[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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How did you optimize performance in the modpack?
I don't understand why I'm getting lag in a similar modpack
and in your modpack I'm getting over 350fps
Any suggestions?

GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 (Zotac Amp!)
I haven't made any titanium for a while. I sorta remember it being a byproduct of bauxite. It looks as though it has changed to be much harder/expensive. How are you folks manufacturing titanium?

Related question: Titanium comb (from titanium bees) multiplies crushed titanium ore. But how can one get crushed titanium ore? Does titanium ore exist in the world somewhere? If not then, is the only use for titanium bees/comb to produce titanium tetrachloride from crushed bauxite ore and chlorine?

It is now a rather time consuming process that requires a HV chemical reactor to make as well as several other raw materials. All ores that previously had titanium as a byproduct now instead gives rutile (secondary product from ilmenite and bauxite). The best way to get this is with the sag mill as it gives the highest amount of rutile ore per ore. Once you have rutile ore you combine it with 3 carbon dust and 2 buckets of chlorine (imo best source is salt ore as it gives both sodium and chlorine which are both needed) in a HV chemical reactor to get titaniumtetrachlorine. You then insert this fluid through a input hatch into a 512 eu/t EBF (unspecified voltage) together with 2 magnesium dust (need an olivine vein most likely for this) to give 1 titanium bar and 2 magnesiumchrlorine. The magnesiumchlorine can then be recycled to regain some of the chlorine and magnesium by combining it with sodium (from the salt) in a HV reactor again. this way you regain 75% of the magnesium and chlorine you need to process the rutile ore.

So to sum it up every rutile ore needs 2 buckets of chlorine (1.5 recycled), 2 magnesium dust (1.5 recycled)and 3 carbon dust (1 recycled) and will give you 1 titanium ingot for which you need a HV chemical reactor and EBF. The recycling process needs one sodium for this process as well.

As it is right now i believe crushed titanium ore is unattainable
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I just mutatroned-up a certusquartz queen. I made a certusquartz block put it close to my industrial-apiary. But I am getting the no-flower error. (I also tried this with a normal apiary - same result.) Is there something special I have to do with the certus quartz block to make it usable as a "flower"?
The best way to get this is with the sag mill as it gives the highest amount of rutile ore per ore and is also how you get crushed titanium ore for use with titanium combs.

Thanks Joel.

I checked the NEI listings for SAG-Milling ilmenite and bauxite ores and found that they did not produce crushed titanium ore. I am on version Is this version dependent?

Also, my son (the TC expert) is building a Thaumcraft rutile production set-up. But still, the EU required for one titanium ingot is 696000. Yikes!
I just mutatroned-up a certusquartz queen. I made a certusquartz block put it close to my industrial-apiary. But I am getting the no-flower error. (I also tried this with a normal apiary - same result.) Is there something special I have to do with the certus quartz block to make it usable as a "flower"?
As a flower the bee needs GT version fo the certus block... however its not obtainable, will be fixed in next update. (or you can grab this file and put it into your config/gendustry folder: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JasonMcRay/InfiTech-1.7/master/config/gendustry/bees.cfg)
Thanks Joel.

I checked the NEI listings for SAG-Milling ilmenite and bauxite ores and found that they did not produce crushed titanium ore. I am on version Is this version dependent?

Also, my son (the TC expert) is building a Thaumcraft rutile production set-up. But still, the EU required for one titanium ingot is 696000. Yikes!
The SAG mill changes that caused increased output of secondary byproducts as crushed ores happened in 3.2.6 version. Update and you should be good to go.

The TC method is interesting, but I'm pretty sure the SAG Mill to get crushed titanium and combining with bee comb in chemical reactor is probably the best overall way to get the most rutile for your effort.

If ~700k EU is a lot for you, consider whether you're still limping along on power systems that are beneath your current level of progress. There's lots of ways to generate MORE POWAH! Push into an EV power source as soon as possible, buffer a bunch of lapotron crystals, and hit it hard.
Workaround: you can breed out that flower requirement.
You can genetic imprint (GenDustry) out a flower that you don't possess, but it's pretty hard to use standard forestry breeding to get rid of a flower trait for a flower you don't possess. Not impossible, but man that's not something I'd consider trying.
You can genetic imprint (GenDustry) out a flower that you don't possess, but it's pretty hard to use standard forestry breeding to get rid of a flower trait for a flower you don't possess. Not impossible, but man that's not something I'd consider trying.
? Most entry-level bees like flowers. So long as you're not fighting with mutations (which over-complicate things), its not hard to breed in/out a specific trait with another type of bee.

Breeding "certus quartz blocks" out of certus bees with, say, meadows bees, isn't any harder than breeding in/out other traits that I've found. Just don't do it with a bee that can mutate with certus bees: you want re-streamlining your certus bees to be as simple as possible.
the animal-producing bees are hilarious, I actually considered making a methane-plant doing this :p

I wonder: this might also be a fun way to produce xp. Need to explore further.

Lookup "Explorer" effect if you want a easy EXP farm(comes from jungle bee line)

Even easier exp if you have the Effect jar's from MB and can mass produce drones.

Jason, I just got this crash at the end of the above paste when wandering around the ExtraBiomesXL biome with lots of tall forest trees in it. Apparently a volcanic formation from ProjectRed formed, and suddenly Minecraft had issues with updating neighboring chunks, then exited.

Lots of weirdness happening, apparently the fire started burning the forest trees down, causing an extra load of update lag in addition to lag generated by other things happening simultaneously, and the system couldn't handle it all, so crashed.

I am just now rebooting the modpack, hope I can log back in again! :D

Edit: Reboot successful, I reloaded the world I was on in peaceful mode because there had been something moving to attack me, I find it's sometimes the case that an attacking entity will cause update lag and warp to my location. I don't need hassles like that from entities while Minecraft is trying to reload the world, so just avoided the issue entirely, and moved back to normal mode once loading settled down.

Cheers ...

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Has anyone else had issues with GT Super Buffers being incredibly laggy? Thaumcraft is almost always not very well optimized, but I can't understand why Super Buffers tend to produce such a high load on the server.


The "Bronze Hull" located at -718 60 -1030 is an EV Super Buffer:

Had issues with super buffers before on the 3.1.x server also being very laggy. I'm using the super buffer to output a stack size of 9 into a packager with a 3x3 schematic (turning tiny dusts and nuggets into ingots).

A regular GT chest buffer won't work here because there aren't enough slots to cover all the possibilities from the output of D-O-B combs.

@Blood Asp any ideas maybe?
Hey, stupid issue here. Some of my friends and I are running a server where Diesel Generators don't generate power. We know that we are feeding in a valid fluid because all of the users have been able to generate energy when we load up single player worlds it runs just fine. Any thoughts on what we can do to fix it?
Has anyone else had issues with GT Super Buffers being incredibly laggy? Thaumcraft is almost always not very well optimized, but I can't understand why Super Buffers tend to produce such a high load on the server.

@Blood Asp any ideas maybe?

Had the same issue back to GT 5.07 versions.

Workaround: Do not power the superbuffer directly. Use alternative methods (such as conveyor belts on pipes) to extract items. This will eliminate the lag.
Had the same issue back to GT 5.07 versions.

Workaround: Do not power the superbuffer directly. Use alternative methods (such as conveyor belts on pipes) to extract items. This will eliminate the lag.
Will that still allow you to extract a specific stack size though? Stack size is really the only reason to use the super buffer.
I am have never played with GregTech in my LIFE. Total virgin here, first time in a few years of modded MC. We'll see what happens!

Also, is there a server somewhere?
I checked the NEI listings for SAG-Milling ilmenite and bauxite ores and found that they did not produce crushed titanium ore. I am on version Is this version dependent?

My bad, they actually produce crushed rutile ore. Will go and edit original post. As far as i know crushed titanium ore is unattainable as of now. Something that needs to be fixed i think. Only thing that is needed should be changing the recepie to crushed rutile ore rather than crushed titanium ore
Has anyone else had issues with GT Super Buffers being incredibly laggy? Thaumcraft is almost always not very well optimized, but I can't understand why Super Buffers tend to produce such a high load on the server.


The "Bronze Hull" located at -718 60 -1030 is an EV Super Buffer:

Had issues with super buffers before on the 3.1.x server also being very laggy. I'm using the super buffer to output a stack size of 9 into a packager with a 3x3 schematic (turning tiny dusts and nuggets into ingots).

A regular GT chest buffer won't work here because there aren't enough slots to cover all the possibilities from the output of D-O-B combs.

@Blood Asp any ideas maybe?

Had the same issue back to GT 5.07 versions.

Workaround: Do not power the superbuffer directly. Use alternative methods (such as conveyor belts on pipes) to extract items. This will eliminate the lag.

Will that still allow you to extract a specific stack size though? Stack size is really the only reason to use the super buffer.

Conveyor belts will not output the correct stacksize anymore.

The reason for the lag is the huge inventory that has to be checked every time it tries to inout or output something. Trying to input into a full super buffer multiple times a sec or exporting into another huge and partly filled inventory is making it even worse.

So make sure it does not completely fill up, insert if possible bigger Stacks with lower frequency and what I can't see on the pic: does it output directly into a machine and not into a chest or other big inventory?
Conveyor belts will not output the correct stacksize anymore.

The reason for the lag is the huge inventory that has to be checked every time it tries to inout or output something. Trying to input into a full super buffer multiple times a sec or exporting into another huge and partly filled inventory is making it even worse.

So make sure it does not completely fill up, insert if possible bigger Stacks with lower frequency and what I can't see on the pic: does it output directly into a machine and not into a chest or other big inventory?

That reminds me that IV conveyor belts are also laggy (IIRC so not for sure) too because they are just too fast and are constantly running. Maybe there should be some idle period after a failed operation for such inventory related machines.