Greg Tech opinion discussions go here

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Jul 29, 2019
As I've said several times greg is trying to change exactly this core gameplay.
i ddint ask how greg`d balance, i`m asking you.

Sorry i've been a bit semi afk. what was your question again?
i`m talking about this one:

as we all know, greg has overwritten BC`s quarry recipe by his mod, which means that he altered a recipe added by other mod.
mdyio has overwritten GT`s recipe for planks by his mod, which means that he altered a recipe added by other mod.

now question to all GT zealots people that think mdyio has done something bad to GT: what is the difference between greg`s and mdyo`s deeds?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Grabs popcorn and watches the ftb forum and ic2 forums explode lol only 848 pages regarding this issue alone in the IC2 forum can the FTB forum beat it who knows but it sure is entertaining...

i cant sign up for IC2 forums :c
i dont know who to yell at either


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Question here, how exactly was the number of planks received from a piece of wood, or the durability of some of the vanilla tools overpowered? I mean, everybody has opinions, and for Greg to make any Mods that mess with his recipe crash Minecraft without any way to fix it on either side, wouldn't that be consider virus/malware like behaviour?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ok guys, the IC2 forum has already ceased-fire. Why not do the same here? It's clear as day that greg did put malicious code in, and it's clear the mDiyo had the right to override. What greg did was wrong, period.
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Jul 29, 2019
So Greg and mDiyo got in a slapping match and Greg pulled out the bazooka to end the problems once and for all......sounds familiar........oh ya, that's the way the world has worked for millenia. Personally I don't give a damn if they wanna fight. I love Gregtech and I love TC, but enough with the drama. You people are more than helping to fuel the flames of their war. I imagine Greg and mDiyo are watching this thread. It's very likely that Greg has become an asshole to all of you whiners because of the constant hate you throw his way for a mod that is completely optional. If you want to hate somebody for Gregtech in FTB, point your fingers at those who make the packs and leave Greg alone. Place blame where it's due. Also, in the 1.5.2 Ultimate packs, Gregtech is completely optional. Quit feeling entitled like your paying for the mods! It's very likely the babies who want everything as quick and easy as possible are going to flame this message, so I will not be responding to anyone. There's my two cents....carry on!

All the Gregtech diehard supporters seem to think everyone who has an issue with this is just a Gregtech hater or something. I'm not. I quite like the mod, and think it adds some great lategame content. I even like some of the nerfs, as they make getting items that powerful like an actual accomplishment. However, I can't stand Greg. Before this debacle, I thought "so what if he's an egotistical ass, I just play his mod". However, he added malicious code that causes the users' games to crash. That crosses a line. Behavior like that should not be condoned. He did it once, seems proud of it, and left the code in for it, just nonfunctional. If he can't respect the other mod authors or the users and distributes what's basically malware, he should not be in the FTB pack, period.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ok guys, the IC2 forum has already ceased-fire. Why not do the same here? It's clear as day that greg did put malicious code in, and it's clear the mDiyo had the right to override. What greg did was wrong, period.

No, it appears that they still disagree anything was done wrong (except by mDiyo) and continue to defend the hypocritical behavior.
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Jul 29, 2019
I am sorry that Greg and Mdiyo had a fight. Both have some really cool ideas, even if I found Greg's nerfs a little annoying. I would like to say I see both sides, but I don't really think I can say that and be honest about it. I think that trying to break the game is a little underhanded. I suppose it is because Greg wanted to prevent exploits of his mod and the balance he was trying to offer with it, but Minecraft, more than other games, is about personal expression and personal choices. Trying to force a particular style, even forcing this style on people who chose to follow a particular mod, seems contrary to the game's central concept. I am glad that FTB is not giving up outright on GregTech though, because it does have some really cool things, and it is an attractive mod to some players, and I think that Greg should have a second chance. But if Greg, or any other mod author tries a stunt like this again, I am glad that Slowpoke made an official statement that these actions are grounds for removal, because we shouldn't allow anything like this to happen again.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
NosePicker5555 said:
Just because they do doesn't mean we have to.
The ic2 forum is basically the start of the conflict and greg's downward spiral. If that place has ceased fire, there isn't much of a point to continue since we already know what the truth is.

DoctorOr said:
No, it appears that they still disagree anything was done wrong (except by mDiyo) and continue to defend the hypocritical behavior.
I agree, although it does seem that the majority is on mDiyo's side, and only a few die-hard idiots still are supporting greg[DOUBLEPOST=1374213426][/DOUBLEPOST]
Colensocon1 said:
So Gregtech will change the recipes and nerf others mods but when someone touches his mod and un nerfed 1 thing he decides to put a basically a malware into the game how can the Ftb ever trust him again?
This isn't the first time greg has done this.[DOUBLEPOST=1374213583][/DOUBLEPOST]
mathjazz said:
I would like to say I see both sides
both sides? all greg has said is that he is proud of what he has done and has no regrets(other than displaying his arrogance of course). mDiyo apologized even though he did absolutely nothing wrong.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Can we just all agree that gregtech should be removed from FTB already, based on most of the posts that I have seen on this thread. This is just Greg's OWN fault that all of this happened in the first place. In my own personal opinion, I never really liked gregtech and a lot of people don't like it them selves. For the people out there that are "gregtech die-hard fans" I have on thing to say to you: If you like gregtech so much, just put it on FTB yourself. To the people who don't like gregtech, I have one thing to say to you: I don't like gregtech personally so I just deal with it or simply just disable it in the modpack. But still, from a personal standpoint, gregtech should be removed.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
From what I can see mDyio didn't like Greg making his mod cost more. mDyio's change also did not break Gregtech, no more than he has "broken" other mods in the past.
Again difference is greg does respect the configs other mods has, even forestry bronze one. mDiyo does not do that and he broke the way gregs config for toggling the wood nerf works.
1. Greg should make all of his nerfs configurable.
They already are. Re-enabling exploits are not.

I personally think GT has overstepped the border by touching vanilla stuff. Who is to say 1 lumber= 4 planks is badly "balanced"?
Who said 1=4 is perfectly balanced?

Pretty much every single mod out there changes how you play vanilla as by installing it there really is no original vanilla any more as the gameplay gets modified.
I'm waiting for Greg to "FIX" Computercraft and Thaurmcraft recipes to his standard, the community reaction will be interesting.
Outside of IC2 and vanilla the only mod where greg has done any sort of recipe balancing has been BC quarry. That's it. He doesn't touch mods that he doesn't care about and CC is definitely one of them.
i ddint ask how greg`d balance, i`m asking you.
It would actually be quite similar to what greg has done already. I've always felt the non-metal tools and doing stuff with bare hands too good


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Here's my view on this:
  • Greg nerfed wood, mdiyo changed it
  • Greg got mad, made a crash when his recipes where changed by another mod
  • Made a (not so clear on this) thing that when mdiyo plays with his mod, puts a pumpkin of shame on here head
  • After discussions, all changed were reverted (bar the wood nerf)
  • Not so happy families
So after all this, the only thing gained is more mistrust between modders, mainly caused by greg interacting with more mods than his own, and the one he modify s(which i believe is perfectly fine, as long as there is a reverse config (which may i add, he is normally very good with configs))
My opinion on this: Keep the with greg and without gregtech packs, people who like gregtech as a mod and know how to edit configs: use one pack, those who don't, use the other.

Those who say to remove gregtech from the WHOLE of ftb, that's just silly to say the least, so many people like it and quite a lot dont :p but you cant remove it when so many users do like it, and may not be sure how to re-add it.

(IF greg reads this thread, let alone my post)
PLEASE stop making yourself look like an ass. By modifying other peoples mods to this extent people will just hate you. I love your mod and the features it adds and will keep using it, but modifying things like wooden planks(DA FUQ) from vanilla does nothing to your mod. Next you'll be nerfing sawmills too. Please, for the love of God stop. Just add stuff to your mod, and your mod alone, if other mods cause balance issues, consult the modder themselves rather than changing it.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It would actually be quite similar to what greg has done already. I've always felt the non-metal tools and doing stuff with bare hands too good
so that single issue, about iron not being good enough makes whole vanilla imbalanced? it leads me to conclusion that you dont really have an actual opinion on this case, and believe that iron isnt balanced because greg said so. if you`ve read about iron, you`d know that iron isnt that great metal to begin with, so its presentation in MC is accurate, to a certain degree. steel, however, is completely different story.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm probably gonna get a ridiculous amount of hate... but if you do not like what Greg has done to the game(I am one of those people) then you should play a private pack. The code is 152ngt, It is a bit like the MindCrack pack but 1.5.2 and there is no gregtech, therefore no ridiculously expensive recipes for such simple things.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hoho said:
Again difference is greg does respect the configs other mods has, even forestry bronze one. mDiyo does not do that and he broke the way gregs config for toggling the wood nerf works.
1. greg doesn't respect other mods, he depends on them. gregtech doesn't work if ic2 isn't installed.
2. even if what mDiyo did was wrong, and he should have added a config, it provides absolutely no ground for gregorius to go and crash clients because of a tempter tantrum, caused by someone altering his oh-so-precious code that is unnecessary and is based on his ego. What greg did was outrageous, ridiculous, and completely arrogant. Period.
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