FTB Mod Discussion: Greg-Tech

Your opinion of Greg-Tech?

  • I like it!

    Votes: 121 51.3%
  • I don't like it!

    Votes: 78 33.1%
  • I can't decide!

    Votes: 37 15.7%

  • Total voters


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
But those GT machines on OCs are cows when they come to power consumption. Just for an industrial electoylier with 4 OCs will need 32786 eu/t.. A centifuge is more feasible but if you want to speed up power production lines then don't even think about that.. It'll eat 2k eu/t at 4 and you'll not be able to make a net power gain out of "fart gas" for just adding one OC..

The GT overclockers aren't worth bothering with imo. Especially for the multiblock machines where you can double the speed by just adding another machine to the casing.

I kinda get the feeling that they're just Greg trolling the people complaining about his machines being too slow.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The GT overclockers aren't worth bothering with imo. Especially for the multiblock machines where you can double the speed by just adding another machine to the casing.

I kinda get the feeling that they're just Greg trolling the people complaining about his machines being too slow.

Psssssh, they are so. I love them, personally.
Although I'd probably recommend attaching a heat vent more. They speed the machine up, and they decrease the energy cost. Win/win :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Psssssh, they are so. I love them, personally.
Although I'd probably recommend attaching a heat vent more. They speed the machine up, and they decrease the energy cost. Win/win :D

Hah, perhaps when you've got a crazy-strong end-game power generation setup running, but I'll always add 4 blast furnaces to a casing before I overclock it. :p .. the reverse just seems .. wasteful.

The heat vent must be something I've missed; is it a 1.5 thing? .. can't see it in the 1.4.7 NEI


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hah, perhaps when you've got a crazy-strong end-game power generation setup running, but I'll always add 4 blast furnaces to a casing before I overclock it. :p .. the reverse just seems .. wasteful.

The heat vent must be something I've missed; is it a 1.5 thing? .. can't see it in the 1.4.7 NEI

It's actually just a reactor heat vent that you slap on the side of a machine. If I recall correctly, it's only in 1.5.x tho. What suffering it must be like to be stuck on 1.4.7...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, I gave it a shot, I really did. It's probably just random ironic fate though, but GregTech decided to bork my game entirely to the point that Minecraft wouldn't start anymore. By disabling it I can now continue to play. Soooo that's it, done with GT. Wasn't really that happy with it while it still worked either, and I don't understand how or why people keep upvoting it on the poll there when there are so many valid points being brought up that illustrate it's terrible. :/

BTW as for the ore dictionary question someone asked earlier, I noticed that with all the mods in ultimate, the chances of finding any specific kind of ore plummetted to unreasonable levels, the only exceptions being iron and coal, because they're the default major spawn in the upper crust, and tin and copper spawn a lot still because the game is inserting 2 kinds of each for some reason. Gregtech itself added so many new ores it was ridiculous, good luck ever finding a bauxite or a tungsten buried in those diggyholes. And I didn't see any diamonds until I disabled it, despite having dug up half a mountain at below level 16. x_x Maybe just bad luck, in fact the logical part of my brain says it has to be; but it just feels like something is telling me otherwise, what with the game working again after I got rid of GT and actually finding diamonds afterwards as well. >_> But yeah, the point is, the more custom ores mods add to the game, the harder it gets to find ANYTHING when those mods get bundled. Better to do new and creative things with existing ores, dusts or ingots to transform them into unique bars that don't have to be dug up. And then use THOSE for your mod.

Like, I had a neat idea I'll probably use if I can ever manage to learn to make mods: Purifying metal ingots with a machine that removes their impurities. Then the resulting 'Pure XXXXX Ingot' would have its own recipes for use, like being further alloyed with other ingots, pure or impure, to make even crazier ones. Better than adding 80 new ores to the game. :3

Edit: I would like to point out the one thing I really liked about GregTech however, and that's his unique Generators. I -love- the semifluid generator, I wish he'd just release that or the 4 generators from his pack as their own mod, craftable with standard IC2 components. Making EU from Creosote Oil is win. :3


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A cheaper bronze recipe is not a new feature. it just messes up the balance of an already existing mod.

This just shows you're completely ignoring the fact that IC2 hardly uses bronze. Guess it's pretty pointless to have a discussion with you because you live in your little IC2 world and what happens there is the only right way. Well, I've had it with you. Toodles!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
GregTech configuration files go to Ultimate\minecraft\config\gregtech, with the important files being "Recipes.cfg" and "Gregtech.cfg". If you can't find your minecraft install directory, it should be listed on the Options tab next to Install Folder...

Important changes in Gregtech.cfg :
Under "features" :
b:ForestryBronzeNerf - when true, returns two (or one, in more recent versions) Bronze per three copper and one tin.

Under "machines" :
b:Constant_Need_Of_Energy - when true, gregtech machines will lose progress if the device loses power, even for a split second.
b:explosions_on_nonwrenching - when true, gregtech machines will explode if you pick up with a drill or fists.
b:fire_causes_explosions, b:machines_flammable, b:lightning_causes_explosions, b:rain_causes_explosions - when true, makes gregtech machinery explode if on fire, struck by lightning, wet by rain, or looked at funny.
b:wirefire_on_explosion - when true, exploding machines will send pulses of increasingly high voltage back up their connected wires.

In recipes.cfg, the most relevant bit is under "usefulrecipes":
B:BeryliumReflector - when true, requires a Berylium Cell instead of a Thick Copper Plate for Thick Neutron Reflectors, used for nuclear stuff.
B:Compress2Storageblock - when true, allows a compressor to turn Ingots into Blocks. Setting to false will allow you to do it by hand at a crafting table, although you can also tweak individual types of ingots in other parts of the recipes.cfg
B:DifficultIridiumPlate - when true, requires an implosion compressor to make Iridium Plates, as well as complicating their creation in other ways.
B:ElectricSteelTools - when true, requires steel instead of refined iron to make the mining drill and similar tools.
B:ExpensiveBCQuarryRecipe - when true, requires a Diamond Drill instead of a Diamond pickaxe to make a BuildCraft quarry.
B:ExpensiveLaser - when true, requires titanium and a coolant cell to make a mining laser.
B:ExpensiveMaceratorRecipe - when true, requires diamonds instead of flint for the Macerator.
B:ExpensiveNanoSaber - when true, requires platinum, iridium, and higher tier components for the Nano Saber.
B:ExpensiveNukeRecipe - when true, makes the hidden Nuke recipe more expensive.
B:ExpensiveSolarRecipe - when true, vastly increases the cost for Solar Panels, as well as Advanced Solar Panels (if installed).
B:ExpensiveWatermillRecipe - when true, requires aluminum ingots to make a Watermill, instead of sticks and wood.
B:ExpensiveWindRecipe - when true, requires carbon or magelium plates to make a Wind Mill, instead of iron ingots.
B:MMIngotOnlyRollingMachine - when true and Railcraft is installed, requires a Rolling Machine to make mixed metal ingots.
B:Storageblock2Macerator - when true, allows a macerator to turn Blocks into several dusts. Setting to false will allow you to do it by hand at a crafting table, although you can also tweak individual types of blocks in other parts of the recipes.cfg
I:TincellsPer4Tin - sets the number of cell per tin recipe. Default is 4 or 8, depending on version, while IC2 usually allows 16.
B:TitaniumDiamondDrill - when true, requires titanium in addition to diamonds when upgrading to a diamond drill.
B:ToolAndArmorMaceration - when true, allows the macerator to turn armor back into dust.
B:WatermillReverseCrafting -

Note that, if you're playing on a multiplayer server, that these changes must be made on both client and server, or you will encounter errors.

Apologies I can't speak Italian.
Thanks a lot!

Inviato dal mio GT-I9001 con Tapatalk 2


Popular Member
Apr 3, 2013
It takes a wait time of 5 minutes to macerate a stack of iron ore without overclockers with vanilla IC2. Just as the option of adding an overclocker to shorten that time is there for IC2, it's there for GregTech too (Yes, you can put any IC2 upgrade into a GregTech machine). More so in the latest releases, with the addition of heat vents that can be attached to any side of a GT machine for further improvements.
You only have extended wait time until you can get make an overclocker for any IC2 machine, the same to be said of every gregtech machine.

Except you can split the 64 operations across multiple machines, and since the time taken for each individual operation is in line with the rest of Minecraft, you can move things down to a more resonable delay. However, Gregtech operations start with taking moronically out of scale times, meaning even if you split up the work load, things still take longer than they have any right to.

The problem with Gregtech is simple. Scale. Why in [insert deitiy here]'s name do any of the operations need to take more than a minute? Nothing else in Minecraft takes that long, yet Gregtech expects you to either sit around, or gouge out even more resources to bring it to scale to the rest of the game. But whatever, apparently internal consistency is bad.

Oh and finally, challenge? In Gregtech? Yeah no. Things that are challenging need skill. There's no skill needed to plug in a machine to a storage so it has enough power to work. You think you're achieving something, but your aren't. In the end, you're placing blocks and crafting things. But you what? Screw it. I've had enough arguing with you idiots who think that tedium or grind equal challenge. You can waste your time with you stupid block game mod addon. I've played many games. Games that make me feel actual emotions. But Minecraft? It's fun, but not a true experience. Hell, modding the game mutes what feeling there already is as you strive for pure mechanical efficiency. Not even anger remains. And if a game can't even make you hate it, love it, or something in between what's the bloody point?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well it is your personal preferences you're arguing for, not the masses. For whom gregtech is a great mod ("No it's not. It's sh:t because I say so!" Yes, that's what you're saying.).
If you don't like modded minecraft, why are you even here? Vanilla minecraft is right there to play along with several minecraft clone games if there's no "emotion" left for you.

As for overclockers in GT, they're balanced. The IC2 overclockers double the cost and double the speed. If it finishes twice as fast and costs twice per tick as much, it still ends up costing the same by ending at half time. With gregtech machines, it really does double the cost. After all, with all those automated steam boilers, ultimate solar panels and fusion reactors you have, where else are you going to put all the EU?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
According to Game Theory, GTech is a failure and according to common courtesy of modding community, GTech is also a failure. I will not point out to the fact that even as an add-on GTech shamelessly change recipes of other mods to Gregor's point of view which is nothing but awarding the Stockholm Syndrome.

According to the game theory, an ideal game should have equal gain proportional to the amount of effort spent though in GTech, gain is too little, even though some has tried to defend it with "recipes are actually cheaper" assertion, they have missed an important factor, time. I'll give different example; GTech add-on offers seemingly cheap way of generating certain materials from lava, only seeming. In reality, you can get at least 5 times more materials with a simple mining trip if you both let machine and player work for 30 minutes. Lets assume defendants say "But you are getting these ores automatically.", first of all not so automatically, GTech machines require a lot of power to run and they require a lot of time, secondly most of them will be long past their usefulness when you get the means to craft them, for instance industrial electrolyzer, when you get the time and resources to craft it, you will no longer require any of the products it offers unless all other mods are changed so that they will only work with GTech parts that is where the invasiveness of GTech comes from.

If Gregor had a bit of knowledge about game theory, or he was still playing minecraft, he would've noticed the flaws in his design. It would be bareble if his failings had ended here but there is more, more than his clinical narcissism, and egomania.

Most of the GTech lovers either have Stockholm Syndrome or a misguided sense of "difficulty" and sometimes, both. An add-on that changes game to a never ending grinding does not bring difficulty to the game, it just adds more grinding, doing the same old things you have done; digging in other words, grinding. Grind is a commercial method used as filler in cheap games such as free to play mmorpgs or games with such a low budget that developers are forced to fill the 90% of the game with same old grind, though we can observe this method in high budget games as well but that is another story.

It would be a disservice to the new and successful mods if we haven't mentioned about them. I'd start with Tinker's Construct, basic parts can be made within first 2 minutes of the game and most advanced parts take you to late mid game and best of all, end game parts of mod comes as add-ons to main parts so you always have different combinations and possibilities. Modular Power Suits is another successful mod which can be gotten into at early game and provides a lot of combinations to the end game. It would be unfair if I haven't mentioned about Thermal Expansion, which has grown greatly within a few months that offers basic ore manipulation tools and power infrastructure for early game and a superb and varied system for mid to late game. There are many other successful mods and modders that Gregor should look up to and there are much more to tell about these mods but these are to be told some other time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
After all, with all those automated steam boilers, ultimate solar panels and fusion reactors you have, where else are you going to put all the EU?
into a single block of course! anyway, such demand for eu is the reason for those boilers and panels in the first place. not to mention that in IC2 eu consumption and eu production doesnt match when moving further into tech tree and greg makes that mismatch even bigger. instead of having tier 1 , t2 etc. generators and consumers. you only have lets say, tier 4 consumer with bunch of tier 1 generators. 1 tier 4 consumer with few tier 2-3 generators or single tier 4 generator, but tier 2 and 3 are missing from the tree.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As for overclockers in GT, they're balanced. The IC2 overclockers double the cost and double the speed. If it finishes twice as fast and costs twice per tick as much, it still ends up costing the same by ending at half time. With gregtech machines, it really does double the cost. After all, with all those automated steam boilers, ultimate solar panels and fusion reactors you have, where else are you going to put all the EU?

Why on EARTH would someone use the updates then if it makes the machines incredibly inefficient? I mean, imply HALVING the efficiency for every upgrade? WTF? Why would you not simply add another machine then?

The whole point of upgrades is that having a single machine that's double as fast and takes (about) double the energy is simply more server friendly. What greg is doing is simply pushing people back to the era of huge solar flowers and the ticktimes measured in minuted that come with it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's actually just a reactor heat vent that you slap on the side of a machine. If I recall correctly, it's only in 1.5.x tho. What suffering it must be like to be stuck on 1.4.7...

Ah, that explains why it didn't work when I tried it on 1.4.7. :) .. I'm presently waiting for a 1.5.2 custom modpack to be finished and released by our server admins. I'll be sure to add vents when we get rolling.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Most of the GTech lovers either have Stockholm Syndrome or a misguided sense of "difficulty" and sometimes, both. An add-on that changes game to a never ending grinding does not bring difficulty to the game, it just adds more grinding, doing the same old things you have done; digging in other words, grinding. Grind is a commercial method used as filler in cheap games such as free to play mmorpgs or games with such a low budget that developers are forced to fill the 90% of the game with same old grind, though we can observe this method in high budget games as well but that is another story.

So what you wanted to say is: "I don't like gregtech and everyone who doesn't agree with me is wrong/stupid/has mental problems"..


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why on EARTH would someone use the updates then if it makes the machines incredibly inefficient? I mean, imply HALVING the efficiency for every upgrade? WTF? Why would you not simply add another machine then?

The whole point of upgrades is that having a single machine that's double as fast and takes (about) double the energy is simply more server friendly. What greg is doing is simply pushing people back to the era of huge solar flowers and the ticktimes measured in minuted that come with it.
You are aware that overclockers in IC2 machines have the same ratio? they just don't give as much of a boost per overclocker. but for every doubling of the speed, the eu usage per process also doubles.


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2013
Why on EARTH would someone use the updates then if it makes the machines incredibly inefficient? I mean, imply HALVING the efficiency for every upgrade? WTF? Why would you not simply add another machine then?
Space constraints, the costs of machinery compared to EUs, and the situations where a specific recipe isn't embarrassingly parallel.

They're probably less useful than they should be, especially to avoid the issue of server overload, but they aren't without use.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'd like you to read the part you have quoted without cognitive dissonance.
Perhaps you should do the same? If you have to resort to saying that anyone who disagrees with you has a mental illness, there is something wrong with your argument. Especially when you keep repeating the same arguments over and over and never address the counterarguments.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Perhaps you should do the same? If you have to resort to saying that anyone who disagrees with you has a mental illness, there is something wrong with your argument. Especially when you keep repeating the same arguments over and over and never address the counterarguments.

Cognitive dissonance isn't a mental ilness, it's how our brain tries to reason towards decisions we made. Some people just don't seem to be aware that this happens. This is where a lot of the mindless fanboyism comes from: people who have decided to 'like' someone in general and then reason everything about that thing towards agreeing with it.

More intelligent people just know this happens and know that to have a proper discussion you have to take this into account.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'd like you to read the part you have quoted without cognitive dissonance.

Some people like GT, some people don't. It's a matter of preference.

Both opinions are entirely valid, and you are simply insulting people whose opinions differ from your own while leveling accusations of narcissism and egomania at other people.

Made me smile though. :)