Solid Boilers after 1.5.1. Wood source?

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Curious, why have an item list when you leave out the actual expensive parts?

The actual cost is 47 diamonds, 18 ghast tears, and a bunch of dirt.

How a claim of 21 diamonds doesn't get blocked by a "this is absurd" filter I can't imagine. Every two galgadorian metal, of which five are required regardless of which recipe you choose, is 9 diamonds. That's 27 diamonds right there.

I guess you missed the part where I stated it didn't include the stabilized metal. I didn't have time to trace through the recipe and count all the extra bits. Calm down.[DOUBLEPOST=1366993352][/DOUBLEPOST]
lolololol That's dirt cheap. Compared to a galga drill that's a joke.

Hyperbole doesn't help the argument. Farming ghast tears isn't exactly compelling gameplay.
I just think it is amusing that so many people are complaining 'this is such a stupid nerf, I'm going to just cheat it in' instead of either a) finding another method of tree farming, or b) just cheating in the wood itself and save you the middle-man.

Perhaps the question shouln't be 'how else can I get this much wood coming in'... perhaps it should be 'what am I spending this much wood on' and 'is there a better way to accomplish that?'.

For example, most uses I've heard for SC tree farms was boilers. Okay. So, how many other fuels do boilers run on, and are any of them easier to mass produce?

Well, you could always set up a blaze rod farm. It's not like Soul Shards doesn't exist, and there aren't tons of blaze spawners in nether fortresses. Since you're going to the nether ANYWAYS since you need to make your Blast Furnace, it's not that far out of your way.

Coal isn't exactly hard to find either, and running it through a coke oven basically doubles the heat output, and makes it the most powerful fuel available for a solid fuel firebox to run on. Granted, this is a fairly slow process, so you'll need a great deal of them to keep up.

Or, you could go with a liquid fueled firebox. Now, Biofuel is by far the easiest thing to run a boiler on. It certainly doesn't need an SC Tree Farm to run it either. I've heard plenty of people power it with anything from Golem reed farms to the new Forestry Multiblock farms with the new sappy plants.

There's also A Bee For That(tm). Specifically, the Distilled bee produces Oil. Sure, it was hit by a nerf in the production output, but you can still hook it up with Fast production from a Cultivated bee (either conventionally with crossbreeding or with Extra Bees mechanics) and stick it in an Alviary for decent output. Repeat as necessary for whatever you want to do. It's not like it's hard to get more distilled bees once you have the strain purified. Just throw distilled drones at a random queen (as long as that queen won't mutate with a distilled drone) until it becomes pure-bred distilled. Done. Rinse, wash, repeat. Unlimited supply of the best fuel source in the game for boilers.

I've also heard about MFR. Granted, I've got a kind of a history with that mod, back in the day, but that's just me. However, the more people talk about it, the more it sounds like it is even easier to set up a tree farm with MFR than with Steve's Carts.

tl;dr: Options. You haz them. Why u no try them?
I guess you missed the part where I stated it didn't include the stabilized metal. I didn't have time to trace through the recipe and count all the extra bits. Calm down.[DOUBLEPOST=1366993352][/DOUBLEPOST]

Hyperbole doesn't help the argument. Farming ghast tears isn't exactly compelling gameplay.
It wasn't a hyperbole it was merely an expression that has no actual relation to obtaining dirt in minecraft. Perhaps if you actually took the time to read posts you'd catch that. Also whether it's taking a Salamanders eye and flying around watching ghasts kill themselves, or working on my own aim hitting back projectiles, or shooting arrows, or just using a gun/laser to do it, or setting up a soul shard for them, or whatever other way to kill them you can come up with; I generally enjoy it. Especially the Salamanders eye. Compelling for you me might not be compelling for you but that does not make it overall not compelling. There's a reason there are other methods that do not require ghast tears if you don't find it fun to shoot them down.
forestry farms require mining
bees are not enough for even a 1lp boiler, they got nerfed
im here to play, not to be all day grinding blazes in the nether
and I can't cheat the wood, I need too much of it
It wasn't a hyperbole it was merely an expression that has no actual relation to obtaining dirt in minecraft. Perhaps if you actually took the time to read posts you'd catch that. Also whether it's taking a Salamanders eye and flying around watching ghasts kill themselves, or working on my own aim hitting back projectiles, or shooting arrows, or just using a gun/laser to do it, or setting up a soul shard for them, or whatever other way to kill them you can come up with; I generally enjoy it. Especially the Salamanders eye. Compelling for you me might not be compelling for you but that does not make it overall not compelling. There's a reason there are other methods that do not require ghast tears if you don't find it fun to shoot them down.

'lolololol That's dirt cheap.' is hyperbole.
I guess you missed the part where I stated it didn't include the stabilized metal.

No, I didn't miss it. Let me quote myself:

Curious, why have an item list when you leave out the actual expensive parts

But it's actually irrelevant, as your value is too low just for galgorian metal.

I didn't have time to trace through the recipe and count all the extra bits. Calm down.

I'm perfectly calm, it's just your lack of time means you output horribly worthless data. GIGO.[DOUBLEPOST=1366994843][/DOUBLEPOST]
I just think it is amusing that so many people are complaining 'this is such a stupid nerf, I'm going to just cheat it in' instead of either a) finding another method of tree farming, or b) just cheating in the wood itself and save you the middle-man.

It's the same crutch most people have in regards to redpower. If they can't do it like they always have, they have no interest. Apparently, restarting the game world and doing the exact same thing over and over is "fun".

This is why watching paint dry is an olympic sport. Minecraftia has gotten gold for 10 years running.

There's also A Bee For That(tm). Specifically, the Distilled bee produces Oil. Sure, it was hit by a nerf in the production output, but you can still hook it up with Fast production from a Cultivated bee (either conventionally with crossbreeding or with Extra Bees mechanics) and stick it in an Alviary for decent output.

12 Refined bees with Fastest trait and zero frames will produce enough biofuel to fuel one boiler, and enough oil to power entire civilizations after processing to fuel.
Well, I mean.. okay. Super expensive stuff, right? The Galga drill is still the fastest autominer in the game outside of frame machines (and let's face it, we all know Frame Machines are radically overpowered for their cost and difficulty). I've set up assisted automining systems with it and it is fast. People overestimate the cost of the dropoff or the complexity of diverting a small sum of iron back into the system to keep producing more rails.

Now that people are being forced to do without frame machines, the Galga drill looks less absurd than it used to. Especially given that, uh, diamonds just aren't that useful in our packs. I routinely end up sitting on over a stack. If Ars Magica starts being included then at least I can turn them into more useful materials via an item nexus.
Now that people are being forced to do without frame machines, the Galga drill looks less absurd than it used to. Especially given that, uh, diamonds just aren't that useful in our packs. I routinely end up sitting on over a stack. If Ars Magica starts being included then at least I can turn them into more useful materials via an item nexus.

I recently used 1024. (yes, 2^10) diamonds.

Part of the reason people think diamonds aren't useful is due to the abundance of rubies and sapphires replacing their use in IC2 contexts. That's gone. They're still not rare but they're quite useful. And they are definitely rare at the start, which is when you're actually setting up a wood cutting system - as opposed to a tunnel bore which is much much later.
I recently used 1024. (yes, 2^10) diamonds.

Part of the reason people think diamonds aren't useful is due to the abundance of rubies and sapphires replacing their use in IC2 contexts. That's gone. They're still not rare but they're quite useful. And they are definitely rare at the start, which is when you're actually setting up a wood cutting system - as opposed to a tunnel bore which is much much later.

You know, it's trivial to spawn more of those in if you want them. Several mods let you take other mods block ids and spawn them in with customized ore generation rules. Isn't Better World Gen promising to do this soon.
But it's actually irrelevant, as your value is too low just for galgorian metal.

I'm perfectly calm, it's just your lack of time means you output horribly worthless data. GIGO.

I've been waiting patiently for you to recover your people skills but it's now clear that you have none to recover. You're taking this far more seriously than I do, and I've got better things to do than continue this back-and-forth with the raging socially inept. I presented the numbers as offered by the SC wiki. I don't give a rat's ass if that satisfies your standards for veracity and accuracy...if it bugs you that much, go take it up with the wiki crew. Respond as you will, I've got nothing further to say to you.
What's happened is the Gregtech approach of adding time and tedium has started leaking into other mods. Why are users, who can max out what they've been given, being punished for being efficient? For the 20% of people that can utilize this efficiency to the max, there are 80% who can not, and will eventually move on to something else or copy the build of the best person they have access to. Its all very silly and lacks creativity. There's NO payoff for adding 2 crappy carts and making the old cart require excess time in the nether. I know logic in a game as random as MC is silly but what is the progression of Tree Farm Device = Killing lots of flying marshmallows in hell? What new device are we getting out of the effort? Will the thing still get stuck in leaf blocks? Don't drop a nerf and give us no benefit!
You know, it's trivial to spawn more of those in if you want them. Several mods let you take other mods block ids and spawn them in with customized ore generation rules. Isn't Better World Gen promising to do this soon.

It's actually not trivial, because it's more than the block ids. It's the registration in the oredict. The whole reason redpower gems work in IC2/GT recipes is because of the dictionary and it is not an intended effect of either Eloraam or Greg.

But that's not the point, you can't modify the game specifically to make something less useful and then point out that what you made less useful is less useful. Diamonds are useful, and are reasonably quite rare for at least a period of time after starting up. Similar to things like Ender pearls, the become ubiquitous as time in the game world goes on, but they have use even then.[DOUBLEPOST=1366997964][/DOUBLEPOST]
I've been waiting patiently for you to recover your people skills but it's now clear that you have none to recover.

I have all the people skills I desire to correct somebody who is continuously and blatantly wrong about the nonsense they spew.

I presented the numbers as offered by the SC wiki

Now you're just flat out lying. You should stop that.
What's happened is the Gregtech approach of adding time and tedium

Funny, because that's basic game design that has worked for thousands of years. Don't make things too easy. Don't make rewards guaranteed. It's doubly funny because the people who bitch the loudest play anyways, so there's no downside to embracing such a design.

Want to see the human psyche in action? Go watch people in casinos playing slots. Thats why "time and tedium" works so very well.
Funny, because that's basic game design that has worked for thousands of years. Don't make things too easy. Don't make rewards guaranteed. It's doubly funny because the people who bitch the loudest play anyways, so there's no downside to embracing such a design.

Want to see the human psyche in action? Go watch people in casinos playing slots. Thats why "time and tedium" works so very well.

I will add that it was pretty damn grim before overclockers were available and those new assembly machines came in. Now that they can be overclocked it's not quite so bad.
I will add that it was pretty damn grim before overclockers were available and those new assembly machines came in. Now that they can be overclocked it's not quite so bad.

The only issue I had was with the circuit assembler, which totally coincidentally, was the only machine I didn't automate.

Furthermore, every recipe that used the assembler had a normal crafting table recipe as well. It just took more resources. It's thus more an example of trading time for savings in "stuff" than an actual time requirement.
Funny, because that's basic game design that has worked for thousands of years. Don't make things too easy. Don't make rewards guaranteed. It's doubly funny because the people who bitch the loudest play anyways, so there's no downside to embracing such a design.

Want to see the human psyche in action? Go watch people in casinos playing slots. Thats why "time and tedium" works so very well.
Why would you embrace something that satisfied Neanderthals?