This Challenge is being updated to Version 4.0, and all current information and rules can be found on the Wiki. Fair Warning! I LOVE Bullet points!
Currently Writing: 4.3: Mining (Harvesting, Reprocessing, Mining Supports)
Next: 4.4: Trade (Storage, Transportation, Roads, and Commerce)
On Deck: 4.5: Crafting Guild
Have you ever wanted to build a complete Kingdom from scratch in Minecraft? Let me guess, you got bored and quit, or you just got overwhelmed and ragequit.While I can't help too much with the former, I am here to help with the latter.
Just follow the program, and you will soon (relatively speaking) have a complete Kingdom, from a Dirt Hovel to a Diamond Capital!
Basic Guidelines:
The Stages (the stages with descriptions have been rewritten up to a 4.1 standard. Some minor tweaks are still required):
Note: Stages 6-10 will be coming at a future date, once at least v4.6 is fully in place up to the Gold City Stage.
Stage 6: Lapis Lazuli Metropolis
Stage 7: Emerald Capital
Stage 8: Diamond Kingdom
Stage 9: Netherstar Imperium
Stage 10: Draconic End-game
Optional Guidelines:
Rymmie1981's Wood Settlement
ex13's Wood Settlement
Dare2Win's Wooden Settlement House
Demeera's Lumbermill
Dunkurtin's Clay Hovel
Currently Writing: 4.3: Mining (Harvesting, Reprocessing, Mining Supports)
Next: 4.4: Trade (Storage, Transportation, Roads, and Commerce)
On Deck: 4.5: Crafting Guild
Have you ever wanted to build a complete Kingdom from scratch in Minecraft? Let me guess, you got bored and quit, or you just got overwhelmed and ragequit.While I can't help too much with the former, I am here to help with the latter.
Just follow the program, and you will soon (relatively speaking) have a complete Kingdom, from a Dirt Hovel to a Diamond Capital!
This Challenge is a spiritual successor to Iamchris27's original City Construction Challenge from the Minecraft forums. I have been given full permission by the author to rework his Challenge, but I choose not to take his challenge's name out of respect.
I hope to pay tribute to an AMAZING challenge, and to make mod support simultaneously built into the core of the Challenge and at the same time superfluous for our Vanilla brethren. If you like the idea, but not my Challenge in particular, why not try some of the following similarly themed challenges instead:
I hope to pay tribute to an AMAZING challenge, and to make mod support simultaneously built into the core of the Challenge and at the same time superfluous for our Vanilla brethren. If you like the idea, but not my Challenge in particular, why not try some of the following similarly themed challenges instead:
Iamchris27's original challenge (see link above)
Windenburgh's 10,000 BN Challenge (which actually inspired Iamchris27 in the first place)
Csieg's The Modern City Challenge
Lents 12's Kingdom Building Challenge
Steelfeather's Castle Building Challenge
Windenburgh's 10,000 BN Challenge (which actually inspired Iamchris27 in the first place)
Csieg's The Modern City Challenge
Lents 12's Kingdom Building Challenge
Steelfeather's Castle Building Challenge
Basic Guidelines:
- You must be wearing a helmet of some kind before going underground to protect your head, any kind of helmet is acceptable. You must leave the mine if your helmet breaks and you do not have a spare to equip.
- Mine shafts must be at least 3x3 areas (except in naturally generated caves) and have support beams at frequent intervals
- Logs used as supports requires support beams every 10 blocks
- Smooth Stone (or blocks, or Chisel/other variants) used as supports allow support blocks every 16 blocks.
- If you find a bucket, you may use it regardless of the stage you are in.
- at any Stage (including Dirt Hovel), you may use a Furnace to create Charcoal
- You may not use a Furnace for anything else until the Wood Settlement Stage
- "Rooms" referenced in the Wiki/Challenge may refer to a space that is indoors or outdoors of any size that is clearly demarcated and used for a specific purpose.
- NPC constructs (ie villages, etc) do not count towards requirements, but you may use anything you find in their chests
- You may not craft replacements for items found in chests, however.
- Use at least Easy difficulty until the advent of electricity.
- Don't cheat.
- Please post your progress either in this thread or in Iamchris27's original thread. Pictures and/or videos would be WONDERFUL! A lot of fun of challenges for some of us are reading about how others are doing.
The Stages (the stages with descriptions have been rewritten up to a 4.1 standard. Some minor tweaks are still required):
- No Tools. No Technology. No Magic. Just a bunch of Clay and very basic blocks. Can you survive?
- You've survived. For now. But people are settling down around you. Use your Wooden Tools and help them survive too. Build a School so your new Immigrants are up to snuff for your slowly advancing technology.
- General School (All Guilds)
- Your small Hamlet is beginning to thrive. Your new Stone Tools are just what the doctor ordered, and the Stone you're mining below the surface is just the thing to reinforce the buildings in the village. Build a College and a Library, to make sure that your knowledge is not lost.
- Mining Guild focus/School
- Agriculture Guild focus/School
- It's time to put the metals you've found in your mining forays beneath the town to good use. Start down the path of Magic, the path of Technology, or both, with the help of your new metal tools, but don't forget your people. Make sure that they are healthy, happy, safe, and well educated.
- Trade/Crafting Guild Focus/School
- Military Guild Focus/School
- Having come to terms with the new discoveries, your citizens have pushed themselves to further refining their discoveries, and have discovered how to use Diamonds as implements! People are coming from all over just to see what you have rediscovered of the ancient arts of Technology and Magic. Many are coming to stay, while others are content to build embassies. There are whispers from what few tomes of the Ancients that have been recovered of a hellish landscape that lies not that far from our own. Of horrors--and treasures. What could that possibly mean?
Note: Stages 6-10 will be coming at a future date, once at least v4.6 is fully in place up to the Gold City Stage.
Stage 6: Lapis Lazuli Metropolis
Stage 7: Emerald Capital
Stage 8: Diamond Kingdom
Stage 9: Netherstar Imperium
Stage 10: Draconic End-game
Optional Guidelines:
- 1) Try running one or more of the following Challenges alongside this Challenge:
- Lilariel's Tree Spirit Challenge
- Steelfeathers' Castle Building Challenge
- 1) Pick a/several Cubeaism deities for your village/town/city, and try to follow them loosely. It is up to you whether you strictly adhere to a specific deity, try to honor multiple deities, or play fast and loose with the rules while keeping with the deity's particular sense of style
- 2) Build by Districts: Separate all of your buildings by district (ie farming, mining, manufacturing, residential, administrative, port, transportation hub, etc.). I offer up Nebux's designas a rough example. I admit to being too lazy to watch the videos, but it looks like he's got farming, wood, mining, commercial, etc all separated.
- 2a) pick a particular Cubeist deity for each individual district

Rymmie1981's Wood Settlement
ex13's Wood Settlement
Dare2Win's Wooden Settlement House
Demeera's Lumbermill

Dunkurtin's Clay Hovel
VaalDeth's Modified Kingdom Construction Challenge
The Mobius Archive's Kingdom Construction Challenge
Robert Mack's Resonant Rise Refugee to Regent Challenge
If you liked this Challenge, consider giving some of these a try:
The Fantasy City Build Challenge
The Moded Fantasy City Build Challenge
The Mobius Archive's Kingdom Construction Challenge
Robert Mack's Resonant Rise Refugee to Regent Challenge
If you liked this Challenge, consider giving some of these a try:
The Fantasy City Build Challenge
The Moded Fantasy City Build Challenge
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