum and hurting users when you don't get your way. *I actually like most all of Gregtech except this recent update*, but it should be removed because distributing malicious code to users is completely unacceptable, period.

Hoho, you say he only changes IC2, Quarry, and Vanilla. The problem with that is that every single mod relies on vanilla recipes for balance. You cannot use almost every single mod (as in, anything that involves a 3x3 crafting grid) without being affected by this latest nerf. Greg has changed the balance of every other mod. mDiyo changed one, and restored the situation back to normal. There is no way that mDiyo's change is anywhere near Greg's. I installed Gregtech as an IC2 addon, not a total conversion.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
and with good reason, railcraft alters things so that it is easier to add functionality, not altering things just to make it harder.

none of greg`s nerf was hard to begin with. you`re looking for another word.

the question was about altering recipes, without concern of how it was altered. if we do look at actual changes in recipes, you do have a point, but its a different talk.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
well i read quit and don't pull one of the 2 modders on a wall ;)

but.. just another question.

why does greg's mod need to nerf things? why not just create new items and recipies for his items?
i mean, i like a few machines especially creating eu from a lightning source. but this all would be possible without nerfing the vanialla features and from other mods.

i personally don't play with greg's mod, because i don't want changed mods i like, but would really like to enjoy a few items from greg.
so, greg.. please don't nerf other mods and we can have all together ;)
you don't need to nerf other things, make your machines just more powerful, more interesting and harder to craft. so it's not easy and it's still worth to build them.

just my opinion


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i personally don't play with greg's mod, because i don't want changed the mods i like, but would really like to enjoy a few items from greg.
so, greg.. please don't nerf other mods and we can have all together ;)
you don't need to nerf other things, make your machines just more powerful, more interesting and harder to craft. so it's not easy and it's still worth to build them.

just my opinion

Heheh, I don't think GT is for you then :)
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