[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Oh and does anyone know the answer to my thaumcraft problem? My golems just stopped planting fir saplings :(

I haven't tried 3.2 , but I'm guessing, it's either:

A) Fir Sapling meta data changed and Thaumcraft doesn't recognize it as a "tree sapling" anymore
B) Thaumcraft changed and it doesn't recognize/like/accept it as a "tree sapling" anymore
C) Thaumcraft game configuration data did not persist across the upgrade and now you have to re-assign planting spots using the Golemancer's Bell

I recommend starting your troubleshooting at (C) and hoping it's not (A) or (B). For (C), if simply re-assigning doesn't work, try resetting the golem entirely (SHIFT + R-CLICK) and re-assigning.

And, if still not work, try vanilla saplings, then Forestry (ex. Mahoe), *then* BoP saplings such as Fir.
1) IC2 energy blocks allowed you to make lossless transport with item conduits (battery in/out). That is not possible with GT Energy Blocks and rechargeable batteries
2) RC Energy Carts allowed you to make again lossless energy transport
3) "why would I make GT electrical tools when I can have unbreakable IC2 ones"

There is no grind in these case added. It is only swapping redundant tools/blocks for those that already exists.

Only those that have equivalents in GT are removed. So tap stayed in.

So what is preventing you from using the new highly experimental current + voltage energy net model with energy loss from IC2? Is that not stable enough to be used in a modpack? Or does it cause unexpected crashing and hanging?

Cheers ...

So what is preventing you from using the new highly experimental current + voltage energy net model with energy loss from IC2? Is that not stable enough to be used in a modpack? Or does it cause unexpected crashing and hanging?

Cheers ...

Last we tested it (several months ago) we found it highly exploitable.
So what is preventing you from using the new highly experimental current + voltage energy net model with energy loss from IC2? Is that not stable enough to be used in a modpack? Or does it cause unexpected crashing and hanging?

Cheers ...

Last we tested it (several months ago) we found it highly exploitable.
Simple connection of two energy sources in a paralel connection caused infinite power creation.

From 2 fully charged MFSU in this paralle connection we will get 160 million EU instead of 80 million, which allows you to create an infinite source of energy, which charges itself!
I still can't find ore veins that I need. i can't progress because I'm lacking certain materials. Wondering around looking for veins clearly won't help for the deeper stuff, right now I"m basically digging 2x1 tunnels in every direction trying to find minerals, and hoping I don't run into granite blocking my path.

Is there any other way to go about finding veins in the bronze age?
Invest your time into Arcane Bore.
Thaunomicon -> artifice tab.

Also, if you'll get to Nether you'll find some cobalt pretty fast, which would give you nice & fast pickaxes for clearing out granite.
Invest your time into Arcane Bore.
Thaunomicon -> artifice tab.
If this was in response to ArchAngel, its not particularly excellent advice for exploratory mining. Even a simple diamond pick (Enchanted or otherwise) can find veins faster than the bore.

That said, the bore is absolutely fantastic for clearing out veins, particularly when its upgraded and grouped with a couple neighbours.

I still can't find ore veins that I need. i can't progress because I'm lacking certain materials. Wondering around looking for veins clearly won't help for the deeper stuff, right now I"m basically digging 2x1 tunnels in every direction trying to find minerals, and hoping I don't run into granite blocking my path.

Is there any other way to go about finding veins in the bronze age?
For finding ores in general, some people like to just drill a grid of holes. Find one vein, go 3 chunks east, and drill down from the surface. Keep doing that every three chunks and you'll find a lot of ores.

For finding specific ores, its still a bit better to go to the correct elevation and drill a 1x2 tunnel like you are. Find a pickaxe that is particularly good at destroying stone. An enchanted pickaxe of destruction is absolutely silly at eating stone for instance.
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If this was in response to ArchAngel, its not particularly excellent advice for exploratory mining. Even a simple diamond pick (Enchanted or otherwise) can find veins faster than the bore.

That said, the bore is absolutely fantastic for clearing out veins, particularly when its upgraded and grouped with a couple neighbours.

For finding ores in general, some people like to just drill a grid of holes. Find one vein, go 3 chunks east, and drill down from the surface. Keep doing that every three chunks and you'll find a lot of ores.
judging by my experience, arcane bore once every 3 chunks with a loader of sort is easier to do then to run around mining. :-P just place it, then face it downwards, chunkload it and go away to place a next one. Half an hour later, get back, check if it found anything. If you can upgrade foci to have 3x3 area and pick to become unbreakable (which is easy with TT enchanter), you' ll be running once every hour or so to find new veins.
judging by my experience, arcane bore once every 3 chunks with a loader of sort is easier to do then to run around mining. :p just place it, then face it downwards, chunkload it and go away to place a next one. Half an hour later, get back, check if it found anything. If you can upgrade foci to have 3x3 area and pick to become unbreakable (which is easy with TT enchanter), you' ll be running once every hour or so to find new veins.
I think you misread his inquiry. He's trying to find ore veins, not mine them.
I think you misread his inquiry. He's trying to find ore veins, not mine them.
Yes... That's what I am talking about as well. It's sorta automated thing from your post - instead of actually mining holes every 3 chunks, you just place a bore, facing down, every 3 chunks. Added value to that is actually the fact that bore works for free - it can eat up perditio to become faster, but for exploratory mining it is fast enough with just a good pick.
Yes... That's what I am talking about as well. It's sorta automated thing from your post - instead of actually mining holes every 3 chunks, you just place a bore, facing down, every 3 chunks. Added value to that is actually the fact that bore works for free - it can eat up perditio to become faster, but for exploratory mining it is fast enough with just a good pick.
Oh, I follow you now. That's actually interesting, I haven't heard of anyone doing sample drilling with the bore before.
I guess I should say dont rely on Railcraft energy carts... they are.... will be.... gone *evil grin* same with all IC2 energy storages *even bigger grin*

Also IC2 powered tools (wrench, drills, ...), and Gravisuite Gravitool and Advanced Mining Drill. (Yes that is the 3x3 mining tool, but there is a big chance that there will something comming down in the pipeline for 3x3)

Question, if they will be gone in the next version of the modpack, what is replacing them? It's already difficult enough in IC2 to make their own energy storage units, but if there isn't a suitable replacement to craft for buffering EU for GregTech to use or a means to power it from another source, what's the point of playing the modpack?

From what I've seen of the energy system in this modpack, it seems transporting it around long distances is disabled. That's not necessarily a good thing, especially if it's very difficult to get energy around from one place to another. What I've seen of GregTech ore veins means you want to quarry somewhere away from your base so there isn't an ugly hole to bedrock outside your front door. This inevitably means transportation of power to run a quarry. The generation seems to be RF-based or EU-based, with few cross-mod interactions between the two.

I get that you're trying to make it as difficult as possible to power GregTech machines, and nerf anything that looks too easy or cheap, but last I looked at the default MFSU recipe, it seemed rather much like the original MFSU recipe, with little or no changes apart from what GregTech already modifies. Most of the useful IC2 machines or storage devices in this modpack - the ones that aren't disabled - could use some degree of recipe tweaking to further integrate them into GregTech, or at the very least brought more into line with the GregTech equivalents they are going to get paired up with for power conversion. Lapotron crystals, for instance, can be crafted in a standard crafting bench even though most of the components required have to be made by using certain GregTech machines.

Some people will just go to whatever lengths it takes to get a power source to somewhere. I personally think you should have made power easier to transport around, so I don't understand why you go nerfing EU power sources so heavily. There's plenty of recipes to busy oneself with in this modpack, to get a lot of the higher GregTech machines will require a lot of GregTech infrastructure anyway. GregTech has never really been known for being a fast mod, at least not in the manner in which it is configured in this modpack, at any rate.

I would like something that has high difficulty, but only if it's relatively clear which path one has to follow. If it is blocked by too many obstacles I may have to throw this modpack into the 'too hard' bin and give up. No use being a damn fool, as the saying goes.

I do, however, enjoy challenging problems, if you can find a middle ground that doesn't seem too overzealous I would strongly recommend going with that.

Cheers ...

Question, if they will be gone in the next version of the modpack, what is replacing them? It's already difficult enough in IC2 to make their own energy storage units, but if there isn't a suitable replacement to craft for buffering EU for GregTech to use or a means to power it from another source, what's the point of playing the modpack?

From what I've seen of the energy system in this modpack, it seems transporting it around long distances is disabled. That's not necessarily a good thing, especially if it's very difficult to get energy around from one place to another. What I've seen of GregTech ore veins means you want to quarry somewhere away from your base so there isn't an ugly hole to bedrock outside your front door. This inevitably means transportation of power to run a quarry. The generation seems to be RF-based or EU-based, with few cross-mod interactions between the two.

I get that you're trying to make it as difficult as possible to power GregTech machines, and nerf anything that looks too easy or cheap, but last I looked at the default MFSU recipe, it seemed rather much like the original MFSU recipe, with little or no changes apart from what GregTech already modifies. Most of the useful IC2 machines or storage devices in this modpack - the ones that aren't disabled - could use some degree of recipe tweaking to further integrate them into GregTech, or at the very least brought them more into line with the GregTech equivalents they are going to get paired up with for power conversion. Lapotron crystals, for instance, can be crafted in a standard crafting bench even though most of the components required have to be made by using certain GregTech machines.

Some people will just go to whatever lengths it takes to get a power source to somewhere. I personally think you should have made power easier to transport around, so I don't understand why you go nerfing EU power sources so heavily. There's plenty of recipes to busy oneself with in this modpack, to get a lot of the higher GregTech machines will require a lot of GregTech infrastructure anyway. GregTech has never really been known for being a fast mod, at least not in the manner in which it is configured in this modpack, at any rate.

I would like something that has high difficulty, but only if it's relatively clear which path one has to follow. If it is blocked by too many obstacles I may have to throw this modpack into the 'too hard' bin and give up. No use being a damn fool, as the saying goes.

I do, however, enjoy challenging problems, if you can find a middle ground that doesn't seem too overzealous I would strongly recommend going with that.

Cheers ...

For energy buffering, What do you mean, no suitable replacement? GregTech battery buffers are awesome replacement.
As for energy transport, I've never transported any kind of energy but liquid energy (e.g. fuel) across more then 1 chunk. It always seemed more logical to make a powergen system where its needed.
For energy buffering, What do you mean, no suitable replacement? GregTech battery buffers are awesome replacement.
As for energy transport, I've never transported any kind of energy but liquid energy (e.g. fuel) across more then 1 chunk. It always seemed more logical to make a powergen system where its needed.

Are you trying to tell me that the IC2 to GregTech conversion method doesn't need to be in this modpack from the next version Jason releases? Why else would Jason be changing it? If this is true, ignore my arguments above, I thought things were the way they were out of necessity, not convenience. I too think it's more logical to have powergen where it's needed.

Cheers ...

Are you trying to tell me that the IC2 to GregTech conversion method doesn't need to be in this modpack from the next version Jason releases? Why else would Jason be changing it? If this is true, ignore my arguments above, I thought things were the way they were out of necessity, not convenience. I too think it's more logical to have powergen where it's needed.

Cheers ...

Hm? IC2 machines connect to GT battery buffers.
edit: Re-read your message, I thought the other way around:
GT powergen -> battery buffer -> IC2 machine
I had no idea that IC2 stuff can be used to produce energy in this modpack.
MC 1.7.10 and this pack on top of it is a challenge for clients. My i4790k + 970 rig was not getting decent framerates until I added Optifine. I went with Optifine Standard. The super-aggressive Optifine HD would crash and/or have strange ghosting/rendering artifacts.
Thanks for the tip, I will check it out.
MC 1.7.10 and this pack on top of it is a challenge for clients. My i4790k + 970 rig was not getting decent framerates until I added Optifine. I went with Optifine Standard. The super-aggressive Optifine HD would crash and/or have strange ghosting/rendering artifacts.

What version of optifine are you using? I downloaded A4 non-HD and I consistantly crash due to updating screen events.
I dont see any problem with our decision:

IC2 gen > GT transformer > machines or battery bufers

GT gen > Machines or battery buffers

So the only diff is that you cant use IC2 storages to store power, but still can use GT storages

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