Sven "flamestrider"
*smiles* Think of it this way, if you don't know and it's "common knowledge" you have access to a lot of teachers, maybe even one or two good onesHi to all!
I've lots of experience in modded MC, but totally new to gregtech. So I came here for asking some help, since I'm still stuck in the first chapter of the questline. Forgive me, probably I'm going to ask some well-kown facts.
First, and most important: how does the crop mutation occur? Reading the questbook, it seem quite similar to magical crops as seen in Regrowth. I'm I wrong? The book states that mutations are rare and slow... they are! I've got no mutatinos in 60MC days... may be I'm missing something.
Second with the exception of the 2 quest regarding crops, I've done the other quest up to the one that requires a macerator. That needs diamonds. I've dug A LOT but found only 3 small diamond ores. That gave me:
1) 1 diamond dust
2) 1 diamond
3) using now FortuneIII i got a flawed diamond (fortune, yeah!)
But digging for diamonds (i looked in 20-5 range), I found blue dust (looks like redstone dust but blue) and small sulfur as well of a couple of yellorite-iron-malachite veins. Now, I've seen comments that states that sulfur occur only in nether... can I assume that my ore gen is behaving in some strange ways?
Could it be that the sulfur I found should have been diamonds? I ask because the amount of sulfur ore I found is comparable with vanilla diamonds, 20x the amount of diamonds i found.
Also I did not find ANY tin veins. very few (3-4 small ores) compared 7-8 stacks of yellorite
finally, any one can point me someone streaming on the latest version? bc every video i came across starts with making a coke oven.... clearly it is not the same game I'm playing (it requires lots of infrastructures)
thanks in advance

the macerator quest is easiest done by grinding coaldust(with a handtool, 2 flint and 5 cooked cobble gets you 16 dust) and using a compressor to make an industrial diamond since GT diamond veins are tier 3... though it isn't impossible to complete it other ways if you want to...
"Small ores" generate in the overworld, the reference of sulfur in the nether is to larger veins of solid sulfur ore... meaning ~100blocks or more. Your generation works fine as far as I can tell...
Gregtech ore generation is much different than vanilla ore generation, instead of small clumps of maybe 6 ores you get larger veins, but with larger "dead-zones" in the terrain... meaning it's more worth it to mark on a mini-map, or make a separate entrance if you manage to find a rare ore. it's a lot of work to mine if you use old vanilla style branching since there is so much deadspace between veins of ore. While some players prefer to use shaft mining, from the surface going down, others use vanilla style branching, but with much larger distance between the branching corridors... If you haven't already craft the ore generation book, it's the only(that I know of) location where this packs ore generation can be found, since this pack is slightly different than normal GT in distribution.
Tin is one of the harder early-game ores to find, but once you do find a vein you have so much of it that you almost don't need more than one vein

I'd recommend waiting to do crop breeding until you start crafting in your base, since you then get crop progression at the same time as expanding your tech-infrastructure... and do early bee breeding at the same time... they are both extreme time sinks if you do them separately from other things.