Research fiery steel and void metal.What do I need, so I can research the thaumium restorer from thaumic tinkerer?
Research fiery steel and void metal.What do I need, so I can research the thaumium restorer from thaumic tinkerer?
Void metal? Wow...Research fiery steel and void metal.
I check the scripts to see what changes we've made, but that's not the best source. In theory quests are coming when I make them which might help, just I get distracted easily and Uni is building up a little at the moment.Void metal? Wow...
Another question, is this information in some place? Like the alterations to the research? I think maybe it would be useful...
Yes. We would need to hack MB but it doesnt break anything so no need to worry about thatQuestion:
The Magic Bees Deep Hive always spawns in a cluster of Redstone Ore that I assume is created by the Magic Bees mod on world gen. Is it intended that the ore be vanilla Minecraft ore instead of the GT equivalent?
What about using a "saw" to craft away the saplings into sticks if you have too many?-crop-
The only use ive seen so far from sapplings is to make ethanol (think i might actually go that route because reasons i have tons of apples and sapplings im just voiding) and herba to run the lamps of growth. If someone has some other uses for them i would love to know
How much power does SGCraft Stargates use for power? Might be a use if you're interested.Just a small question regarding fusion that i have always had some problem with. What the hell do you do with all that power once you have built a fusion reactor? I mean i have problems using all the power i get from my 14400 eu/t lava setup so what would i make of the huge outputs of a fusion reactor. Just voiding energy feels fundamentaly wrong for me as im a bit of an efficiency freak.
So my real question is really: What are the end game power consumers in infitech?
This is one of the main reason why i havent gotten into nuclear yet as i really dont see the need to continously produce 10k+ eu/t as i don't have any clue what i could do to spend that amount of power.
While most western cultures use cold drinks in hot climates most eastern recommend warm drinks in warm weather... In some ways I thinks it's a matter of taste... make(homemade) ice-coffee next timeAha, I don't really mind if it was additional recipes that were added, however I was just surprised since it got stuck at "Dressing Capes", yes a coffee is quite a good idea although in this heat ice-cream seems more viable imho.
Sweet, a great challenge to start with since researching TC in this pack isn't as easy as TC-vanilla.I have a question about Thaumcraft Taint biomes: Does this biome spread if within range of loaded chunks? I started a new map, which had a lot of jungle terrain in it, and some great loot in about half a dozen jungle temples, and I eventually found a spot for a base but the only problem is that there's a Taint biome not far away from where my base is. I want to know if i would be better off looking for a base location that isn't so close to the Taint or if being a certain distance away prevents Taint from spreading into my loaded chunks and becoming a problem.
I revealed some of it but it's a distance away from my base location, the trouble with Taint is that I'm not sure I want to find out how close it is to the rest of my loaded chunks and there's no way to tell if Thaumcraft Taint is going to generate in chunks near my loaded chunks. It's approximately x:1000 and z:100 away from where my base currently is. I just don't want to be forced into a corner with Taint painting itself around the landscape.
Cheers ...
Hmm, make more varied food to start off. Get a mixer, and some more machines, to make a bread factory when you have reached LV-tech level?Hey, new Infitech 2 player here - I finally established a base and began to establish a food supply.
I'm finding the Pam's Harvestcraft 1 bucket of water giving 1 Freshwater to be incredibly tedious for making bread. I attempted to modify the Harvestcraft config to provide more freshwater per bucket, but that doesn't seem to work - after some searching on the internet it seems like using Minetweaker to modify the value is the only way.
I have no experience with Minetweaker - I tried to add a new shapeless recipe, but it doesn't seem to want to work.
Is there an easier work around? I really enjoy the pack, but having to spend 10 minutes exchanging bucket->fresh water to get enough to make a stack of bread is not exactly my idea of a good time.
From what I remember of vanilla mechanics, you should never actually plant a full, single-crop, field for maximum yield...Well, I tested a 3x3 patch of Cotton Seeds, and the resulting acquisition of cotton to make string was no faster than on vanilla farmland, using an Extra Utilities Watering Can. In fact, I might have picked a bad location or something, because if anything, it was slower than vanilla farmland. Or maybe I didn't test it using the usual 9x9 patch of farmland I normally have growing at the same time. Either way, I can't really see a good reason to nerf it, you'll need sand and dirt to make it anyway so there's that.
At the moment, it's only a convenience factor. One still would have to gather the required resources or prepare space for farming plots anyway. The only thing I possibly don't like is that it doesn't need a hoe, but I had thought something extremely similar to the Ztones Garden Soil was in an entirely different modpack, and that modpack had it in both tilled and untilled versions. That might be a config setting you'd need to turn on in the Ztones config.
Either way, I don't really care if it doesn't stay as is, like I mentioned earlier, it's mostly a convenience, but by no means is it a necessity.
Cheers ...
First rule of GT: Don't be discouraged by the complexity.I am have never played with GregTech in my LIFE. Total virgin here, first time in a few years of modded MC. We'll see what happens!
Also, is there a server somewhere?
The most likely reason for this behavior is that Galacticraft ores are registered in a way that lets the AE grindstone work while GT standard ores are using standard GT methods...Why is it that red or black granite Iron Ore from GregTech cannot be pulverized for a chance at a second output in a Quartz Grindstone from AE2 but similarly colored ore from Galacticraft Planets can be pulverized in the same machine?
From my understanding of Galacticraft, it's going to be a long time before I will ever get my hands on any of it's ores, and I don't see why I cannot pulverize the red/black granite ores from GregTech in a Quartz Grindstone to make doubling them up a little easier. I also understand that by the time I get to Galacticraft, I will have built a processing system that would be way more powerful than a Quartz Grindstone would ever be at that stage of the modpack progression tree.
Cheers ...
There are a couple of interdiction options available in the pack to stop teleportation... so while your current setup might not work it might not need to much change to stop teleporting mobs.Is it teleporting the player or the wither because if the wither can teleport then my automated wither killing machine obviously doesnt work anymore![]()
Yes, they have different processing paths and different energy content, just like there is four(right?) different oils ingame... only problem with the LPG is that they are named the same... so checking NEI requires some more thinking on the part of us usersI am currently running 3.2.6 on my server and I noticed the LPG for pneumaticraft does not in the chemical reactor. I cannot even get the chemical reactor to accept it. Is pneumaticraft LPG suppose to be different than GregTech LPG?
Agreed, I generally use ' rather than either , or . since 1'000 can never be mistaken for for 1.000 or 1,000 no matter where you are from.Just a hundred-and-one, with a lot of precision? That's not bad at all !
(jk: silly places that use decimals as thousands counters)
Thaumcraft in this pack is not thaumcraft... it's too heavily modified to count as vanilla TC so think of it as GT-TC... so use the research book a lot and don't expect your foreknowledge to help much.Void metal? Wow...
Another question, is this information in some place? Like the alterations to the research? I think maybe it would be useful...
The most likely reason for this behavior is that Galacticraft ores are registered in a way that lets the AE grindstone work while GT standard ores are using standard GT methods...
I don't know if you are aware but not all players of tech-mods/packs like GT and that might be the case with the creator of AE2... It's just a guess but it's how I approach problems with tech-mods interacting with GT.
And to be perfectly frank I don't much care that the grindstone isn't fully functional since it's a "tier 0" machine... and to get black of red ores you need tier 3 picks... so you should already have a macerator by the time you have any good amount of red and black ores...
... that does not appear in red or black granite...
First, unless I missed something, worldgen/oregen is handled by the luck of your seed and GregTech, not Jason. The generation of red and black granite is as random as the generation of gravel and dirt.... Personally, I feel that the oregen should be completely reworked...
Your reply seems to hit the point of my reply so you didn't misquote me. And I agree that some ores will work in the AE grinder, specifically it's the ores that are using "vanilla" ore-registration, as in copper, iron, tin... those can be found in many tech-packs and are not uniquely GT ores.Sven, first of all, apologies if clipping out parts of your multi-quoted message caused me to miss anything or screw with the context.
Second, the quoted part I left above of your message doesn't apply because there are GT-type ores that will pulverize in the AE2 Grindstone. I think it's more of a question whether Jason can add them to a particular machine for processing. The biggest problem I have early on is finding iron I can actually double up, or for that matter, tin. Tin is a lot rarer than copper, and large quantities of both are required to make sufficient steam era machines if I'm to get out of the Bronze age and into the next tier. Iron I have so far found almost always seems to spawn in the regular variety in places where red or black granite also generates and therefore colorizes it to that GT ore variant, with the added mining level requirement.
I've stopped playing InfiTech because of this reason, it's simply too difficult to go around and find a spot where I can pick up some regular iron ore which I can double without having to go to the extreme lengths of hunting down T3 materials from worldgen loot chests to mine through the red and black granite with. It's not that I would mind having to set up the extra machines alone that is frustrating me, it's that iron ore in regular veins I could double easily simply isn't readily available near the surface, and if I have to waste a RL day or two exploring to find loot chests with T3 materials that can make picks that will mine through it's not worth my time to do so because it takes too long. Digging down to where the lower level ores generate also has the same problems, I never know when I might hit iron, copper, or tin veins which have red or black granite in them and might have to mine several dozen more ores to make machines to progress to the next tier, thus wasting many ores I could double if I had easier access to the raw materials that make Bronze Era machines.
I play single-player exclusively, and the way that InfiTech is set up, it's substantially not worth my time to keep running into this issue of unreachable ores. If Jason would relax the mining grind a little and not make T3 ores such a painful requirement to mine, or increase the worldgen of bronze, tin, and iron that does not appear in red or black granite substantially enough that I can find surface levels of these key veins more easily I would have a much easier time of getting started in InfiTech. In it's current state, InfiTech simply is not resource friendly to those playing single-player.
I don't know if Jason could control at what levels red or black granite appears in, but if he could do so I would strongly prefer it to be down in the lower depths of worldgen, along with substantial, even "mine me if you can" sized tin, copper, and iron veins of the regular variety than can be doubled with processing.
It's also doing me no good to try digging shafts to find veins, for the same reason the red or black granite gets in the way. I could at least have a go at mining through these veins if ores needed to make T3 picks were easily accessible and in T1 or T2 ore types, the problem is that in order to mine higher tiers of materials, I have to first mine that which I need in order to mine it's lower level pick which gets me that higher tier material. It's a vicious progression circle that always keeps coming back to bite me every single time I take a look at this issue. If this issue is left unaddressed, it's simply not worth my while to dig uselessly around whilst failing badly at finding that which I need to progress.
It's probably also going to be difficult for Jason to find a proper balance which is suitable for MP experience where there are many people, I do understand that he has to try and find a balance somewhere. Personally, I feel that the oregen should be completely reworked so that the higher the tier of ore is in the progression chain, the lower it is found in worldgen. This will mean substantial changes to how InfiTech generates ores and worldgen that affects ore levels, such as where red or black granite appears through and around veins.
I apologize if this post is long-winded, but I have a moderate chesty cough, and need to get this massive oregen hurdle off my chest between hacking up whatever.
Cheers ...
When a game is challenging, you have a choice... either quit, or rise above the challenge.
Then make yourself a quick Diamond Pick, and then chew through the red and black granite like it's melted butter.
the HP boiler just produces just over twice as much steam as the bronze ones. you don't have to upgrade your piping unless you have enough machines running that they are starving for steam despite a stable interesting question about the steam pipes. i know they each transfer and hold different amounts. but when i get to high pressure steel generators should i move up to the steel pipes or bigger bronze ones? is compressed steam an actual thing? or just means double steam production/use?
the HP boiler just produces just over twice as much steam as the bronze ones. you don't have to upgrade your piping unless you have enough machines running that they are starving for steam despite a stable buffer.
chiming in on the ore-gen RNG, where/how do you mine to maximize the chance of finding sulfur and diamond veins? no luck in my world so far, either the caves are too high, I find something im nowhere close to being able to use, or hundreds of blocks of empty branch mine.
Sulfur - definitelly nether (however I have couple stacks of sulfur from ore processing)the HP boiler just produces just over twice as much steam as the bronze ones. you don't have to upgrade your piping unless you have enough machines running that they are starving for steam despite a stable buffer.
chiming in on the ore-gen RNG, where/how do you mine to maximize the chance of finding sulfur and diamond veins? no luck in my world so far, either the caves are too high, I find something im nowhere close to being able to use, or hundreds of blocks of empty branch mine.
Sulfur - definitelly nether (however I have couple stacks of sulfur from ore processing)
Diamond - just shear luck.
You have couple of options when it comes to finding specific vein.
1) Branch Mine on the current level (problem: You might miss the vein if it will be above or below the tunnel)
2) 2x1 Shaft Mining (same as with Vein Marking technique)... You might combine it with option 1: Branch mine above the specified level for couple of chunks and then do shorter shafts
3) If you are HV, then you can use Seismic Prospector. It scans 5x5 blocks (not chunks) area all the way to the bedrock. You need Data Stick, Printer, Assembler to actually be able to read what you prospected.
4) OD Scanner (or is it OV?... basically the higher tier one). Combined with again option 1 it will remove the need of shaft mining.
5) Cheating is always an option too.
Sulfur - definitelly nether (however I have couple stacks of sulfur from ore processing)
Diamond - just shear luck.
You have couple of options when it comes to finding specific vein.
1) Branch Mine on the current level (problem: You might miss the vein if it will be above or below the tunnel)
2) 2x1 Shaft Mining (same as with Vein Marking technique)... You might combine it with option 1: Branch mine above the specified level for couple of chunks and then do shorter shafts
3) If you are HV, then you can use Seismic Prospector. It scans 5x5 blocks (not chunks) area all the way to the bedrock. You need Data Stick, Printer, Assembler to actually be able to read what you prospected.
4) OD Scanner (or is it OV?... basically the higher tier one). Combined with again option 1 it will remove the need of shaft mining.
5) Cheating is always an option too.
Sulfur - definitelly nether (however I have couple stacks of sulfur from ore processing)
Diamond - just shear luck.
You have couple of options when it comes to finding specific vein.
1) Branch Mine on the current level (problem: You might miss the vein if it will be above or below the tunnel)
2) 2x1 Shaft Mining (same as with Vein Marking technique)... You might combine it with option 1: Branch mine above the specified level for couple of chunks and then do shorter shafts
3) If you are HV, then you can use Seismic Prospector. It scans 5x5 blocks (not chunks) area all the way to the bedrock. You need Data Stick, Printer, Assembler to actually be able to read what you prospected.
4) OD Scanner (or is it OV?... basically the higher tier one). Combined with again option 1 it will remove the need of shaft mining.
5) Cheating is always an option too.
I bet that Jason is lifting his pinky to his mouth muttering "Mini me, Mini me"We have a mascot on our new world - a captured, baby Jason McRay. Far more amusing than it should be!
Correct, Regrowth actually uses a mod called Agricraft which is based off the crop breeding we've got here, only it makes things a bit easier and simpler. Mainly just hope for the best and remember that mutations are much broader than in Agricraft, it isn't one particular pair makes a plant, it's a complex thing based off the tier of crop and various traits they share.First, and most important: how does the crop mutation occur? Reading the questbook, it seem quite similar to magical crops as seen in Regrowth. I'm I wrong? The book states that mutations are rare and slow... they are! I've got no mutatinos in 60MC days... may be I'm missing something.
Ok, so there are three types of ores you'll find in InfiTech. The first and rarest are vanilla style ores, they spawn in small clusters around the world, these include thaumcraft shards, teslatite, and yellorite, they're everywhere and aren't part of other veins, they're also only for stuff gregtech doesn't have so I think I actually just listed all of them there. Fortune works on these as normal.Second with the exception of the 2 quest regarding crops, I've done the other quest up to the one that requires a macerator. That needs diamonds. I've dug A LOT but found only 3 small diamond ores. That gave me:
1) 1 diamond dust
2) 1 diamond
3) using now FortuneIII i got a flawed diamond (fortune, yeah!)
But digging for diamonds (i looked in 20-5 range), I found blue dust (looks like redstone dust but blue) and small sulfur as well of a couple of yellorite-iron-malachite veins. Now, I've seen comments that states that sulfur occur only in nether... can I assume that my ore gen is behaving in some strange ways?
Could it be that the sulfur I found should have been diamonds? I ask because the amount of sulfur ore I found is comparable with vanilla diamonds, 20x the amount of diamonds i found.
Also I did not find ANY tin veins. very few (3-4 small ores) compared 7-8 stacks of yellorite
The coke oven is actually one of the very few major changes to getting started, you need a charcoal pit instead which has a manual. Other than the coke oven the only thing to be weary of is Thaumcraft, everything else should be pretty accurate.finally, any one can point me someone streaming on the latest version? bc every video i came across starts with making a coke oven.... clearly it is not the same game I'm playing (it requires lots of infrastructures)